Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1377 The road reappears

Over the long years, the Five-Colored Dragon Pan King had many descendants.

However, with the advent of the catastrophe, most of its descendants have died young, and today only Blue Dragon Crown is left.

However, the Blue Dragon Crown is also the most outstanding among them, and is the only one who has the hope of being able to advance to become a five-color dragon and inherit the mantle of King Pan.

It is precisely for this reason that the Five Colored Dragon Pan King attaches great importance to his only son and loves him very much. This is an extremely rare thing among the dragon clan who have a long lifespan and are always indifferent to family affection.

Now Lu Yu wants to use the blue dragon crown as a hostage so that the Five-Colored Dragon Pan King can throw a rat weapon. I have to say that such behavior is really despicable...

However, just when the giant dragons couldn't help but want to yell at Lu Yu, Lu Yu suddenly jumped off the blue dragon's body and voluntarily gave up using the blue dragon's body as a means of poverty.

All the giant dragons couldn't help but be stunned. They all heard the roaring sound on their lips and couldn't help but swallow it back.

The Five-Colored Dragon Pan King was also caught off guard. It had already made several plans, preparing to knock Lu Yu off the blue dragon's body in one fell swoop without hurting his son. Unexpectedly, it was about to happen. Unexpectedly, none of them are used, which can't help but make it feel like a punch on cotton, a deep feeling of powerlessness.

So, it had no choice but to lift its tail, roll it up hard, and stop the blue dragon's huge body, preparing to rescue the blue dragon first.

However, at this moment, a strange change suddenly occurred.

I saw golden lines suddenly blooming on the huge body of the blue dragon, especially where the dragon scales were originally peeled off. The golden lines quickly filled them up, and then turned into golden characters one by one. The dragon's body flew out.

The strange changes in this scene happened very quickly. Before the Five-Colored Dragon Pan King could figure out what was going on, the golden characters were already shining in the sky, forming a huge ring.

All of this is naturally the spell cast by Lu Yu.

"Mother, it's dangerous!!"

As the spell characters continued to fly out of his body, Blue Dragon Crown gradually regained control of his body and was finally able to make sounds again.

However, its reminder was too late after all.

The huge ring flying in the air has been intertwined with the body of the five-color dragon. The golden spell characters are all the way up along the tail, constantly flying and submerging into the body of the five-color dragon.


The five-color dragon roared angrily and struggled violently.

It seemed to be tightly entangled by a tough and long invisible rope. The harder it struggled, the tighter the rope became. It looked very similar to the previous blue dragon crown.

Blue Dragon Crown had already experienced the pain of this and knew how powerful this spell was, but it didn't expect that Lu Yuyu could use the spell so flexibly, and that Juran could transfer it from his body to his mother's body.

It's a pity that after this period of control, the power in the blue dragon's body has long been drained. At this time, it can only watch and worry, and there is absolutely nothing it can do.

"Stop him! Stop him!"

The blue dragon roared loudly in the direction of Lu Yu.

The giant dragons were startled, and then they all looked at Lu Yu as if they were just waking up from a dream. They saw that his whole body was also shining with golden light, and he was waving his hand gestures non-stop, and the trajectory of his hand gestures was exactly the same as that of the five-color dragon. The trajectory of the flying spell characters on Dragon Pan King's body is exactly the same.

The giant dragons didn't understand that the key to launching this spell was Lu Yu. They launched an offensive and blasted towards Lu Yu.

Ice, fire, thunder and lightning, boulders and mountains, poisonous dragon breath... all kinds of attacks came overwhelmingly, and they were about to drown Lu Yu in the blink of an eye...

However, his expression remained unchanged. Faced with the extremely fierce offensive of the giant dragons, he suddenly smiled evilly, and then took out a small square pot with a unique and simple shape from the Qiankun Bag.

This is the most precious Lingxi Pot of the Dali Sword Sect.

Lu Yu grabbed the Lingxi Pot in his hand and silently used Xuan Gong, the two were closely combined.

Suddenly, a silent wave surged between heaven and earth, just like the waves of the sea crashing hard into everyone's hearts.

This is not an actual offensive, but a wave of spiritual power generated by his integration with the Lingxi Pot.

In an instant, stars appeared in Lu Yu's body.

The golden elixir seeds moved slowly, seemingly slowly but actually quickly, once again outlining the strange phenomena of the Nine Stars.

A unique domain was also formed in this strange scene.

Just when the overwhelming offensive was about to overwhelm Lu Yu, he suddenly raised his hands and thought, pushed outward, and the area of ​​​​the area suddenly expanded in a circle, blocking the overwhelming offensive.

No amount of power can escape the constraints of the laws of the stars.

Whether it is ice, fire, thunder and lightning, huge rocks, mountains, poisonous dragon breath... all offensives are introduced into the trajectory of the stars, flowing and losing along the trajectory, and then gradually disappear, dissolved invisibly.

The giant dragon clan couldn't help but feel shocked.

Every adult dragon has strength comparable to that of Jindan Zhenren, and they are all masters at manipulating fields. In fact, the so-called dragon pressure is also a kind of field...

But they had never seen such a scene before, and they had never thought that such a powerful field could be created.

What’s even more terrifying is to think that the guy who can inspire such a powerful field is actually a person who hasn’t even condensed the golden elixir...

For a moment, even the three kings and dragons couldn't help but feel numb at this scene.

However, their troubles were far from over.

The power of the Lingxi Pot doesn’t end there…

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