Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1356 Fengtian City

The Pegasus carriage flew through the air, moving forward rapidly across the vast yellow sand.

Most of the land in Haixi has such a landform, with Gobi desert everywhere.

In fact, according to the geographical environment of Haixi, this place should have a rainy and humid marine climate, but the fact is exactly the opposite. This problem has always troubled many predecessors, but now, Lu Yu understands that it is probably related to the many Dragon God crypts hidden underground in Haixi.

"So, Young Master and Sister Lan went to Tuoshan this time just to persuade Wanlong Kingdom to join our camp and jointly deal with Bixiao Palace?"

After the Tianma frame passed through a sandstorm and the surrounding world became clear again, Long Qingxuan changed the topic again.

Lu Yu said: "This is just the most ideal result. If it fails, at least the Wanlong Kingdom cannot fall to the enemy's camp... However, in fact, compared to this, we have a more direct reason..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu winked at Ye Weilan who was standing aside.

Ye Weilan immediately understood, raised his hand slightly, and took out the black tail of the dragon fish from the Qiankun bag.

However, the black tail of the dragon fish, which originally had smooth lines and wild shapes, is now completely damaged. Only two soft strips are left on it, which can vaguely be seen as the tail fin of the giant dragon.

"Is this the black tail of the arowana?"

Long Qingxuan was surprised: "How did it become like this?"

Lu Yu said: "A few days ago, I encountered a particularly formidable enemy in the sea of ​​worms. His strength far exceeded that of ordinary Tiangang warriors. As a result... it ended up like this..."

"Tiangang strong man!"

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but scream.

For her, the Tiangang strongman is a figure that only exists in legends. She is not even qualified to see it, let alone the Tiangang strongman whose strength is far beyond ordinary. It is an existence that she cannot imagine... …

"What about the final result? What happened to the strong man in the end?"

"He's dead." Lu Yu said simply.

Although his tone was understatement, from the degree of damage to the black tail of the dragon fish, Long Qingxuan could easily imagine how thrilling that battle was.

A battle of this level was beyond her imagination. However, Lu Yu was the final winner of this battle. For a moment, Long Qingxuan not only had a feeling of admiration for him.

"So, in addition to forming an alliance, Sir, you also hope that Wanlong Kingdom can help repair this dragon fish black tail..."

Long Qingxuan's difficult digestive tract.

"I'm afraid this matter is a bit difficult to handle. The black tail of the dragon fish is a legacy of the Dragon God. It is not a creation that should appear in this world. Whether it can be repaired with the power of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom is still a matter of debate... "

"Besides, last time Queen Qiangang of Wanlong made an arbitrary decision and insisted on gifting this thing to you. It is said that this matter caused dissatisfaction among many dragon clans. Many dragon clans have publicly questioned Queen Wanlong's decision many times. So far, everyone within Wanlong Kingdom has expressed dissatisfaction. There are still people who are worried about this..."

"Now that the young master has brought this damaged dragon treasure to the Wanlong Kingdom, I am afraid that it will arouse the hatred of the dragons and make them even more dissatisfied with the young master..."

"So what if I'm dissatisfied?"

Lu Yu said lightly: "I came to Haixi this time not to satisfy them..."

Long Qingxuan could feel his strong self-confidence deeply from his plain tone, and couldn't help but choke. After a moment of silence, he said: "At least, when repairing this Dragon Clan treasure, I will definitely use it." With the power of these giant dragons, the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons alone will definitely not be able to repair this thing..."

"In that case, I will help these dragons understand the situation." Lu Yu said, "Even if the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom is at its peak at this time, there are still some people they cannot afford to offend."

After a pause, he continued: "This time we go to Tuoshan, we are indeed asking for them, but this does not mean that we need to be humble to them. All of this will be an exchange of equal value. This time they If you help me, you will definitely get the same reward in the future!”

Long Qingxuan was startled for a moment, and then smiled sweetly again: "Qingxuan understands what the young master means, Qingxuan knows what to do..."

The Tianma carriage headed eastward and continued to fly.

Not long after, the yellow sand in the sky disappeared, and a lush oasis appeared below.

This is a rare landform in Haixi. Generally, the appearance of such a landform indicates that there will be a large city.

Sure enough, a moment later, a majestic city stood towering in the oasis, its magnificence was almost as grand as the Rock Crystal City in the Gobi.

"The Fengtian City here originally belonged to the Tian family among the dragon people, but now it is under the rule of the Wanlong Kingdom. This city has taken several generations of the Tian family to build, and it is extremely strong, although it is not as strong as ours. The Long Family’s Rock Crystal City is not much different, it is one of the few solid and famous cities in Haixi..."

Long Qingxuan introduced to Lu Yu and Ye Weilan.

"Now this place has become a stronghold of the Wanlong Kingdom, with a large number of Wanlong Kingdom troops deployed as the western barrier of Tuoshan. As long as you pass here, you can immediately enter the Tuoshan territory..."

As Long Qingxuan spoke, he hung up the unique emblem of the Long family to show his identity to the defenders in Fengtian City.

She had done this all the way before.

Although the Long family in Yanjing City did not submit to the Wanlong Kingdom, due to Lu Yu's relationship, the Wanlong Kingdom still showed considerable respect to the Long family. It was smooth sailing without any trouble.

However, what Long Qingxuan didn't expect was that the Long family's signboard seemed to be a bit inoperable this time. When the horse carriage flew over Fengtian City, a blaring horn sounded in Fengtian City.

The sky and the earth suddenly surged, and a loud shout was like a thunderbolt from the blue, resounding throughout the sky above Fengtian City.

"How dare a young man like Fang Xiao dare to intrude into the important military territory of our Wanlong Kingdom!"

As this loud shout rang out, Fengtian City was illuminated by a bright array of light, and thunder rolled from all directions.

Long Qingxuan frowned slightly and was about to further reveal his identity.

But at this moment, a clear sword light struck, accurate and ruthless, and struck the eight Pegasus horses pulling the chariot.

The eight divine and powerful Pegasus horses had no time to neigh, and their heads were immediately removed and dismembered into several pieces.

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