Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1397: Making the Right Choice

After the star tracks were successfully connected, Lu Yu picked up a golden dragon from the huge sphere as before.

But this time, the golden dragon did not expand as rapidly as before.

Because it is thrown into the orbit of the stars.

Under the constraints of the star orbit, not only was it unable to expand, it was also squeezed to become extremely slender like an octopus passing through a pipe.

Under the stimulation of the golden elixir seeds, the star trails emitted by Lu Yu formed an intertwined network structure of nine horizontal and nine vertical directions, with numerous grids formed between the star trails.

Lu Yu then bent the golden dragon around the frame of the grid and stretched it to an extremely slender length. When a golden dragon passed from the entrance to the exit, it had been twisted countless times and became only the size of a finger. .

Just when a few people thought that this was the limit, Lu Yu suddenly folded and twisted the entire star track network. For the golden dragon, this was equivalent to being stretched dozens of times in length, and it suddenly became only one hair. Silk size.

This golden thread the size of a hair was injected into Liu Hongxu's domain like a trickle.

Although it seemed like an inconspicuous trickle, when it was injected into Liu Hongxu's domain, it aroused a violent reaction. The red dragon shadow in the domain danced crazily, as if it was resisting the earthquake. Like a tsunami.

Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan, who had already stepped aside, couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

Especially Long Qingxuan, she didn't really understand how powerful these dragon gods were until this moment.

Obviously, the reason why she was able to borrow the power of the Dragon God to break through the hole rock mass in one fell swoop was entirely because Lu Yu helped share most of the pressure. Lu Yu's previous statement that she could not refine such power was indeed a lie.

"Young master... you are really amazing!" Long Qingxuan couldn't help but admire.

Although Lu Yu had shocked her many times along the way, all the previous shocks combined were far less shocking than this one.

After all, the real power of the Dragon God that Lu Yu faced this time was a transcendent power that far exceeded his own strength. However, Lu Yu was still able to leverage such a huge monster with only his weak body. .

Lu Yu's performance in her mind at this time can be said to have reached an existence comparable to that of a god.

Ye Weilan was not as excited as her. She silently watched the changes in Liu Hongxu's realm and said, "It seems that after this crack is completed, Liu Hongxu should be able to break through the Tiangang Realm immediately!"

"What about Tiangang Realm?"

Long Qingxuan smiled softly, "I actually don't envy her at all. Although she was promoted to the Tiangang realm, she lost the opportunity to further solidify her own foundation..."

"On the contrary, I feel that it is better to be in my current state. I have not yet achieved the golden elixir. As long as I can get a little guidance from the young master, my future achievements will not stop here."

Ye Weilan couldn't help but be startled.

Unexpectedly, a man who is a dragon man, instead of believing in the power of the Dragon God, actually wants to believe in Lu Yu...

For a moment, she didn't know what to say.

But she didn't know what to say, but Long Qingxuan turned to her and said, "Sister Weilan, why don't we... let's not be sisters?"

Ye Weilan was stunned, unable to follow her thoughts at all.

"I want to take you as my master, why don't you become my master's wife from now on!" Long Qingxuan's eyes were bright, with a hint of cunning in them.

Ye Weilan was stunned for a moment.

"That's what we have decided! Master, please accept my disciple Long Qingxuan's bow!"

With that said, Long Qingxuan knelt down on the ground with lightning speed and performed a prostration ceremony.

Ye Weilan was embarrassed and anxious, her face turned red to the roots of her ears: "This... I said it doesn't count... you get up first and then talk about it!"

No matter what Ye Weilan said, Long Qingxuan remained unmoved.

It wasn't until she finished the grand ceremony of kneeling three times and kowtowing nine times that she stood up, with a trace of pride flashing across her face:

"No matter what, the disciple has already bowed down, and you will be my master wife from now on!"

"Oh, Sister Weilan...ah, no, it's Master Wife..."

"Don't think too much about it. With the relationship between you and Master, will he not allow you to accept a disciple?"

Long Qingxuan was born in a wealthy family and knew the wife's devious strategies very well.

Ye Weilan had no choice but to deal with her persistent pursuit. In the end, he could only shake his head and said helplessly: "I will mention this to him again after the matter here is over, but if he refuses to accept you, I will also There is no way..."

Long Qingxuan said happily: "With these words from Master Niang, the knock on my head just now is not in vain!"

Time passed by minute by minute.

Lu Yu continuously pulled the golden dragons into the star orbit network, using folding and twisting methods to transfer them to Liu Hongxu's domain.

As time goes by, the red shadow of the wandering dragon in the field continues to grow. This is the result of the dragon god's power being gradually refined by Liu Hongxu.

Although this process had nothing to do with Ye Weilan and Long Qingxuan, they still stared at the changes in the field without blinking.

The former is to help Lu Yu protect the law, while the latter hopes to learn more valuable practice experience from this rare scene.

Gradually, the red dragon almost filled the entire domain space.

At this time, Lu Yu suddenly stopped and said to Liu Hongxu: "Okay, that's enough for the little fight, now we're going to start with you as the core! This is the real main event!"

"Wait a moment!" Liu Hongxu said quickly, "Master, please give me some more time to prepare..."

Lu Yu glanced at her: "You try to hurry up! I can only delay it for a quarter of an hour at most!"

Liu Hongxu nodded: "Thank you sir!"

Then, she began to drive the red dragon phantom in the field to slowly rotate, and then slammed out a palm, hitting the red dragon phantom.

Suddenly, the phantom of the red dragon trembled, and the world seemed to collapse. Its body continued to collapse and fall apart, as if pieces of flesh and blood were falling off.

But everyone knows that this red dragon shadow does not have any flesh and blood at all. The sight of flesh and blood falling off is actually the disintegration of the law and the reduction of power.


Liu Hongxu raised her head and let out an extremely painful roar. It was obvious that such an action was very uncomfortable for her.

Looking at this scene, several people couldn't help but feel stunned.

"What is she doing?" Long Qingxuan asked.

"She's making a choice."

Ye Weilan stared silently for a long time before answering.

"It seems that she really listened to what Yu Lang said before... The choice she makes now is for a broader space in the future!"

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