Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1370 There is no escape from the crime


The blue dragon crown roared angrily.

The back half of the body kept twisting and coiling, and slapped the ground crazily. A deep pit was created on the ground. Countless buildings collapsed one after another, and the entire military aircraft area was almost destroyed.

But even so, it still couldn't break free from Ye Weilan's jade hand as white as snow, its head was always pressed firmly in place, and all its struggles were in vain.

"This is impossible!"

"The blood of the great true dragon can never be suppressed by your lowly and despicable bloodline!"

"Female! What species are you?"

"How come you have a power as powerful as the blood of a true dragon!"

The blue dragon continued to roar angrily.

Ye Weilan ignored his shouting at all, but looked back at Lu Yu with a questioning look in her eyes, as if she was asking him what to do next.

Lu Yu slowly walked forward, stretched out his hand and patted the giant dragon's huge jaw gently.

The blue dragon was immediately furious. There was a rush in his abdomen and he wanted to open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of hot dragon breath, which would turn Lu Yu in front of him into ashes.

However, before its dragon breath could come out, a sudden strong force came from Ye Weilan above. The force suddenly increased, forcing it to swallow back the breath that reached its mouth, leaving only wisps of black smoke. Gas escaped from the corner of his mouth, filling the surroundings with the smell of gunpowder smoke.

Lu Yu waved his hand to disperse the smoke around him, and then said: "After all, he is a general under Liu Hongxu's command, so we can't just kill him... But we can't just let this matter go. The death sentence can be avoided, but the living crime cannot be escaped, so take off its scales as compensation for us! "

"Okay." Ye Weilan responded, "But I'm afraid it will be a little difficult for me to do this alone. I need your help!"

"no problem!"

When Lan Longmian heard the seriousness of what the two said, he couldn't help being shocked and angry:

"That's unreasonable!"

"How dare you!"

"You are an offense to the true dragon's blood! It is a blasphemy to His Majesty the Dragon God! You are the enemy of the entire dragon clan!"

"Female! You have the strength to compete with the blood of a true dragon. You are definitely not an ordinary monster. Why are you willing to be driven by humble humans?"

"If you really dare to destroy my body, all the dragon clan will not let you go! Panlong Realm Mountain will never let you go!"

The blue dragon kept threatening viciously.

However, Lu Yu and Ye Weilan paid no attention to it. Just where it was roaring angrily, Lu Yu had touched the blue dragon's neck, turned up one of the scales, and started tearing it hard.

Ouch! Ouch!

The blue dragon's body twisted crazily and let out a miserable howl.

Dragon scales are an excellent weapon refining material. Not only are they of great value to human cultivators, they are also extremely critical to the dragon itself.

Not only is it a manifestation of strength and glory, it is also their key point.

To have one's dragon scales pulled out is simply unbearable pain for a giant dragon.

"Ah! Despicable humans! Shameless humans!"

"You actually dare to offend the supreme majesty of the dragon clan! Steal the body of the true dragon's blood!"

"You only dare to hide behind this woman and use such despicable tricks!"

"I won't let you go! The giant dragon clan won't let you go! Panlong Realm Mountain won't let you go!"

The blue dragon struggled even more violently.

However, under the joint efforts of Lu Yu and Ye Weilan, all its resistance was in vain. Lu Yu's hands tightly grasped the scale and tore it with all his strength. Countless dragon blood spilled out. But the half of the dragon piece has not fallen off yet, which shows its toughness.

The surrounding Forbidden Army troops had already scattered in all directions, each looking for a place to avoid the shock caused by the blue dragon's struggle.

Seeing this scene at this time, these Forbidden Army troops couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. How could they have the courage to come up and stop it all.

Especially the leader, Commander Lin, rushed into the crowd for fear of being found by Lu Yu.

At this time, his heart sank to the bottom, and his whole body was cold.

He was extremely ambitious before, thinking that with the tens of thousands of forbidden troops, he would definitely be able to capture the opponent in one fell swoop, and take this opportunity to ascend... Only at this moment did he realize how naive his original idea was.

Finally, Lu Yu tore off half of the scales.

The severe pain temporarily subsided, but the blue dragon did. He pulled all his strength closer and lay on the ground like a dead snake.

Lu Yu took the dragon scale in his hand and weighed it twice, feeling the peculiar texture and special touch on it.

"No wonder people say that a dragon's body is full of treasures. If you just peel off a scale, it will have such a texture..."

Lu Yu said sadly.

"However, it is a pity that the dragon blood just now is said to be a great tonic. I should have found something to collect it in advance. Maybe it can also be used to make a potion of elixirs..."

At this time, Ye Weilan also came over, frowned slightly and said: "It took so much effort to just peel off one dragon scale. It seems that I want to peel off all the dragon scales on it alive." , is not an easy thing..."

Although she was talking about the eight dragon scales, she was actually reminding Lu Yu that if too much real energy was consumed here, there would be no spare power to deal with other dangers later.

Lu Yu looked up at Panlongjian Mountain above his head, thought for a moment, smiled slightly and said, "How about we change the way!"

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