Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1367 No responsibility

Commander Lin raised his hand suddenly.

Immediately, the troops behind him drew their weapons and activated their formations.

The thousands of troops suddenly burst out with powerful momentum, and the armor on their bodies emitted bursts of strong light, as if connected by an invisible energy, and faintly there was a shadow of a giant dragon above their heads.

The imperial guards of Wanlong Country are indeed well-deserved.

No wonder Commander Lin dared to come to the door so arrogantly and drew his sword to kill people without saying a word.

The combat power displayed by this imperial guard in front of them is actually far greater than that of the defenders of Fengtian City,

especially inside this military office, with the blessing of the surrounding formations and the Panlong Boundary Mountain above their heads, their strength has been greatly improved.

For a moment, everyone felt as if a part of the Panlong Boundary Mountain above their heads was separated and pressed down on them fiercely.

Long Qingxuan's expression changed slightly. She didn't know if it was because she had the blood of a real dragon. As the battle formation on the opposite side changed, she actually felt her body boiling, which almost made her lose control.

Looking at Lu Yu and Ye Weilan on the side, Lu Yu was fine. He had already said that he was not inferior to Tiangang strongmen...

Unexpectedly, Ye Weilan was also calm and composed.

Her graceful body stood straight in place, like a reef in the stormy waves, no matter how turbulent the waves were, she remained motionless.

Lu Yu in front of the battle formation was at the forefront of the pressure. Long Qingxuan didn't dare to come over rashly, so she quietly moved one step towards Ye Weilan.

Unexpectedly, just one step away, she suddenly felt the pressure on her body suddenly reduced.

Only then did Long Qingxuan know that Ye Weilan's strength was far beyond hers. Although she had already estimated this, she didn't expect the gap to be so big.

As the formation of the Imperial Guards kept changing, they burst out with more and more powerful momentum.

Lu Yu watched all this with a cold eye. Not only was he not nervous at all, but he also showed a bit of interest, as if he was reviewing the Imperial Guards in front of him!


Lu Yu couldn't help but admire.

"It has only been a few years since the founding of Wanlong Country. I didn't expect that such a powerful army could be built in such a short time... It can be seen that you have really put in a lot of effort. This trip to Haixi is really worthwhile!"

Until the enemy's formation was about to complete the final assembly, he suddenly changed his tone and said loudly:

"However, it is not easy for Wanlong Country to accumulate such a family fortune. I advise you to cherish it well!"

"The real person in charge of the Military Affairs Office is still unwilling to come out? Do you really intend to use your family fortune to test my Lu Yu's methods?"

"If so, then I have to say the ugly words in advance. My strength has just been improved recently, and I am still a little uncomfortable. I will not be responsible if there is any unexpected situation later!"

At the end, Lu Yu's tone became extremely grim, but his voice became louder and louder, like rolling thunder, and even the ground faintly resonated.

Everyone was shocked.

If it were in other places, it would not be surprising that Lu Yu's shouting would have such an effect.

But this is inside the Military Affairs Office, and the surrounding area has long been occupied by various huge formations. This is equivalent to their absolute home court.

In particular, at this time, Lu Yu was facing the magnificent military might of the Imperial Guards.

Under such circumstances, Lu Yu's voice could actually penetrate the heavy magic array and shake the whole place. This is simply incredible!

Doesn't this mean that the entire Military Affairs Office plus the Imperial Guards of tens of thousands in front of him can't suppress Lu Yu alone?

Although the two sides did not officially fight, Lu Yu showed extraordinary strength with just this one move, and steadily suppressed the momentum of tens of thousands of troops on the opposite side.

Commander Lin couldn't help but change his face.

He is indeed a newly rising upstart of the Wanlong Kingdom, but he has experienced quite a few battles. He has gained his current status with his brilliant military achievements.

But he had never seen a person like Lu Yu... Facing tens of thousands of imperial guards who had activated their formations, he was still talking and laughing, and even threatened them in return.

But the threat from the other party was so powerful that he couldn't help but feel that the other party could really do what he said...

Commander Lin didn't know what was wrong with him, why did he have such a ridiculous idea?

For a moment, Commander Lin couldn't help but feel confused, and his previous confidence and determination were no longer there.

"Commander, what should we do now?"

A lieutenant next to him reminded.

At this time, the formation of the entire imperial guards dragon guards had been activated, like an arrow on a string. If they stopped at this time, it would be a bit unreasonable...

But if they still wanted to continue the attack, even with the eyesight of this little lieutenant, they could see that this did not seem to be a wise choice.

Commander Lin's heart was immediately more confused.

The scene in front of him was even more complicated than all the dangerous situations he had experienced in his military career over the years...

He stared at Lu Yu in front of him, his right hand tremblingly raised above his shoulder, but he still didn't have the courage to swing it down.

Just when he was in a dilemma, a figure descended from the sky as if strolling in the garden, and slowly said:


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