Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1357 Disobedience

After beheading Tianma, the clear sword light remained unabated and struck towards the carriage where Lu Yu and others were riding.

Ye Weilan twisted her waist and put on a guarded posture, but the object of her guarding was obviously not the sword light in front of her, but she was worried that there would be more powerful killing moves besides it.

Lu Yu was sitting in the carriage, motionless, calm and steady, his eyes were deep and thoughtful.

Long Qingxuan snorted coldly: "How dare you! You dare to destroy my Long family's car. Do you think that the Long family of Yanjing City is easy to mess with!"

As she spoke, she straightened her delicate body and blocked the entrance of the carriage.

Then he raised his show hand and swung out a sharp dagger with a short blade, which also inspired a dazzling brilliance. He actually ignored the clear sword light that came and instead counterattacked towards the place where it came from. go back.

All the sword light fell on Long Qingxuan's body and disappeared instantly, without causing any damage, but reflecting a dazzling light. It was obvious that she was not wearing ordinary clothes, but a piece of armor with strong defensive power.

On the other hand, the brilliance of the short blade fell somewhere on the top of the city. Then there was a muffled groan, and a general in armor stumbled out from the cover of the formation. He looked impressive. He is also a dragon man.

"General Ji!"

On the top of the city, the surrounding soldiers shouted loudly.

Long Qingxuan paused lightly, and immediately the entire carriage landed towards the city head. At this time, the entire sky above Fengtian City had been blocked, and she had no better place to go, only Fengtian City. The city is the only way out.

As soon as the carriage landed, Long Qingxuan jumped down, turning a blind eye to the soldiers swarming around him, and walked straight towards the injured General Ji.

"Who is it? It turns out to be the fourth young master of the Ji family... What? Do you think you alone are qualified to stop my Long family's car?"

"Long Qingxuan! It's you!"

The fourth son of the Ji family stood up with the help of the soldiers, ignoring the bulging wounds on his chest that were bleeding, and revealed his eyes with splitting eyes.

Obviously, there is some kind of grudge between the two parties.

"I didn't expect that the dignified new head of the Long family would actually drive here in person... But this is not your Rock Crystal City. This is the territory of the Wanlong Kingdom. If you trespass into the military town of the Wanlong Kingdom, even if you are from the Long family, The new head of the family can’t even hope to get a good deal this time!”

After a brief moment of astonishment, the fourth young master of the Ji family couldn't help but smile evilly again.


Long Qingxuan raised her beautiful eyebrows slightly.

"There has always been a tacit understanding between Wanlong Kingdom and our Yanjing City. Moreover, the reason I passed through Fengtian City this time was to go to Longhui Palace to meet Queen Wanlong. I have already sent a summons to Tuoshan to explain the situation. And we have also received a reply from the Wanlong State Military Aircraft Department. Entering Tuoshan via Fengtian City is the route given by your Wanlong State Military Aircraft Department... How can we trespass? "

"The answer given to you by the Military Aircraft Department?"

The fourth son of the Ji family couldn't help but smile coldly: "I'm sorry, I didn't receive the relevant order. The order I received was to strictly guard Fengtian City. Unless there is an order signed by the city lord himself, no one can pass it!"

Long Qingxuan said: "Ji Laosi, you and I have had grudges in the past. If you want to settle the general ledger, you can always...but not today. We still have important things to go to the Longhui Palace to meet with the Queen of Wanlong immediately. After this matter is settled, I, Long Qingxuan, can accompany you at any time!"

The fourth son of the Ji family still sneered: "Long Qingxuan! It's useless for you to talk nonsense this time, you are already on the verge of death! Do you think the procrastination trick will be useful here!"

Long Qingxuan's face darkened: "Ji Sizhang! For this grudge in the past, you have to disobey orders and disobey the orders of the Tuoshan Military Aircraft Department. Do you think it is really worth it? Don't forget, I I have a reply letter from the Military Aircraft Department in my hand. If things get too big, you won’t be able to live without it!”

As she spoke, she raised her hand and showed a reply letter stamped with the seal of the Military Aircraft Department of the Wanlong Kingdom.

The Fourth Young Master Ji said disdainfully: "Who knows whether this reply letter of yours is true or false? It seems to me that you are forging the seal of the Military Aircraft Department and trying to do something evil!"

Long Qingxuan's brows suddenly frowned even more tightly.

Now even a fool can see that there is something wrong with this. The journey from Yanjing City this time was smooth, and the cities along the way were all open to them, but when they arrived here, something went wrong.

"Where is the city lord of Fengtian City? I don't know whether this reply is true or false. You asked him to come out to talk to me. Your pilot badge is not enough!"

A look of resentment flashed across Ji Sizhang's face.

It can be said that Long Qingxuan's arrogant performance hurt him deeply.

However, what Long Qingxuan said was indeed true. The fight just now had proved that there was still a big gap in strength between him and Long Qingxuan.

Whether it was in terms of status or level of cultivation, he was indeed one level behind his opponent.

Ji Sizhang looked ferocious and laughed nervously: "Do you think calling the City Lord out will help? I'm afraid that seeing our current Fengtian City Lord will surprise you even more!"

As he spoke, he turned around and told the soldiers beside him: "Go and ask the Lord of the City to come over!

The soldier was about to take the order when suddenly a voice next to him said:

"No need, there has been such a big commotion, do you think I am deaf and blind? I'm already here!"

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