Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1386 The History of the Dragon Clan

"Ten Thousand Dragons Cave? Break the seal?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you looking up to me too much? Although I have never been to Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, just by hearing the name, I know that it is by no means an easy place. These giant dragons under your control , it is said that most of them were rescued from there... Why do you think I can break the seal there? "

"Of course it's based on what you did on Red Flame Island!"

Liu Hongxu replied.

"Back then on Scarlet Flame Island, you did not hesitate to activate the power of the Dragon God in order to lift the seal on your body. Although you failed in the end due to my fault, you fully demonstrated your strength in the process..."

"At that time, you were only in the True Yuan realm, and even because of the spell seal, you couldn't even use the True Yuan. But you were able to activate the power of the Dragon God. It's because of your gift that I became what I am today. Achievement……"

"Now you are far more powerful than before, and the energy you can exert is far more powerful than before. If anyone can break the last seal of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, then I can only think of you. !”

Lu Yu shrugged: "Is there any connection between the two?"

"Of course there is a connection!"

Liu Hongxu said: "Because the seal of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave is also derived from the power of the Dragon God, but it is much more powerful than the power of the Dragon God on Chiyan Island... The one on Chiyan Island was You can find a way at any time, and I think the power of the Dragon God in Ten Thousand Dragons Cave should not be able to stop you!"

"What did you say?"

Lu Yu was surprised and said: "The seal of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave comes from the power of the Dragon God? Could it be that the Dragon God personally sealed the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave? Are you sure you are not mistaken?"

Liu Hongxu said: "There are very complicated reasons involved, but the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave is indeed sealed by the Dragon God... How could I be wrong about the authenticity of the Dragon God's power?"

"How complicated can the reasons behind this be? Why don't you tell me?"

Lu Yu spread his hands.

"Now that we're here, there's still time to listen to the story...especially since I was so interested just now..."

"What happened in the land of Haixi in the past long years? Why did it become like this? If you are not too busy, please tell us in detail!"

Liu Hongxu said: "If the young master is interested in these old events, Hongxu will naturally not hide it from you..."

"But frankly speaking, these past events are too long ago. What I know are just hearsay and my own analysis and guesswork. If there is anything I say that is not accurate enough, please don't mind me... "

Then, Liu Hongxu began to tell.

It turns out that this world was originally dominated by the Storm Clan. They were once extremely powerful and left many myths and legends in this world. The ancient city of Guoyun was once their main breeding and habitat, and its magnificence and power spread throughout the world. It is also dazzling in the world.

Later, I don't know when, the Storm Clan suddenly fell, and the ancient city of Guoyun, which was once prosperous, also lost its glory.

At this time, a giant dragon tribe came here from a distant place and began to thrive in this world. Before long, the entire world was covered with traces of giant dragons.

At its most prosperous time, the number of the dragon clan even reached one hundred thousand.

Compared with humans, this number is nothing to mention, but you must know that this is a clan of giant dragons that are comparable in size to the mountains. The number of 100,000 is already an unimaginable picture.

If the world dominated by the Storm Clan was the first era, then from the moment the Dragon Clan came, this world began the Second Era dominated by the Dragon Clan.

Hearing this, Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

He had long known that the Storm Clan once dominated the heavens and established an extraordinary and unsurpassed civilization, but then suddenly declined overnight. It was not until the arrival of the Bixiao Palace that it slowly evolved into the current world structure. ...But between the two, there is a gap of at least hundreds of thousands of years.

This time they finally met. Unexpectedly, the giant dragon clan had been dominant in the middle for hundreds of thousands of years.

"What about these dragons? Where are they now?"

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but interjected and asked.

Although she is also a dragon and has the blood of a true dragon, she is completely unaware of this history.


Liu Hongxu turned his head to look at her and replied calmly.

"Dead?" Long Qingxuan asked in surprise: "Are they all dead?"

Liu Hongxu nodded lightly and said, "Because of the war..."

"Although the dragon tribe is a very powerful race, they are not without enemies in all the worlds. Otherwise, the original dragon tribe would not have come here from the distant outer star field. In fact, they are I came here to escape the war and find a new place to recuperate..."

"And when their number multiplied to more than 100,000, and their strength became unprecedentedly powerful, they began to want to fight back... But you should have guessed the final result. The giant dragon family suffered a tragic defeat, and they have been unable to recover since then, and finally evolved into what they are now. situation..."

"Who are these opponents of the dragon clan?" Long Qingxuan asked with lingering fear.

Being able to defeat a hundred thousand giant dragons in one fell swoop was definitely not a force that could be taken lightly.

"The Shadow Clan, one of the five ancient Celestial Clan." Liu Hongxu replied.

"Shadow Clan?"

"The five major ancient heavenly clans are the Dragon God Clan, the Shadow Clan, the Storm Clan, the Night Phoenix Clan, and the Demon Spirit Clan..." Liu Hongxu said, suddenly looking at Ye Weilan, "The Yehuang Clan to which sister Weilan belongs. , is also one of the five ancient Celestial Clan, and she has only awakened part of the bloodline power... From her, you should be able to imagine how powerful the ancient Celestial Clan must be!"

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but be stunned.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly: "Dragon God Clan? Shouldn't it be the Giant Dragon Clan?"

"That's right..."

Liu Hongxu said: "The giant dragon clan is just a creation of the Dragon God Clan. There is a big gap between the two. They are not qualified to be called the five ancient celestial clans."

Now Lu Yu couldn't help being surprised: "Could it be that the Dragon God is actually a race and not a powerful god?"

Liu Hongxu pondered for a moment: "You can't be wrong if you think so now... In fact, the Dragon God Clan is also a very powerful race. It is said that when they were at their peak, they were no less powerful than the Storm Clan, but later on, as the enemy Suppressed, the Dragon God Clan began to decline day by day, and later suffered disasters one after another..."

"Under the huge pressure to survive, the Dragon God Clan began to merge into one. They gathered their respective powers and ideas together and turned into an incorporeal void god. In this way, they escaped the catastrophe of heaven and earth... From then on, they began to use His own power guided the dragon clan, continued to fight against the shadow clan, and became the true dragon god."

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

What kind of race is this that can actually combine the power and thoughts of all individuals into one, and piece it together into an extremely powerful individual? This is too incredible...

Liu Hongxu sighed softly: "I know this is very difficult to understand, but it is indeed the fact... The origin of all this is recorded on the Dragon Soaring Chart on the other side. I only understood this paragraph after my strength improved recently. Record……"

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