Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1355 I am determined to follow you for the rest of my life.

At this time, only the Wanlong Kingdom and Yanjing City were left in the land of Haixi. Although the territory of Yanjing City has expanded several times during this period, the new head of the Long Family, Long Qingxuan, has She is extremely ambitious and her appetite is obviously more than that.

If Yanjing City continues to expand, it will have a head-on conflict with the Wanlong Kingdom. Under such circumstances, Long Qingxuan naturally does not want Lu Yu, who is his backer, to have an inseparable relationship with the Wanlong Kingdom. .

Long Qingxuan was revealed by Lu Yu's words, and she didn't show any embarrassment. She immediately lowered her eyebrows and turned into an extremely well-behaved person.

"Qingxuan does have her own little thoughts, but Qingxuan will never forget that everything Qingxuan has at this time was given by the young master. As long as it is something decided by the young master, Qingxuan will never go against your will. ...Qingxuan will never behave like the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons!"

Her voice was filled with resentment, but it was also decisive.

Lu Yu glanced at her sideways: "Do you know what kind of behavior he did to me?"

Long Qingxuan smiled sweetly: "Although I don't know the specific process, I can still guess the general situation! The Dragon Queen must have violated your will, otherwise those giant dragons came to Yanjing City to offer dragon fish How could Young Master be so angry when he was in trouble?"

Lu Yu chuckled: "I didn't expect you to be such a clever little kid... You are right. When we were on Chiyan Island, something very unpleasant happened between me and her. Her behavior had a negative impact on me." For betrayal, she stabbed me hard..."

"However, now and then, you also know that I have been in trouble recently, and there are more powerful enemies in front of me. Compared with the hatred in the past, it is nothing at all..."

"If the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom is willing to support me and deal with the same enemies as me, then I don't mind helping them solve the problem in the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave. After all, the improvement of their strength is equivalent to the improvement of our strength!"

Long Qingxuan was slightly startled and was silent for a while, then nodded solemnly and said sincerely: "In that case, I know what to do!"

"Do you really know what to do?"

Lu Yu smiled softly, stretched out his hand, and gently played with the pair of colorful horns on Long Qingxuan's head.

The horns on the heads of dragons are extremely sensitive parts of their bodies and should never be touched easily. However, Long Qingxuan did not show any displeasure at all. Instead, she gently rubbed Lu Yu's hand. There seems to be some enjoyment...

"You should focus on a broader world, and should not be limited to Haixi. If one day we defeat those powerful enemies, your stage will not only be a small Haixi?"

"Beyond Haixi...the wider world..."

Long Qingxuan whispered softly.

As a dragon, the land of Haixi is their foundation. Even though the Long family's crystal melting business is spread all over the Middle-earth continent, she subconsciously only thinks of the land under her feet.

"But apart from Haixi, are other places suitable for our dragon people to survive?"

The land of Haixi has unique geographical conditions. It is the habitat of giant dragons, and there are dragon god crypts buried one after another underground.

Only here can the dragon people, who are descendants of dragon blood, get the best chance of recuperation and continued development. Even the Dragon God Crypt in the body of the ancestral dragon of Night Star City can only be used as a temporary backup place, not A long-lasting place of reproduction.

"Perhaps this world is difficult to find, but what about places other than this world? For example, the realm of the Dark Dragon?"

As Lu Yu spoke, he gently moved his fingers to draw a special character in the void.

This character is a language unique to the stars. It is exactly what he saw when he was traveling through the starry sky not long ago. It represents the character that represents the meaning of the realm of the dark dragon.

As soon as he saw this character, Long Qingxuan felt as if he was struck by lightning, and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

For a moment, she seemed to feel the call of the Dragon God.

"This seems... to be the power of the Dragon God! Young Master, could it be that... you have also received the inheritance of the Dragon God? How... is this possible!"

Long Qingxuan's expression was complicated, he was speechless, and his whole body was about to go crazy.

"This is just the name of a place. It's what I saw when I was walking through the passage of the Dragon God's crypt. In fact, there is nothing strange about it, and it has nothing to do with the Dragon God's inheritance. relation……"

Lu Yu explained with a smile.

"It may point to the destination of the Dragon God, but I can't be sure. Maybe we can only get the final answer once we truly enter this world one day."

"The Realm of the Dark Dragon...the home of the Dragon God...can we really go to such a place?"

Long Qingxuan's breathing became rapid involuntarily.

"As long as the strength reaches a certain level, this is not a difficult matter. Even now I can think of a specific plan to enter the realm of the dark dragon, but there are still some necessary conditions missing..." Lu Yu replied.

Long Qingxuan looked at the characters in the void and couldn't help showing a look of horror.

She took deep breaths several times, and then gradually calmed down her inner excitement.

Then, he turned around, smiled sweetly at Lu Yu and said, "Sir, Qingxuan is committed to you for the rest of his life!"

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