Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1396 Star Orbit Bridging

Lu Yu frowned.

I didn't expect this problem to be so troublesome...

The shell part has been missing for so long. For tens of thousands of years, the Dragon Clan has not found any trace of it. For a while, he didn't even think that he could find it easily...

It seems that the plan to use the Ark of the Other Shore to deal with the Bixiao Shrine can only be put on hold for now.

But even without the Ark of the Other Shore, the harvest this time is already huge enough. In short, he has more capital in his hands to fight against the Bixiao Shrine.

Of course, the premise is that he can break the seal in front of him.

"Okay, let's think about these issues later. Let's get back to the topic first!"

Lu Yu said calmly.

"After the observation just now, I think I can try to crack this seal. Naturally, I will need your help in the process... As you wish, my cracking method needs a landing place that can accommodate the power of the Dragon God. Among us, you are the only one who is most suitable for this important task.”

"I will peel off the power of the Dragon God and let you refine and absorb it. Even if you want to refuse, you can't..."

"But I can't peel off all the Dragon God's power. This far exceeds the limit of my ability. When you absorb the Dragon God's power to a certain extent, we will turn to you as the core. The power of the Dragon God that drives this sphere collides with each other, so that this seal can finally be broken..."

"It's just that in this way, most of the Dragon God's power here will be lost..."

Liu Hongxu said: "How much will be lost?"

"Nine times out of ten."

"so much?"

Liu Hongxu was stunned, with a troubled look on his face.

"If I don't have enough power, how can I suppress these giant dragons in the seal?"

"You have also seen that the giant dragon clan in Panlong Realm Mountain, although they obey me on the surface, actually have their own agenda..."

"When the seal here is released and the dragon clan becomes stronger, they will become even more unruly."

Lu Yu said: "It depends on you... Even if it is only one-tenth, this is a very powerful force. As long as it is used properly, it can do a lot of things."

"Back then, you were able to achieve what you are now with only that ray of dragon god's power on Chiyan Island. Now even if you only have one-tenth of this power, you are already as strong as that wisp of dragon god's power on Chiyan Island. A thousand times more, don’t you have the confidence to do more with it?”

Liu Hongxu's body trembled slightly.

Lu Yu's words were like a bright light in the fog, pointing the way forward for her.

In the face of the huge power at her fingertips, she almost fell into the huge trap of greed just now. If you can't maintain your original intention, what's the use of having more powerful power?

Lu Yu's words were like a wake-up call, reawakening her Taoist heart.

In fact, the reason why she was able to transform on Scarlet Flame Island in the first place was that she had devoured the power of the Dragon God, but on the other hand, it was because she had a heart for the Tao that was unwilling to give in.

Strength can only determine the lower limit, while Taoist heart can determine the upper limit.

"Thank you for your advice, sir!"

Liu Hongxu bowed deeply to Lu Yu and said solemnly.

"In this case, Hongxu will obey the master's arrangements and will definitely cooperate with him!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Wise choice!"

In his opinion, if Liu Hongxu really swallowed all the Dragon God's power at once, it would indeed greatly increase her strength in the short term, but this would kill her future flexibility.

This is like a cheetah in the wilderness. If it eats too much at once, its body will become bloated, fat, and sluggish, thus losing the ability to hunt. On the contrary, appropriate hunger can stimulate its innate instincts, so that it can continuously capture prey.

Eat as much food as your appetite has.

In Lu Yu's view, Liu Hongxu's strength at this time was not enough to swallow all the power of the Dragon God. If he swallowed it all by force, there would probably be problems.

However, he would not tell Liu Hongxu these words openly. Everything depends on her own understanding.

"Without further ado, let's get started!"

Lu Yu said and winked at Ye Weilan who was beside him.

Ye Weilan suddenly understood and led Long Qingxuan to the side.

Liu Hongxu was slightly surprised: "Don't you need sister Weilan's help? Last time we were on Chiyan Island, the three of us worked together..."

Lu Yu smiled slightly: "The last time I was on Scarlet Flame Island, I was basically a useless person. I am much stronger now than I was then!"

Liu Hongxu was speechless for a moment.

Not only is it much stronger?

Compared with then, Lu Yu was completely different at this time...

"Then what should I do?" Liu Hongxu asked, "Should I still use the same Qi Control technique as last time?"

"No need." Lu Yu said, "I have already said that our strength now is different from that back then. Why do we need to use the child's play house method again?"

"You only need to activate the field, and then everything else will take care of itself!"

Liu Hongxu was startled and nodded silently.

Suddenly, the golden elixir began to activate, and a burst of bright light lit up Liu Hongxu's body.

The next moment, the area around her body had turned into a strange space, and a red shadow that looked like a swimming dragon began to rotate around her.

This is her exclusive domain.

The red shadow of the wandering dragon is the projection of its golden elixir law.

"Sir, I'm ready." Liu Hongxu said.

Lu Yu did not respond. After silently observing her field for a moment, he suddenly turned around, and then urged the golden elixir seeds in his body to spin rapidly.

The vision of Jiu Xing Qianmo appeared again. At first, the vision of twinkling stars stretched across the void.

This time, Lu Yu fully expanded his domain to the maximum extent.

This scene, even just looking at it, can't help but make people feel excited.

Under the guidance of the light, star trails appeared, resembling fields in the fields, criss-crossing each other and containing infinite charm.

The vision of Jiuxing Qianmo is like a huge cage, which not only covers Liu Hongxu's domain, but also covers a large number of golden dragons on the huge sphere, becoming a bridge between the two.

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