Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1363 Panlong Realm Mountain

Tuoshan is not a simple mountain range, but a mixed area of ​​plateaus and hills.

As long as you pass through a series of steep and upright hills, you will be greeted by a fertile field with rich water and grass. This is a paradise in Haixi, where the Gobi desert is the main terrain.

However, correspondingly, the mineral resources here are relatively scarce. For the various ethnic groups in Haixi who rely on various mineral resources as their main means of survival, this is not the most attractive place.

Because of this, the original Wangyou Kingdom was able to gain a foothold here and establish its own kingdom.

However, all this has changed at this time. With the establishment of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom, the strong rise of the Ten Thousand Dragon Queen and dozens of dragons entrenched here, this place has become the most attractive place in the entire Haixi Land.

Within a few years, cities were built here. The originally fragmented Wangyou Kingdom was not only rebuilt here, but also became more prosperous than before.

Lu Yu and others' Pegasus carriage passed through the scattered mountains and landed on the plateau.

Along the way, there had always been yellow sand and endless Gobi desert, but now they were suddenly replaced by green grasslands, clear rivers and the tops of snow-capped mountains. These completely changing topography made him feel refreshed. a feeling of.

In addition, there are busy flows of people, quiet villages, and smiling faces of people living and working in peace and contentment. All of these are incompatible with the style of the Haixi land. It is not known how many of these people are from the Wangyou Kingdom that Lu Yu saved back then. remnants.

"It seems that Liu Hongxu is running this place well..."

Lu Yu nodded and said.

After entering the territory of Tuoshan, because the entire area was filled with the pressure of the powerful dragon, the speed of the car was forced to slow down, allowing him to observe the conditions inside Tuoshan more closely.

Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan were not in such a good mood as him. After entering the Tuoshan realm, they observed everything around them more vigilantly. The peaceful and peaceful atmosphere that the dragon clan had not launched an attack for a long time made them more and more worried. became nervous.

Suddenly, a strange scene came into their eyes.

I saw an extremely majestic and huge mountain range, shining with colorful rays of light, just floating in the clouds, towering over the center of the plateau.

"what is that?"

Ye Weilan couldn't help but take a deep breath.

She had seen the huge suspended mountain of Shengyun Mountain. She once thought it was the most magnificent spectacle in the world. But compared with the scene in front of her, the scale of Shengyun Mountain was just a child's play toy. That’s all.

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his brows slightly.

Before Long Qingxuan could introduce it, he had already guessed where it was. It should be the nest of the giant dragon clan and where dozens of giant dragons were entrenched, because he sensed the strong aura of the giant dragon. The source of dragon power that permeates the entire Tuoshan realm.

He was not surprised that the giant dragon clan could use the mountain as its lair. What really surprised him was the scale of this huge mountain.

With the scale of Shengyun Mountain, it is extremely difficult to float in the air. Only a branch of spiritual veins specifically based on the sea can be achieved...

There are no spiritual veins distributed in Tuoshan territory, but now the scale of this gorgeous mountain is much larger than that of Shengyun Mountain, at least a hundred times that of Shengyun Mountain. It is really hard to imagine how they can solve the power source. of the problem.

"That is the Panlong Realm Mountain, where the giant dragon clan lives and occupies. Except for the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons, only the giant dragon clan can enter it... It is said that this mountain was built using a sacred object left by the Dragon God. Yes, but what kind of sacred object it is has not been announced to the outside world. Only the dragon clan knows..."

Long Qingxuan's words not only verified Lu Yu's guess, but also answered his doubts.

Sure enough, such a project cannot be realized by the existing power in the world... The holy objects left by the Dragon God naturally possess extraordinary power. He has already fully realized this in Arowana Black Wei.

This is really beyond Lu Yu's expectation. In this way, regardless of the strength of the dozens of giant dragons, just such a suspended mountain can already fight against the Bixiao Shrine on the battlefield. Playing a huge role, even if it is facing Xuanji Star City head-on, it can not fall behind at all.

"There are some other rumors about this Panlong Realm Mountain, and they happen to be related to you, Master..."

"Is it related to me?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Long Qingxuan nodded: "To be precise, it is related to the young master's dragon and black tail. It is said that the Panlong Realm Mountain has not been truly completed. At this time, it is only a semi-finished product and is temporarily used as the habitat of the giant dragon clan. "In order to truly complete it, we still need to find the core component, which is the Dragon Fish Black Tail in your hands..."

"Because of this, King Qing strongly advocated taking back the black tail of the dragon fish. The purpose is to completely complete the Panlong Jie Mountain..."

"However, there are also rumors that these are just one-sided words from those giant dragons. In fact, they are just to find an excuse... As for the truth of the matter, perhaps only those giant dragons know!"

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