Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1361 No Problem

"Prince Qing..."

On the carriage carriage, Lu Yu looked towards the misty Tuo Mountain with deep eyes and murmured in a low voice.

Seeing his appearance, Long Qingxuan couldn't help but take the initiative to explain: "Young master, I don't know. After the founding of the Wanlong Queen, as the strength of the Wanlong Kingdom continued to expand, four heavenly kings were set up under her seat. For King Qing, King Chuan, King Pan, King Rui..."

"These four heavenly kings all come from the giant dragon clan, and they are all powerful people. It is said that they are all giant dragons that have been sleeping for nearly ten thousand years. Their strength has at least reached a level that can be compared with the powerful Tiangang of the eight major sects. …”

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows: "What is the level of Tiangang's strong men? Are there any Tiangang strongmen from the eight major sects who have fought against the four heavenly kings?"

"not at all."

Long Qingxuan replied: "These are just hearsay, no one knows the real situation... However, what is really worth mentioning is that they have huge influence among the dragon clan, and I think it is also Because of this reason, the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons named them the Four Heavenly Kings..."

Speaking of this, Long Qingxuan paused and took a deep look at Lu Yu, with some worry in his eyes.

"In other words, if Prince Qing really wants to target us, then when we arrive at Tuoshan, it is very likely that a large group of dragons will swarm us. By then, I am afraid it will not be like the situation in Fengtian City. It’s so simple…”

"Why not, let's cover up our whereabouts first to avoid being exposed for the time being, and wait until we get in touch with the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons before heading to Tuoshan. I think the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons will not sit back and watch these dragons under her control, targeting you like this..."

"No need."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Didn't you say that? If you want to repair the black tail of the dragon fish, you can't get around these giant dragons. Even if you can escape the first grade of junior high school, you can't escape the fifteenth grade..."

"Besides, how can you be so sure that there is no instruction from the Queen of Dragons behind all this?"

Long Qingxuan was stunned for a moment: "Instruction from the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons? How is this possible..."

As the supreme ruler of Wanlong Kingdom, if she wanted to target Lu Yu, the Wanlong Queen would never engage in such a battle.

Lu Yu's eyes suddenly became dark and he said slowly: "You don't know Liu Hongxu. In fact, she is a very complicated person, especially after sitting in such a high position now, her rapidly increasing strength and extremely expanding power will It will further expand her ambitions..."

"I'm not quite sure what she is planning now, but at least one thing is certain, that is, with her acting style, it is impossible for her to be ignorant of what is happening at her doorstep. I know, but she still condoned Ji Siming's behavior in Fengtian City... I would rather believe that she had other intentions than that she was fooled by her own men! "

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but lost his voice in astonishment.

If the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons is unkind, wouldn't their trip to Camel Mountain be even more dangerous?

Her brows couldn't help but frown more tightly: "Then what should we do now?"

"What else can we do?" Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "Of course the soldiers will come to block it, and the water will come and the earth will cover it. We can cope with all changes by remaining unchanged!"

Long Qingxuan could not help but be speechless again.

I didn't expect that after knowing that the situation had become so serious, he could still be so calm and composed, as if nothing was wrong.

"Actually, I'm also looking forward to it. I want to see what the strength of these so-called giant dragons is like!" Lu Yu said with a smile, "If they really have strength comparable to the strong ones of Tiangang, then not only will I not feel that It’s troublesome, but I’m still happy... I hope they won’t disappoint me!”

"Doesn't it matter if the strength is comparable to that of Tiangang's strong men?" Long Qingxuan said in surprise.

Lu Yu smiled slightly and said in a very determined tone: "It doesn't matter."

Long Qingxuan was speechless.

Now she finally understood why Lu Yu looked so unconcerned. It turned out that his confidence came from his strength...

It is still unknown whether the four heavenly kings sitting down under the Dark Dragon Queen are as powerful as the powerful Tiangang warriors, but at least Lu Yu is certain to have such strength.

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but think of her first meeting with Lu Yu...

Back on Jade Butterfly Peak, the young man who stripped himself naked and made himself suffer so much for the first time did not expect that in just a few years, he would have grown up to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with the strong men. The situation...

"Sir, you are really amazing... Meeting you at Jade Butterfly Peak was the luckiest thing that happened to Qingxuan in her life!"

Long Qingxuan's smile became more and more charming.

Lu Yu couldn't help but think of the scene when the two met for the first time. He couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed for a moment, so he had to turn his head and look at the Tuo Mountain in the distance, pretending not to see the eager look in her eyes.

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