Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1369: Capturing a Dragon with One Hand

After speaking, Lu Yu suddenly stepped forward.

Alone, facing the Forbidden Army formation blessed by countless giant dragon shadows, he took the initiative to greet them.

His steps were extremely slow, as if every movement required all his strength, as if he were pushing against an invisible mountain.

However, even so, his pace did not stagnate at all, his eyes were persistent, his steps were determined, and his slow and unstoppable momentum was irresistible.

Mian's eyes narrowed, and he raised his head to the sky and let out an angry roar. Suddenly, in the sky above the entire military plane, huge dragon shadows soared into the air, stirring up air waves all over the sky, and struck hard at Lu Yu.

One wave after another, the buildings inside the military aircraft department collapsed, and the ground cracked open, showing how powerful the impact was.

Lu Yu had red lotuses floating on his body, and he still moved forward firmly amidst the waves of air. Although his steps were extremely slow, he was also extremely steady, as if he was not affected by anything at all.

Mian couldn't help but his face changed, a look of ferocity that was completely unhuman flashed through his eyes, and he roared loudly again: "Charge!"

Suddenly, the giant dragon shadow in the sky stopped twisting irregularly and began to move rhythmically, as if it was connected to the dragon's pulse for the Forbidden Army formation below, pushing the Forbidden Army formation below also slowly forward. .

The formation of tens of thousands of forbidden troops was like a rolling torrent, colliding head-on with the oncoming Lu Yu.

However, after the Forbidden Army took only a few steps, they felt an unparalleled pressure, as if they were hitting a wall, and could no longer make any progress.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu made the entire Forbidden Army feel the same pressure with just one person.

The color of his crown changed uncontrollably, and the clothes on his body were torn apart, revealing the monster-like knotted muscles, and his hair was spread out and stood up one by one.

Obviously, the pressure on the entire Forbidden Army formation will also be truly fed back to him.

But as a high-ranking dragon clan member and a dignified military minister, he also has a transcendent status within the giant dragon clan. How could he retreat under the pressure of a human being? If it returns to Panlong Realm Mountain with such a performance, it will definitely suffer countless ridicules.

So, Mian gritted his teeth and continued to support with all his strength.

The pressure was reciprocal. Under such huge pressure, it did not believe that Lu Yu on the opposite side would still have some strength left. The other side was only trying to hold on. The only thing missing was this last breath.

However, Lu Yu's steps still didn't stop at all, and he still moved forward slowly.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

A series of dull sounds sounded.

It turned out that as Lu Yu continued to approach, Mian could barely withstand such pressure, but for the imperial army composed of dragon men, this was an unbearable burden.

As a result, the Forbidden Army troops at the forefront of the formation could no longer withstand this powerful pressure, and they exploded to death one after another, exploding into a dance of blood.

Seeing such a tragic scene happening right in front of them, the Forbidden Army troops couldn't help but fall into chaos, and the shadow of the giant dragon above their heads also became a bit dimmer.

Lu Yu immediately seized this rare opportunity, suddenly opened his mouth, sucked in hard, and then spit out hard.

Between every breath and every breath, the laws appear in the void, implying infinite mysterious changes.

This is the famous Taoist method of Hunyuan Qi Sect - the Whale Swallowing Tiger Roaring Technique.

In order to teach the rhinoceros horn Taoist technique, Lu Yu had done special research on this technique and made special improvements. During this trip to the Hunyuan Qi Sect, he even fought with many strong men of the Hunyuan Qi Sect. Many of them used this technique, so Lu Yu gained a new understanding.

With Lu Yu's current control of the law, he has long been a great expert in Taoism. Although he has never received the true inheritance of Hunyuan Qi Sect, when he used this technique at this time, it was just a random one.

However, after all, he has never practiced the Hunyuan Qi Sect's technique, and it contains a lot of his own personal understanding, which is still quite different from the authentic Whale Swallowing Tiger Roaring Technique.

This difference is mainly reflected in the "Tiger Roar" when exhaling. The original "Tiger Roar" is spit out in a spiral with Hunyuan Qi. Lu Yu has not practiced Hunyuan Qi, so naturally he cannot do this.

So he forcibly blended the "Tiger Roaring Qi" with his own laws and secrets. At first glance, the Qi he exhaled seemed to be countless scattered law fragments, but when they were about to fall on Mian's body, they had already condensed into There were phantoms of sword light, which seemed to be quite similar to the Great Linglong Sword Technique...

He actually combined the Whale Swallowing Tiger Roaring Technique and the Great Exquisite Sword Technique into one place!

Such a weird combination is simply unheard of!

Seeing the shocking phantoms of sword light appearing, Mian couldn't help but change his expression drastically.

He never expected that under such huge pressure, Lu Yu would still have some energy left, and that he would be able to use such a powerful and powerful move once he launched it!

For a moment, it didn't care about the pride and dignity of the dragon clan. It shrank suddenly and then jumped up.

In the process of leaping and taking off, its body twisted strangely. In the blink of an eye, the graceful human image before it no longer existed, and turned into a strong blue dragon.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu only used one move to force it to hastily evacuate from the Forbidden Army's formation and reveal its true form.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

Although in Wanlong's country, seeing the true form of a giant dragon is nothing new, it is still very rare to see a military minister forced to reveal his true form under such circumstances.

The blue dragon's body was extremely huge, nearly a thousand feet long, and it hovered above everyone's heads, almost blocking the Panlong Realm Mountain above.

It danced wildly in the air, and the gusts of wind it whipped up blew everyone around. After a lot of tossing, Lu Yu's spitting attack was finally resolved.

"Ignorant human! You have once again offended the majesty of the dragon clan!"

The blue dragon was so angry that it roared loudly and continuously breathed out dragon breath, burning the place below into a sea of ​​fire, regardless of the fact that many Forbidden Army troops and buildings were destroyed in one fell swoop.

It seemed that it wanted to use this method to find Lu Yu again from the chaotic field.

"You are dead this time! I! The great Blue Dragon Crown! I will definitely make you feel the anger of the true dragon!"

Finally, it found Lu Yu again among the chaotic crowd.

Unexpectedly, this arrogant human still stood in the same place without moving at all, completely ignoring the dragon's anger.

Mian was so furious that he immediately swung his body wildly and used all his strength to hit Lu Yu hard.

The body of the giant dragon is extremely powerful and can resist the laws of heaven and earth. If this collision were to happen, Lu Yu would definitely turn into a puddle of flesh.

However, Lu Yu still stood there, unmoved at all, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth and eyes as indifferent as smoke. This posture was really like looking at a vicious dog that was barking incompetently.

Mian felt that the blood in his whole body was about to be ignited, and his body suddenly swelled again. A circle of blue flames rose up from the dragon's body, and rushed towards Lu Yu with an even more violent momentum. past.

The void was almost torn apart, and the powerful dragon power was everywhere in the sky and on the ground, and the entire military aircraft department.

This time, it seemed that Lu Yu was certain to die!

Next, there must be a violent impact like the earth is shattering!

However, just when everyone was getting ready to face the impact, the expected violent impact did not happen.

Everyone looked up in shock.

It turned out that just when the blue dragon's head was less than ten feet away from Lu Yu, the momentum had stopped abruptly.

The reason why this happened was because a demon spirit woman had already stepped in front of Lu Yu.

Her graceful figure leaped in the air, like a graceful swift, with a dexterous little white hand pressed in the middle of the blue dragon's head, and a long shadow of a fire phoenix flying behind her...

The two bodies were completely out of proportion, but the huge dragon's body was held firmly in place by her.

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