Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1368 Confusing right and wrong

Upon hearing this voice, Commander Lin suddenly breathed a long sigh of relief as if he had been granted amnesty.

The right hand that had been raised for a long time was slowly lowered down calmly.

A moment later, a young man landed in the field, facing the direction of tens of thousands of Forbidden Army troops.

At first glance, this young man looked ordinary, with nothing special about him.

But when he stood still on the ground, the imperial army composed of tens of thousands of dragonmen on the opposite side all lowered their heads involuntarily, acting extremely submissive.

"Join Master Mian!"

Commander Lin bowed and clasped his fists, also showing extreme humility. He no longer had the pretentious arrogance he had before.


The young Lord Mian scolded gently.

"I will take care of you later!"

After saying that, he turned to look at Lu Yu and stepped forward slowly.

"This guy should be from the giant dragon clan. His body is transformed from a giant dragon. Maybe he is the military minister here..."

Long Qingxuan leaned behind Lu Yu's ear and whispered a reminder.

Lu Yu nodded inconspicuously.

In fact, Long Qingxuan didn't need to say much, he had already seen that although the young Lord Mian in front of him looked normal, he was not a normal human being.

When Lu Yu switched his gaze to the medical star's field of vision, he even saw the light and shadow of a swimming dragon hidden in his body, which was constantly swimming.

The dragon transformed into a human form. It had to be said that this was the first time for Lu Yu to experience such a scene. He didn't know how he could do all this with a body as big as a dragon...

Lu Yu couldn't help but look at the young Master Mian in front of him carefully, as if he wanted to see some clues in him.

"Are you Lu Yu?"

The young Master Mian walked forward slowly, and seemed to be quite impressed by Lu Yu's direct gaze. The small human beings have always been obsessed with the powerful dragon clan...

As he walked, he said slowly: "You may not know me, but I have already heard your name like a thunderbolt... My name is Mian, and I am the military minister who is on duty here today. I should have received you grandly." Yes, I didn’t expect it to turn out like this. This is my dereliction of duty. I hope you don’t mind..."


Lu Yu read it silently in his heart.

The names of the giant dragon clan are different from ordinary people. Most of them are named with a single character, and a few are named with two characters. He already knows something about this, but when he actually encounters it now, he can't help but feel that such a name is The method is a bit awkward...


Lu Yu shook his head gently and smiled lightly.

"Your Excellency did not neglect your duty. You showed up in a timely manner. If you had come a moment later, it might have been your real dereliction of duty..."

Lu Yu's words were so hidden that Lord Mian couldn't help but hesitated slightly.

Although Lu Yu did have the upper hand just now, if the two sides really fight, there will still be a lot of damage.

After all, Lord Mian's behavior just now resolved a crisis for him. Mian originally thought that he would accept some of his favors, but unexpectedly, this guy was completely ungrateful!

Mian looked at Lu Yu deeply, and finally laughed: "Young Master Lu is really good at joking... But you seem to be very confident!"

Lu Yu waved his hand impatiently: "Lord Mian, we have been wasting a lot of time here. Now that you are here, let's get down to business! I came to Haixi this time to meet Wan Wan Dragon Queen, I hope to be able to climb Panlong Realm Mountain and reach Nianlong Palace as soon as possible. Can you arrange it as soon as possible?"

Lord Mian couldn't help but his eyebrows twitched, and said: "Young Master Lu is a little naive. I know that you and Her Majesty the Queen are old acquaintances, but now Her Majesty's identity is different from before. She is the majestic head of a country. How can you say that you have met her? Just wanted to see you?”

Lu Yu said: "Then how can I see her?"

Lord Mian smiled slightly: "Of course, we have to report to His Majesty first, and we can only go to the audience after getting His Majesty's approval... But it's too early to say this now. Before that, do we have some old matters that need to be resolved first?"

"Old things?"

"Young master, why do you still pretend to be confused?"

Lord Mian's face suddenly turned gloomy.

"It's the Dragon Fish Black Tail. When Her Majesty the Queen saw that your strength was low, she temporarily lent it to you. Now the young master has become famous and has done many great things with the help of our dragon treasure. It’s a big deal. Now, should you return it to us?”

Lu Yu was slightly startled.

Unexpectedly, the other party was waiting for me here...

He even confuses right and wrong and insists that Liu Hongxu's donation was a loan.

He looked at the other party coldly: "Are you qualified to represent the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons? Is this your intention or the intention of the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons?"

Lord Mian sneered and said: "I am the Minister of Military and Aircraft, and I represent the entire Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom! Both I and Her Majesty the Queen are all members of the Dragon God... In short, this is our entire Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom. Decide!"

Lu Yu shook his head gently: "Your Excellency, you think too highly of yourself. In my opinion, you are not important enough to talk to me about this matter... If you want me to bring out the dragon fish black tail, it is not impossible. Let Liu Hongxu Come talk to me in person!"

Master Mian suddenly became angry: "Master Lu, although we in Wanlong Kingdom respect you as the number one person, it is extremely inappropriate to call Her Majesty the Queen by her name so directly! On the land of our Wanlong Kingdom, please Be careful with your words and actions!”

Lu Yu spread his hands and said, "I'm very restrained now... You also know that I have an old relationship with your Majesty the Queen. Considering my relationship with her, what does it mean to call her by name?"

"Your Excellency wants to pursue the matter of that year with me, but in fact you only have a partial understanding of what happened back then. Only Liu Hongxu can explain many of the details to me clearly!"

"So, no matter how to deal with this black tail of dragon fish, Liu Hongxu should tell me personally... With all due respect, your Excellency, a small military minister, is just a dog tied here by Liu Hongxu. Are you qualified enough to talk to me about this?"


Master Mian was furious, and his face couldn't help but become distorted.

As a high-ranking dragon clan, he has long been accustomed to the infinite admiration of everyone. How has he ever been insulted like this?

The surrounding Forbidden Army soldiers couldn't help but look at Lu Yu in surprise. They didn't expect that he would dare to insult the Minister of Military and Aircraft here like this in person.

You know, although Lord Mian looks like an ordinary human on the surface, he is actually an extremely powerful dragon.

"How can the dragon clan allow such a lowly human being to insult you! Lu Yu, you will pay the price for your arrogance today!"

Master Mian roared angrily, and ferocious dragon shadows appeared all over his body, as if he could no longer suppress the violent power in his body.

"Dragon Guard! Form the formation!"

With a loud shout, Mian's figure embedded into the Forbidden Army troops, and suddenly there were many shadows and lights, inspiring countless phantoms of the dragon, just like the real body.

It seemed that the original formation of the Forbidden Army was not complete. It was only integrated with the phantoms of the giant dragons. That was its final complete form. Its momentum suddenly increased, and it exploded with extremely astonishing power.

Suddenly, the atmosphere inside the entire military aircraft department changed drastically.

A huge force field quietly formed.

Those imperial guards who had not yet had time to return to their positions suddenly felt that the pressure on their bodies was more than ten times heavier, and they were instantly pushed to the ground, unable to move at all.

If the formation that Commander Lin mobilized before was part of the Panlong Realm Mountain, then the pressure at this time is half of the Panlong Realm Mountain pressing down on you, making people feel that their scalp is tight and it is difficult to even breathe. Continue.

Even in the face of such huge pressure, Lu Yu still smiled coldly: "I said you are a dog, which is true...what? Does a dog still want to bite someone?"

"It seems that Liu Hongxu is usually a little neglectful in discipline. If this is the case, then I have to help discipline her myself!"

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