Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1378 The whole country is shocked

As an extremely rare magic weapon for replenishing true essence, the power that Lingxi Pot can exert is closely related to the strength of the operator.

The more outstanding the operator's own strength, the more powerful it can exert.

Especially in a situation like Lu Yu's now, although the sea of ​​true essence in his body is already very powerful, it is still dwarfed by the strength of his mind and consciousness. He often "thinks" about it, but may not be able to "do" it.

After the fusion of Lingxi Pot, it greatly made up for this shortcoming, allowing him to put more ideas in his mind into practice, even some incredible ideas can provide sufficient power to drive.

There was a loud bang.

The light of the nine stars in Lu Yu's body scattered, forming a criss-crossing path, and cast towards the spell characters in the air.

Those spell characters are like seeds, and the light guided by the path is like the warm light of a star, which immediately makes the spell characters grow rapidly and multiply wildly at a geometric speed.

In just a blink of an eye, the spell characters shining in the air increased several times, and they were still "growing" rapidly. The entire Panlongjie Mountain seemed to have turned into a cold winter with heavy snow, but what was falling was not crystal clear snowflakes, but strange spell characters.

These spell characters moved slowly along the strange trajectory, forming one circle after another, big circles inside small circles, small circles connected to big circles, circles inside circles, circles inside circles, endless and endless cycles.

The entire Panlongjie Mountain was covered by infinite circles, and all the giant dragons were naturally wrapped in them.

The giant dragons instinctively realized that something was wrong and immediately wanted to withdraw.

However, the more they moved, the deeper the contact with these rings.

So countless spell characters rushed into their bodies along the trajectory of the rings.



Howling sounds came one after another.

All the dragons were entangled in the circle formed by the spell characters, and began to struggle violently and roared wildly.

But these spell characters were specially tailored for the dragon clan.

Every time, they always attacked their key points just right, causing their resistance to quickly relax. No matter how hard they struggled, they could not get rid of the shackles of the spell.

The sound spread far away...

Not only the Panlongjie Mountain, but the entire Wanlong Kingdom was faintly shaken.

People didn't know what happened, but seeing such a horrifying momentum, they instinctively developed a fear, their faces turned pale, and some were even scared to the ground with their heads in their hands.

After all, all the tribes in Haixi have a close connection with the true dragon bloodline.

Some are single species that directly mate with the dragon clan, such as the dragon clan, which is the offspring of the human race and the dragon clan.

Others are a mixture of hybrid races and foreign races, and the dragon bloodline is even thinner...

But no matter what the situation is, as long as the race can occupy a place in the Haixi land, tracing its source must be closely related to the true dragon bloodline.

Therefore, the collective shock of the giant dragon clan will naturally cause the various races in Haixi to react.

"Commander Lin, what is going on?"

In the imperial army camp below Panlongjie Mountain, the dragon imperial army led by Commander Lin had already been scared pale.

They just witnessed Lu Yu's great power and captured the Blue Dragon Military Minister in one fell swoop, and suffered a lot in the process. Unexpectedly, they saw the entire Panlongjie Mountain shaking so soon.

If you say there is no connection between the two, they will never believe it, and they can't help but lose their courage for a while, and no longer have the previous mighty army and the prosperous military appearance.

Commander Lin was even more confused at this time. He couldn't help but feel deeply terrified for his previous wild imagination and overestimation of his own abilities.

If he hadn't been concerned about his status as a commander, he would have squatted in the corner with his head in his hands like those weak soldiers.

Facing the questions from his subordinates at this time, Commander Lin had no intention of answering. He stood blankly in the camp, looking up at the Panlongjie Mountain above, thinking about how to remedy this matter...

In Fengtian City.

As the western gateway of Tuoshan Territory, the wailing and roaring of the dragon clan can also be clearly felt here.

For a while, the whole city was in chaos.


Ji Sizhang hurriedly pushed open the door.

In the room, Ji Siming's forehead was wrapped with white gauze, and a red mark was seeping out from the place where the horn was broken. At this time, he was sitting on the bed woodenly, with a very strange expression on his face.

"Did you hear that just now?" Ji Sizhang asked anxiously.

Ji Siming nodded silently.

Ji Sizhang asked again hurriedly: "Brother, what is going on?"

Although Ji Siming's strength has been greatly reduced after his horn was broken, his vision and knowledge are still there, and he is still the backbone of the entire Fengtian City.

Ji Siming was silent for a long time, and then he sighed: "Fourth brother, I'm afraid we bet on the wrong horse this time!"

Ji Sizhang's heart sank.

Although he had already expected this, hearing Ji Siming's judgment extinguished the last bit of hope in his heart.

"Brother, then... what should we do now?" Ji Sizhang said in a difficult voice.

Originally, Ji Siming's horn was broken, and it was already difficult for the Ji family to secure their position as Lord of Fengtian City. Now that they were on the opposite side of Lu Yu, they were completely cornered.

Perhaps Lu Yu himself would not hold them accountable, but for them to reach where they are today, they will naturally make countless enemies along the way. Those forces that are preparing to move in the dark will plunge the Ji family into a situation that will never be restored.

"For today's plan...this is the only way!"

Ji Siming gritted his teeth suddenly, with a fierce look in his eyes.

Then, he held his hand on his remaining horn.


With a crisp sound, the horn like a tree crown broke off.

Ji Sizhang was shocked and shouted: "Brother! Why...why is this?"

Ji Siming tremblingly handed the horn to his younger brother's hand. He had finally recovered a little strength, but now he was dying again:

"Take this horn and go to Long Qingxuan immediately to apologize! If you can't find Long Qingxuan, go to Yanjing City... Only in this way can we keep our Ji family alive and not fall into the trap again. The lost dog!”

Ji Sizhang felt his hands were heavy.

His feet were as if they were filled with lead, and he finally managed to pull himself away from where he was, and left without looking back.

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