Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1365 Forbidden Army Dragon Guard

Under the guidance of the guards, Lu Yu and others' Pegasus carriage slowly stopped in front of a tall courtyard.

This tall gate has a very peculiar shape. The door frame of the gate is composed of two huge stone pillars. The stone pillars are carved into the shape of two giant dragons climbing and entwining. It is unknown what kind of material it is made of, which makes it look lifelike.

Especially the eyes of the giant dragons. When Lu Yu looked at the two giant dragons, the two giant dragons also looked at him, as if they had come alive.

The body of the giant dragon extends to both sides of the gate, forming the walls of this tall courtyard. It seems that the entire tall courtyard does not look like an ordinary building at all, but a powerful and ever-changing dragon formation.

On the plaque in the entrance hall are written three vigorous and powerful characters - Military Aircraft Department.

It has to be said that among the many buildings that Lu Yu has seen in his life, apart from the Nantian Gate in the ancient city of Guoyun, the gate of the Military Aircraft Department is the most solemn and majestic. Unfortunately, there is also an extremely splendid building floating above it. Compared with the huge mountain, this solemn and majestic gate can't help but become much inferior.

"Are these three guests coming all the way from Yanjing City?"

As soon as the three people stepped out of the carriage, a young general led a group of brightly armored guards to greet them.

"Please forgive me. The Minister of Military and Aircraft is busy with affairs and cannot show up to greet you. However, he has already given instructions to usher the three of them into the political hall as soon as they arrive. He will immediately put down his affairs and come to meet...Three Please come with me!"

Lu Yu did not say a word, but silently observed the strength of the pair of armored guards in front of him.

This pair of guards were wearing specially made armors with dragon patterns faintly appearing on the surface. He knew that these were armors blessed by the dragon and had extremely powerful protective capabilities.

Armor like this is only equipped among the core troops of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom, which also means that this group of armored guards is actually the forbidden army of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom.

Judging from the current situation, the advancing troops of Wanlong Kingdom have considerable combat effectiveness, even compared with the elite disciples of major sects.

Long Qingxuan leaned into Lu Yu's ear and whispered: "The military ministers of Wanlong Kingdom are all from the dragon clan with the most outstanding strength among the dragon clan. They all actually have the ability to transform into human form... No To think that the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons didn’t come out to greet her in person, and even a military minister put on such a big show, this Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom is too trusting! They were not like this when they were in Yanjing City! "

Long Qingxuan's tone seemed a little angry.

Lu Yu smiled faintly, ignored her complaints, and turned to the young general in front of him and said, "General, I'll lead the way!"

The young general glanced at Long Qingxuan meaningfully. They did not use the shielding barrier when they were talking just now. Although Long Qingxuan had lowered his voice, he obviously still heard it.

In fact, this was the result of Long Qingxuan's deliberate actions. She wanted to see what the attitude of the Military Aircraft Department of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom was now.

But the young general didn't say anything after all. He lowered his head silently and said, "You three, please come this way!"

After saying that, he turned around and walked forward, clearing the way for the three of them.

After saying that, the three of them followed the young general into the gate of the military aircraft office.

When we arrived at the Military Aircraft Department, we discovered that there was something special inside. Although this place was just a government agency of the Bandung Kingdom, it occupied a large area. Even the Wulao Peaks of Dali Jianzong were not as spacious as this place. .

This is all due to the effect of the folding formation. Looking from the outside, it is impossible to see the mystery inside this place.

Lu Yu and others had walked less than a hundred steps away, when suddenly there was a rumble, and then densely packed Forbidden Army troops poured out from all directions.

It turned out that these sounds were just the footsteps of the Imperial Guard troops.

Just the sound of footsteps made the ground beneath their feet roar and tremble.

Long Qingxuan and Ye Weilan couldn't help but change their expressions slightly.

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows with a look of joy on his face.

Although the other party was very likely to have bad intentions, he was really relieved to see that just a forbidden army of Wanlong Kingdom could have such strength.

"Is this the formation that Wanlong Kingdom welcomes us? It's so grand!" Long Qingxuan said with sarcasm.

The young general's face changed several times: "This is not our original arrangement, and I have no idea about it... Don't panic, you three. I'll go and ask what's going on first. In short, in the capital of Wanlong Kingdom, The safety of the three people in the territory is definitely guaranteed..."

After saying that, the young general hurriedly rushed towards the oncoming Forbidden Army troops.

However, he did not notice that there was no trace of panic on the faces of the three of them. On the contrary, his own performance seemed a bit panicked.

"Commander Lin..."

The young general walked up to a dragon man who looked like a leader, clasped his fists and said.

However, before he could finish his sentence, the dragon leader suddenly raised his hand and slashed down with his sword.

The young general immediately fell down, making a "ho ho" sound in his throat, blood gurgling from his neck, but he could no longer say the rest of his words.

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