Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1360 Inside Story


Ji Sizhang walked up to Ji Siming, looked at the other person's bloody forehead, and couldn't help showing a look of tears.

Although he also suffered serious injuries on his chest, compared with his elder brother, this injury is nothing at all...

He never expected that things would end up like this. Even with all the strength of the city, they couldn't stop just three people. Not only did the other party remain unscathed, but they also caused heavy losses to him.

"Have they left already?" Ji Siming said weakly.

Ji Sizhang nodded: "Brother, your horns... what should I do now?"

One of the horns was abruptly broken. Even if Ji Siming escaped by chance this time, his strength would definitely be greatly reduced. Under such circumstances, it was already difficult for him to continue to hold the position of Fengtian City Lord. Possible things.

"It doesn't matter, we are working for His Highness Qinglong this time. In order to appease people's hearts, His Highness Qinglong will definitely compensate us..."

Ji Siming's eyes were filled with fierceness.

"The key is that we have to get things done...I already know what His Highness Prince Qing's intentions are!"

"Your Highness Prince Qing, it..."

Ji Sizhang hesitated to speak.

In fact, he really wanted to say that His Highness Prince Qing was not trustworthy at all. They were obviously tricked by the other party this time. If it was willing to tell Fengtian City all the details, how could this matter develop to this point? Such a point.

"You are not allowed to make random guesses!"

Ji Siming warned sternly: "The matter is not as simple as you think... The reason why His Highness Prince Qing did not tell us the specific details is because it has other plans, and the identity of Lu Yu is too sensitive. If this matter is revealed to all, If the Dragon Queen knows about it, it will definitely affect His Highness Prince Qing’s plans!”

Ji Sizhang suddenly couldn't help but was speechless: "Brother, are you saying that His Highness Prince Qing has other plans behind Her Majesty the Queen's back?"

Ji Siming smiled coldly: "His Royal Highness Prince Qing is dissatisfied with many of Queen Wanlong's decisions. This is no secret. Especially when it comes to the matter involving Arowana Black Tail, His Royal Highness Prince Qing has made it public many times. She proposed to recover Long and Black Tail, but the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons repeatedly suppressed the matter..."

"Then... what are we going to do now? Should we send people to chase that Lu Yu?" Ji Sizhang asked.

"No, there's no need..."

Ji Siming said with a gloomy look: "We did not receive such an order. Besides, with just us people, it would be useless to catch up..."

"Our real role is just to help His Highness Prince Qing confirm the news. Next, you only need to send out two subpoenas. The first subpoena will be sent to the Tuoshan Military Aircraft Department to report to them what happened here. In this way The Military Aircraft Department has an excuse to send troops!"

"The second subpoena was sent privately to His Highness Prince Qing, telling him that Lu Yu has appeared in Tuoshan with the dragon fish Heiwei!"

Ji Sizhang said in surprise: "Arowana Black Tail? Brother, how can you be sure?"

Ji Siming gritted his teeth for a while and said: "The dragon fish black tail is such a precious treasure, so how could Lu Yu not carry it with him? Although we have not seen him use it, there is a high probability that this thing must be on his body... "

"More importantly, if not for this, how could His Highness Prince Qing have made up his mind? How could we see that boy named Lu suffer such misfortune? He took away my Kuilong Horn. This was a great shame and humiliation. Crushing him to pieces will not dispel the hatred in my heart!"

Ji Sizhang was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, turned around and left immediately without saying anything else.

However, when he walked a few feet away, he suddenly turned back and asked: "Brother... Is it really appropriate for us to side with Prince Qing like this? If Her Majesty the Queen knows about this in the future, she will pursue it. …”

He did not continue.

In a sense, what they did at this time was like a betrayal of the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons.

The Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons' recent series of thunderous methods have made everyone tremble with fear and left a deep impression. She is also an existence that must not be provoked.

If she learns of their betrayal, death may be the best destination for them.

Ji Siming was silent for a moment before replying: "We can't control that much. We can only stand a chance to make a comeback if we stand on the side of King Qing. If we stand on the side of Queen Wanlong, do you think what we have done today will Will there be any good fruit to eat?”

Ji Sizhang couldn't help but became speechless.

Indeed, the entire Wanlong Kingdom knew that Her Majesty the Queen had an inextricable relationship with a human race named Lu Yu.

It is said that before Her Majesty the Queen officially became the Queen of Wanlong, she worked as a servant for a period of time. It was precisely because of the help of Lu Yu that she fought back from being a servant and finally founded the Wanlong Kingdom... Otherwise, she would not have The Dragon Clan's treasure was given to him.

And today they intercepted Lu Yu heading to Tuoshan. No matter what the real reason was, they would not have good juice to eat.

Ji Sizhang immediately stopped talking, turned around and left in a hurry, never looking back.

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