Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1389 Extraterritorial Land

Liu Hongxu walked out of Nianlong Palace and waved gently.

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery changed rapidly, as if the world was spinning.

In the blink of an eye, the Tiangang airflow disappeared, and the ice and snow peaks also disappeared. Only the Nianlong Palace behind him still stood majestically, and the surrounding scene had turned into a strange space where dragons gathered below.

Lu Yu and the others couldn't help but be startled.

They spent a long time walking through the Longteng Mountain on the other side and climbing the Bone Staircase to finally reach here. Unexpectedly, Liu Hongxu returned here in the blink of an eye.

However, after careful analysis, Lu Yu discovered that they had not actually returned to the Boundary Mountain below. The surrounding scenes were actually just an illusion. They had only established a very large real-time image communication with the Boundary Mountain below. .

But even so, this is very shocking. Lu Yu has never seen such a large-scale instant messaging. There is really something weird about this Nianlong Palace...

The dragons in the Boundary Mountain below had obviously seen the appearance of Nianlong Palace, and they all showed their true colors and gathered together. Under the leadership of the four heavenly king dragons, they bowed their heads to Liu Hongxu respectfully.

"Meet Her Majesty the Queen!"

The loud voice echoed through two spaces at the same time.

Liu Hongxu ignored the worship of the dragons, but observed the messy scene in the Boundary Mountain, then turned back to Lu Yu and said: "Young master is really good at it!"

Lu Yu spread his hands with an innocent look on his face: "This is not my fault alone."

Liu Hongxu shook his head, then turned to the dragons and said: "Next, I need you to do two things... First, assemble all the troops in Wanlong Kingdom and be ready at any time!"

The dragons were suddenly in an uproar.

King Jin Longqing asked: "Your Majesty, is this going to be a war? Who is the enemy?"

Liu Hongxu said expressionlessly: "You don't need to pay attention to this for now, just be prepared. When the time is right, you will naturally know everything!"


King Jin Longqing lowered his head silently.

None of the other dragons raised any questions.

Liu Hongxu was very satisfied with the attitude of the dragons and couldn't help but nodded slightly.

In fact, although she is the queen of dragons from all over the world, these giant dragons are all unruly and unruly people, especially those later rescued from the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave. Although they appear to be dominated by Liu Hongxu, in fact they are Not much respect.

This is the first time that her order has been issued so smoothly. It is obviously all thanks to Lu Yu. The previous battle can be said to have completely worn away their arrogance.

Liu Hongxu continued: "Second, seize the time to repair this thing as soon as possible, and give it as many dragon blessings as possible..."

With that said, Liu Hongxu took out the black tail of the dragon fish with only two tail fins left.

Suddenly, there was a slight movement among the dragons again.

"This is...Arowana Blacktail!"

"Your Majesty has finally recovered this treasure!"

"Sure enough, Your Majesty is more powerful!"

"Actually, why bother doing that before? She will make proper arrangements for the treasures lent by His Majesty... Look, didn't His Majesty get the treasures back without any effort now?"

Liu Hongxu allowed the group of dragons to talk for a while without explaining too much. He paused and then continued: "Pan is fully responsible for this matter. Later, you will come over in person to take away the black tail of the dragon fish. After repairing it, send it back to Nian." Come to the Dragon Palace."

"Yes." Five Color Dragon Pan responded.

"Okay, everyone goes about their own business!"

Liu Hongxu waved his hand.

Suddenly, the surrounding scenery began to spin again, and a moment later, they returned to the top of the mountain range where the wind was roaring and covered with ice and snow.

Liu Hongxu turned around and looked at Lu Yu with a smile: "Sir, I have completed the three things you asked me to do. Now it's up to you..."

Lu Yu nodded silently. Seeing Liu Hongxu explaining the matter so quickly, he felt a little uncomfortable for a while.

"Where is the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave?" Lu Yu took a deep breath and said, "Please lead the way!"

Liu Hongxu said: "No need to lead the way, we have already arrived at its door!"

Lu Yu was stunned and looked around, but couldn't see any clues, so he had to turn around and look at her in surprise.

Liu Hongxu smiled mysteriously: "In fact, this Nianlong Palace is the entrance to Ten Thousand Dragons Cave!"

As she said that, she raised her hand slightly, and the world immediately started spinning again, but what was spinning was no longer the surrounding scenery, but the Dragon Nian Palace itself.

Huge skeletons rose up from the mountain below, including the skeleton stairs that Lu Yu and the others had walked before. They were all connected to the Nianlong Palace, forming an extremely huge magic circle.

The brilliance of the magic circle was swaying and flashing like water waves. Just in front of a few people, Lu Yu could clearly feel a mysterious and unpredictable world behind this light curtain.

"Is this a teleportation circle that connects places outside the territory?" Lu Yu asked in surprise.

This teleportation circle brought him a new feeling that he had never experienced before.

General Cave Heaven Illusions, such as Xiaoli Tian Illusion, Da Li Tian Illusion and various illusions of major sects, although they are collectively called extraterritorial places, in fact the foundation of their laws is still in this world. , they did not break away from the scope of this world, but the meaning of the term "outside the territory" was extended, and they were called outside the territory.

In the true narrow sense, "outside the territory" refers to an independent space where the basis of the law is completely separated from this world.

Such places are actually very rare, and most of them only exist in ancient myths and legends. Presumably, with the fall of the Storm Clan, the world has undergone tremendous changes, and such places have gradually disappeared.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu sensed completely different laws of heaven and earth behind this light curtain, which meant that what was hidden behind this was a genuine "extraterritorial place".

Liu Hongxu smiled: "If not, how could we escape the dark invasion launched by the Shadow Clan? Master, please!"

Lu Yu's expression turned slightly serious, but he still walked in without hesitation.

Ye Weilan followed closely behind.

When Long Qingxuan was about to enter, Liu Hongxu suddenly said, "Do you want the second lady to go in too?"

Long Qingxuan said: "Isn't it possible?"

Liu Hongxu said: "If I read it correctly, you should be at the critical moment of forming the elixir. My Nianlong Palace has many benefits for cultivation, especially the cultivation of true dragon bloodline... You just took a closer look. After passing my golden elixir, I think there should be a lot of insights, I think it’s better for you to stay here and practice quickly!”

Long Qingxuan smiled softly: "Your Majesty is about to break through the Tiangang, so you can leave it alone. I'm just forming elixirs, so what does it matter? I'm just following to gain knowledge. I will never cause trouble, and I will never follow you. Just don’t worry about snatching the power of the Dragon God!”

Liu Hongxu said: "Second Miss, you think too highly of yourself. You are not qualified to inherit the power of the Dragon God at all... I'm just worried that you will lose your life in there!"

Long Qingxuan said: "Your Majesty, I don't have to worry about this. There won't be any problems with the young master here. Even if I am really in danger, the young master will definitely protect me... This is different from your majesty. I have nothing to do with the young master." Full trust on the reservation!”

After saying that, he flicked his black hair and walked into the teleportation circle.

Liu Hongxu stood there with a gloomy look on his face for a while, but in the end he didn't say anything more and followed in.

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