Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1387 Dragon God Seal

Liu Hongxu paused for a moment and continued, "We've strayed off topic. Let's get back to the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave..."

"Though the 100,000 dragons were defeated, they also dealt a heavy blow to the Shadow Clan. In order to eliminate the trouble forever, the Shadow Clan launched a dark invasion on this world."

"This is a very strange power. You can think of it as a plague virus specifically targeting the dragon clan. Once a dragon is invaded by darkness, it will fall into darkness, its own power attributes will completely change, it will go crazy, and start a fierce fight against its own clan... "

"This is the Shadow Clan's plan to wipe out the entire clan. They want to use this method to make the dragon clan kill each other and destroy themselves... Without the dragon clan, the power of the Dragon God will be greatly limited..."

"In order to prevent the dragon clan from being annihilated, the Dragon God opened up the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave, collected most of the powerful dragons in the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave, and sealed it up. The purpose is to protect the dragon clan from the poison of the dark invasion..."

"So, now you should understand why it was the power of the Dragon God that sealed the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave, right?"

Lu Yumo After a moment, he said, "I understand... But, according to what you said, if the Dragon God sealed the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave for the purpose of protection, then he should have left a way to crack it. Could it be that he planned to lock these giant dragons in there forever?"

"Why didn't he leave it?"

Liu Hongxu sighed again: "The Dragon God could not officially enter this world, so he chose a giant dragon as his agent and gave it the extremely powerful power of the Dragon God. Not only was the entire Ten Thousand Dragon Cave built by this agent, but it also gave it enough power to resist the erosion of darkness..."

"This agent is the original supreme being of the giant dragon clan - the Five-Colored God. The Five-Colored Dragon Pan you just saw is its descendant..."

"According to the original plan, the Five-Colored God would reopen the seal of the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave after the dark invasion was over. Unexpectedly, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Before the time to lift the seal was ripe, the Five-Colored God was killed first..."

"Originally, in order to be on the safe side, the Five-Colored God had prepared multiple clones in advance, but even those clones were also cut off in one fell swoop..."

Lu Yu was stunned.

I didn't expect that the Five-Colored God actually had such an identity. So, could it be that the Immortal Pan Wu was a powerful person from the Shadow Clan, and the purpose of his reincarnation was to deal with the Five-Colored God?

Liu Hongxu continued, "So, until now, those seals have not been completely lifted. What I have broken before are just some simpler seals on the outer layer. I am also helpless with the most core seal..."

"I think, only you, young master, can let these dragons trapped for thousands of years see the light of day again."

As she said, she looked at Lu Yu with a pair of bright eyes.

There was admiration, worship, respect, and a hint of charm and desire...

Her identity is no longer the same as before. It is difficult for a normal person to resist being looked at like this by a queen who rules over all the tribes in Haixi.

However, Lu Yu just smiled coldly: "The previous ones are fine, but this last sentence is a bit hypocritical... Is your purpose really to let these giant dragons see the light of day again?"

"Since the seal of the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave is so troublesome, the dragon god power contained in it must be extremely powerful. At the beginning of the Red Flame Island, you only swallowed a small part of the dragon god power, and you achieved such an amazing achievement..."

"If you swallow the dragon god power of the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave, I'm afraid these dragons will worship you as the incarnation of the dragon god, right? At least it's the level of another five-color god!"

Liu Hongxu smiled and did not deny Lu Yu's speculation, saying: "Is there anything wrong with letting these giant dragons obey me?"

"Obeying my orders is equivalent to serving you... Isn't it that the young master came here this time to control such a force in his own hands?"

Lu Yu raised his eyebrows and looked at her: "But... will you let me do what I want?"

"Of course!"

Liu Hongxu answered without hesitation: "Young master, don't worry, with the last lesson "I will never make the same mistake again..."

"As long as you help me take the power of the Dragon God, I and the Wanlong Kingdom will firmly support you, including the most powerful dragons sealed at the bottom of the Wanlong Cave. They will all become the power to support you!"

Lu Yu was slightly surprised: "Are you serious? Will you sell out the interests of the dragons for this?"

"No, I didn't sell out the interests of the dragons..." Liu Hongxu smiled and said: "In fact, the interests of the dragons do not conflict with the alliance with the young master. The world today is no longer the dragon era of the past. If the dragons want to achieve long-term development, it is necessary to form an alliance with a strong man like the young master!"

Lu Yu said: "But do you know what it means to form an alliance with me? My opponent is not a simple person..."

"No matter what kind of opponent it is, it will never be more dangerous than the Shadow Clan..." Liu Hongxu said, "On the contrary, if you didn't consider the threat of the Shadow Clan, among the five ancient celestial clans, only the Shadow Clan can survive to this day..."

Lu Yu fell silent.

However, he is not considering the threat of the Shadow Clan. This is a false proposition for him. The threat from the Bixiao Palace is imminent. How can he consider the Shadow Clan that may only appear once in tens of thousands of years?

What he was really considering was the authenticity of Liu Hongxu's words. Was she lying to him?

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of the rope for ten years. After all, Liu Hongxu had a criminal record. Moreover, according to Lu Yu's understanding of Liu Hongxu's character, she had great ambitions and was not the kind of person who was willing to be inferior to others.

However, for now, Lu Yu didn't see any problems with her.

Perhaps, like her current situation, she also has a more imminent threat...

"At the bottom of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, if the last seal is unlocked, how many giant dragons can be released?" Lu Yu asked, changing the topic.

Liu Hongxu replied: "According to Pan, when it was sealed, nearly six hundred giant dragons entered the bottom of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave. However, this was tens of thousands of years ago. How many are left now?" It’s not easy to say, but it should be at least more than half!”

Hearing this, Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan were stunned at the same time: "So many!"

"Is that much?" Liu Hongxu laughed self-deprecatingly: "When it was at its strongest, the number of dragons had reached one hundred thousand, but now it's just a fraction!"

"However, even if it is just a fraction, it still has absolute dominance in this world... Are you interested in taking them into your hands, Master?"

Lu Yu waved his hand and said, "I have one last question..."

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