Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1364 The Capital of Ten Thousand Dragons

"Panlong Realm Mountain... Dragon Fish Black Tail..."

Lu Yu looked at the strange mountain in front of him and murmured to himself.

Although he didn't know what kind of connection there was between the two, he thought that they were also left behind by the Dragon God, and that the old dragon gave the dragon fish black tail to him outside Yanjing City. Shi once said that Dragon Fish Black Tail needs a lot of dragon blessings. The more blessings there are, the more powerful it is... From this point of view, maybe what the dragon clan said is true. .

"Maybe what they said is true... but no matter what, I can't easily hand over the black tail of the dragon fish, unless they can prove their value to me!" Lu Yu said.

Long Qingxuan said: "The most precious treasure in the world is for those who are virtuous. Although the black tail of the dragon fish is the most precious treasure of the dragon clan, since it has fallen into the hands of you, the young master, and has shown great power in your hands several times, this shows that Young Master, you have already been recognized by the Dragon God. All of this is arranged by the Dragon God. Naturally, you cannot easily hand this thing over to others..."

"However, Young Master, you have already said before that if Arowana Black Tail wants to be repaired, it must not be able to bypass the giant dragon clan. If Arowana Black Tail is really a key component of this Panlong Realm Mountain, maybe they will be repaired by then. He will also do other tricks..."

"They only need to quietly integrate the dragon fish black tail into the Panlong Realm Mountain. When everything is done, the young master discovers this matter and wants to recover it. I'm afraid it will not be easy. must be careful about this!"

"If they want to devour my treasures, they must be prepared to be ripped apart by my cramps..." Lu Yu smiled coldly, "But what you said makes sense. We must be on guard against this matter. I will definitely keep an eye on it when the time comes. "

Ye Weilan said weakly from the side: "Isn't it too early to say this now? All this must wait until we meet the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons before we talk about it... Then where is the Nianlong Palace of the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons?"

Long Qingxuan pointed towards the top of Panlong Realm Mountain and said: "It's right there, the top of the entire Panlong Realm Mountain... This also corresponds to the current power structure system of Wanlong Kingdom. The Queen of Wanlong suppresses She dominates the giant dragon clan, and the giant dragon clan suppresses all the families in Haixi... Her Majesty the Queen is the top of the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom! "

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan couldn't help but look towards the top of Panlongjie Mountain. They saw that it was covered with snow, filled with clouds and mist, and seemed to have bursts of rays of light, but they couldn't see the specific scene at all.

Perhaps the so-called Nianlong Palace is hidden there, and everything is full of a mysterious color, just like the image of the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons now, supreme, yet mysterious...

"Doesn't this mean that if we want to go to Nianlong Palace, we must pass through Panlong Realm Mountain?"

Ye Weilan frowned slightly and said.

On the Panlong Realm Mountain, there are dozens of giant dragon clans. Doesn't this mean that they have to pass under the noses of dozens of giant dragons?


Long Qingxuan nodded silently and looked back at Lu Yu: "Since there is no movement from Prince Qing along the way, I think the most likely place for them to launch an attack is when we climb Panlongjie Mountain. On the way, maybe they have set up some kind of conspiracy trap, not sure..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly and said: "There is no need to worry so much. There is no turning back when we shoot the bow. When we get there, everything will be revealed!"

Long Qingxuan smiled: "Young Master is right, since we have already arrived here, we can't turn around and go back... After all, this place is already under the nose of the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons. Even if the giant dragon clan wants to make trouble again, they can only I'm afraid I can't afford the big waves..."

"Besides, the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons has always maintained a respect for the young master. Maybe she will come out to greet him in person later. Those giant dragons may not even have a chance to take action..."


Lu Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "How do you know she respects me? She gave me the black tail of the dragon fish back then. She had just become the queen and her foundation was not yet stable. It was not so much a suggestion to me as a suggestion to me. She’s afraid that I’ll cause trouble for her…”

"But now she is in great power. She can call the shots and control life and death. Even I don't dare to think about what kind of respect she can have for me. You'd better not make random guesses!"

Long Qingxuan smiled and said: "Sir, you are wrong... Queen Wanlong is someone who has had in-depth contact with you. How can anyone who has had in-depth contact with you not respect you? Qingxuan has experienced this personally..."

"So, I dare to guarantee that even though the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons is now unparalleled in glory, no matter what happens, she will not dare to take you lightly... Besides, during this period of time, you have become famous all over the world. What has she done that is not shocking to the world? How dare she be disrespectful to you?"

Lu Yu shook his head gently and said nothing.

He felt that Long Qingxuan's idea was really naive, but there was no need to argue with her about this issue at this time.

At this time, he was full of expectations for climbing the Panlong Realm Mountain. He wanted to see up close what kind of mystery this huge hanging mountain built by the sacred artifact left by the Dragon God had... This thing Things now filled him with even more expectations than meeting Liu Hongxu himself.

Soon after, the carriage finally entered the shadow of Panlongjie Mountain. The buildings standing here were taller and more prosperous, and the flow of people and horses was more dense, just like the prosperous scene of the imperial capital.

This is not only because this is the power center of Wanlong Country, but also because there are countless dragon breaths falling from the Panlongjie Mountain above the head. For the various ethnic groups in Haixi, this is of great benefit to their own cultivation, so a large number of people gathered here.

It can be said that this Panlongjie Mountain has completely changed the style of the entire Tuoshan, making it not only the center of Wanlong Country in a symbolic sense, but also the holy place of the entire Wanlong Country in a real sense.

In addition to the aristocratic families of various ethnic groups in Haixi gathering here, various government departments of Wanlong Country are also set up here.

Lu Yu and others did not wait for the Queen of Wanlong to come out to greet them, so they had to drive the carriage directly to the military department of Wanlong Country.

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