Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1390 Thousands of Caves

After passing through the teleportation circle, what appeared at Lu Yu's feet was an entire wilderness with no end in sight.

It was dark, cold, and dead, with no signs of survival of any animals or plants. It was like a desert with no life.

As far as the eye can see, there is only the cold, hard and dark ground. The texture seems to be some kind of rock structure, but the top is not flat. Every few feet there is an extremely huge pit. It is bottomless and I don't know where it leads. …

The entire landscape looks like a huge piece of cheese.

"Is this the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave? It really deserves its name!" Lu Yu sighed softly, "No matter whether there are ten thousand giant dragons sleeping here, at least the number of caves is enough..."

Ye Weilan walked to the side of a deep pit, stretched out her snow-white neck and looked down: "The dragon clan is sealed here..."

Lu Yu said: "These outer areas have been explored by Liu Hongxu a long time ago. Otherwise, where did she get Panlong Realm Mountain and Nianlong Palace? Even if there are still sealed dragons, they should be inside. Some of the core areas.”

"Then where should we go?" Ye Weilan asked.

At this time, Liu Hongxu also walked out of the teleportation circle and said: "Sister Weilan, don't be anxious, please come with me!"

With that said, Liu Hongxu walked to the front immediately, reminding everyone as he walked:

"Although this place looks ordinary on the surface, it is actually full of traps. The areas on the outside are slightly better. When you get to the core area inside, you must pay attention to my footprints and follow them step by step. , otherwise you will fall into the trap set by the Five Colored God Lord..."

"In addition, the laws of space here are different from other places. You must not rely on your own strength to use Qing Gong or Escape Techniques, otherwise you will inevitably suffer backlash..."

"The best choice is to be down-to-earth like me and never show off..."

As he said that, Liu Hongxu glanced at Long Qingxuan casually, as if he was deliberately reminding her.

Long Qingxuan snorted lightly, ignored it, and followed Lu Yu and Ye Weilan calmly.

The four of them walked on the rocks at the edge of the pit, moving forward.

During this process, Lu Yu had the idea of ​​giving it a try and specifically tried the escape method.

As a result, as soon as he activated Feihua Escape, one of his feet got automatically stuck in the rock, unable to move. It took a lot of effort to pull it out...

Only then did a few people realize that Liu Hongxu's reminder just now was not without purpose, so they did not dare to make excuses and followed her honestly.

There is unchanging darkness in Wanlong Cave, without any changes in the light of the sun, moon and stars.

They didn't know how long they had been walking in it, but suddenly they came to an extremely huge pit.

"It's all concentrated here." Liu Hongxu said.

In the pit, there was darkness.

Lu Yu looked at the deep pit in front of him and remained silent.

Long Qingxuan took out a luminous pearl and threw it in.

The dim light of the night pearl was quickly swallowed up by the darkness, and even the echo was not heard, and it was not known how deep it was.

Long Qingxuan frowned: "How are we going to get on with this?"

Liu Hongxu smiled: "Jump down!"

"Jump down?" Long Qingxuan couldn't help being surprised: "Didn't you say that you can't use any light skills or escape techniques?"

"Yes, so we have to rely on our own physical strength to withstand the huge impact of the fall. If we can't master kung fu, we can only look at the scenery outside. It is impossible to enter the dragon cave." Liu Hongxu said.

Long Qingxuan couldn't help but frown even more tightly.

Liu Hongxu added: "By the way, the internal laws of the dragon cave here are very special. When you go deep into it, the gravity will increase exponentially. When you reach the bottom, the gravity will be dozens of times that of here, and the impact will be natural. It will also be dozens of times higher than usual..."

"So, people who want to go there really need to think carefully about it."

After saying that, she looked at Long Qingxuan with a smile.

However, before seeing Long Qingxuan's joke, Ye Weilan said: "Dozens of times the gravity? This is nothing... Why don't I go down and take a look at the situation first?"

Lu Yu said: "Are you sure?"

Ye Weilan nodded: "When you went to Fuyun Palace and didn't come back, I was bored alone in Jade Butterfly Peak and tried to challenge my own limits... I think this is nothing to me! "

"Okay, then be more careful!"

Then, Ye Weilan jumped down from the edge of the pit.

A circle of faint blue flames floated around her body, which was also quickly engulfed by darkness.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink slightly. Just when he was about to question Liu Hongxu, there was suddenly a violent vibration below, and then the entire deep cave was illuminated by flames.

"I'm fine, it's safe here... Come down, I can pick you up!"

Ye Weilan's voice came from the bottom of the cave along with the blazing fire.

Several people couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

The shock just now was not something that ordinary people could bear. However, Ye Weilan acted like a normal person. Now even Lu Yu couldn't help but have a new understanding of the strength of her body.

"As expected of a descendant of the Yehuang Clan..." Liu Hongxu said with emotion.

She was originally a dragon. After devouring the power of the Dragon God, her physical body was greatly strengthened.

She originally thought that in today's world, purely in terms of physical strength, no one should be able to match her... It wasn't until this moment that she realized that there was still a big gap between herself and Ye Weilan.

"Sir, I'm here

After Liu Hongxu finished speaking, he also jumped down.

Originally, she wanted to take this opportunity to show off her strength, but unexpectedly, she had no use for it now.

"You go down first!" Lu Yu said to Long Qingxuan.

Long Qingxuan hesitated and said: "Sir, how about I wait for you up there... I know you have good intentions and want me to gain more knowledge, although you are afraid that it will drag you down..."

Lu Yu shook his head: "I'm not just here to help you. I actually have some new discoveries. Maybe I need you to help me verify my conjecture... Besides, you can't hold me back."

Long Qingxuan was slightly stunned, and finally nodded heavily: "In this case, Qingxuan will definitely go all out!"

After saying that, she jumped into the pit.

Lu Yu stood on the edge of the pit and silently glanced at the hole-ridden caves around him. His eyes flashed, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

After a while, he jumped down too.

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