Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1395 Split into two

The Ark of the Other Shore...

Hearing this name, several people could not help but be distracted.

Just this name alone gave people a sense of vastness, and combined with everything they saw along the way, they could not help but feel an indescribable feeling for a while.

After a long while, Lu Yu slowly exhaled: "So, this is actually a boat?"

Liu Hongxu said: "You are right to understand it this way... However, this is not an ordinary boat, but a boat that can travel through the starry sky, across the heavens, and even directly reach the other shore!"

"The other shore?"

Lu Yu repeated softly.

He was not unfamiliar with this word. This place had appeared in many ancient myths. As long as there was a description of "the other shore", it was without exception a synonym for beautiful and peaceful, an extremely rich spiritual home, and even a place that even gods yearned for...

Originally, Lu Yu thought that all this was just an illusory myth, but since he learned that the Storm Clan was the protagonist of the myth he was familiar with, he no longer had such confidence.

"Does the other shore really exist?" Liu Hongxu said: "Whether the other shore exists or not, I don't know... But the Dragon God Clan firmly believes that the other shore really exists, and the original intention of their design of the Ark of the Other Shore is to reach the other shore!" "However, the other shore they know is different from the other shore in our impression. There is not only infinite beauty there, but also a special world with strange energy. Only by reaching there can we escape the huge catastrophe that sweeps across the heavens and the worlds..." "The huge catastrophe that sweeps across the heavens and the worlds?" Lu Yu was slightly stunned, "What is that?" Liu Hongxu shook his head: "Even the Dragon God Clan themselves are not very clear about this question, but they firmly believe that the heavens and the worlds will come to an end one day, and then there will be an extremely huge catastrophe..." "All their efforts are to prepare for this catastrophe, including the hatred between them and the Shadow Clan, the source of which is precisely because of the conflict caused by this purpose!" Lu Yu was silent for a while. Good guy...

This is really lively...

I didn't expect that the Supreme Immortal Sect predicted that the lifespan of heaven and earth would end here. The other side of the world is also not peaceful, and there is also a huge catastrophe.

Perhaps, this is the truth of heaven.

Every creature has its fate determined from the moment it is born, and it will eventually die...

It is rare for a person to live to seventy years old. Even if he can exceed the normal lifespan, it is difficult to escape the end of the lifespan of heaven and earth; even if he jumps out of this world, he will face the catastrophe of the world.

Death is the eternal theme that all creatures cannot escape. Even if he becomes a god, there will be a greater catastrophe.

Perhaps, only by reaching the other side of the legend can we get true eternal peace...if this place really exists.

Lu Yu calmed down, and his thoughts quickly withdrew from this grand question.

For him now, this question is too far away and there is no need to consider it at all.

Now, he is like a fish in a river, still worrying about how to jump out of the water. As for the ice and snow peaks at the source of the river, there is a possibility of a large-scale collapse. How can he worry about such a thing?

Liu Hongxu continued, "This Ark of the Other Shore is the greatest treasure left by the Dragon God Clan in the world. It represents the highest level of creation of the Dragon God Clan. From the first day it appeared in the world, it has attracted many eyes in the heavens and the worlds..."

"In fact, in the heavens and the worlds, there have been many forces that have been vying to imitate the Ark of the Other Shore, wanting to build a spaceship as powerful as it."

"For example, the Yuhai Immortal Sect that is fighting fiercely with you, although I don't know who the power behind them is, the floating warships they built are obviously derived from imitating the Ark of the Other Shore..."

"However, to this day, the Ark of the Other Shore is still a unique existence in the heavens and the worlds!"

"So, if the news of its appearance here leaks out, before the giant dragon clan is strong enough, then we will usher in endless troubles... That's why I concealed this matter from you."

At the end, Liu Hongxu looked at Lu Yu earnestly.

"So, the dragon fish black tail, the other shore dragon soaring map, the dragon palace, including the Panlongjie Mountain, are all parts taken out of this ark?" Lu Yu said.


Liu Hongxu said, and suddenly a look of realization appeared on her face: "So the young master saw the clues from the connection between these things..."

Lu Yu smiled faintly, and did not deny her statement, saying: "This time I agree with your reason, after all, we didn't have a deep foundation of trust before... But I hope that from now on, you don't hide anything from me, otherwise, our friendship will end here!"

Liu Hongxu sighed: "Young master has a sharp eye and wisdom. Hongxu is completely convinced now. How can there be a next time? Besides, I don't have any other secrets to hide from you!"

"Really? But I think you can tell me more... For example, how can we make this ark fly?"

Liu Hongxu said: "Master, do you want this ark to fly? This may be a bit difficult..."

"First of all, there are still many places on the Ark that need to be repaired. Secondly, if you want to control it, you still need a lot of helmsmen... Only the dragon family can do these two things, so we can only lift the seal here first. Only by solving these two problems..."

"These two points are actually nothing. There is another bigger problem..."

"When the Ark came here, it was attacked by the Shadow Clan. In order to lure the enemy away, the Ark was forced to be divided into two parts. The outer shell part lured the enemy away, and the core part came here... In fact, this The Ten Thousand Dragons Cave is just the core of the Ark!"

"If it's just a simple flight, there should be no problem with the core. But if you want it to have the ability to cross the heavens, you have to find the outer shell part, because the outer shell part is loaded with the most advanced materials of the Dragon God Clan. The various arrays are the true essence of the entire Ark on the Other Side.”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be startled. Hearing the meaning of Liu Hongxu's words, the shell part carried the Ark's offensive and defensive system, which was equivalent to a super treasure house of weapons.

"Where's the shell part?"

Liu Hongxu shook his head: "I only know that I fell into this big world, but I still have no whereabouts..."

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