Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1399 No clue

The Resin Mountain Peninsula is heavily fortified.

Since the end of the battle on the sea, the main force of the Hunyuan Qi Sect retreated to the peninsula and began to build defenses intensively again.

With the strong men of Tiangang taking charge, the work of building the fortress is progressing very smoothly. Even the fleet of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect has appeared in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Dragonfly. It seems that the other party has no intention of continuing to advance. On the contrary, they are A fortress was also built along the southern coast of the country. The two sides faced each other across the sea and were in peace for a while.

At this time, the Resentful Mountain Peninsula was no longer just a family of the Hunyuan Qi Sect.

Over the past half month, as the rear troops have arrived one after another, elite forwards from various sects including Dali Sword Sect, Daluo Holy Land, and Taishang Xian Sect have gathered here, and even a small number of disciples of Shenhuo Xuanzong have also arrived. Here, it can be said that there are many soldiers and the lineup is at its peak.

As the fortress was gradually completed and a unified line of defense was formed, everyone's worries finally returned to their original position.

Until this night...

The bright moon and stars all disappeared without a trace, and an extremely huge real dragon suddenly appeared in the night sky. It coiled in the void, and its huge body almost covered the entire night sky.

For a time, the entire Resentment Mountain Peninsula was boiling.

Everyone didn't know what was going on, or whether it was related to the Bixiao Shrine on the other side, so they all lined up in formation, ready for battle at any time.

However, the enemy's offensive has not yet arrived.

But everyone did not dare to take it lightly. This scene itself was so strange. No one knew how the enemy's offensive would appear.

Until ten minutes after dawn, after the sun came out, the image of the giant dragon in the sky still did not disappear, and it bloomed even more brilliantly under the sunlight.

Only then did everyone realize that this giant dragon was actually very far away from them, much farther than they expected.

Even if all this is really related to the other side, its offensive will not be able to cross the long distance in the void and land directly on the Resentful Mountain Peninsula in a short while. The tense nerves can finally relax a little. …

But in this way, a new question also arises - what is going on?

"Two Taoist brothers, is there any result?"

At the top of the sky, Patriarch Xishi couldn't help but ask Qi Ling and Yi Chao, the two ancestors of Taishang Immortal Sect.

At this time, the Tiangang powerhouses from all the major sects gathered at the top of the sky above the Resentment Mountain. Even the Shuangqiao ancestor, who was still injured, walked out of the camp and came here to pay close attention to the scene in the deep sky.

Among the people present, although their cultivation strength is among the top in the world, when it comes to the attainments in deducing and calculating methods, the two Tiangang ancestors of the Ethereal Immortal Sect are the most outstanding, so everyone's eyes are focused on this. On the bodies of the two ancestors.

The two ancestors Qi Ling and Yi Chao looked at each other and then shook their heads at the same time.

Ancestor Qi Ling sighed: "I'm making you laugh. If it were my sect's Taoist Brother Jingshen, maybe we could do something about it... It's a pity that we are not good at studying and can't measure the longitude and latitude of this scene, nor can we measure it." The specific distance to me is geometric..."

How could everyone laugh at them?

In fact, they all tried various methods but could not get an accurate answer, so they placed their hope on the two ancestors Qi Ling and Yi Chao.

Ancestor Zhaoyun of Daluo Holy Land said: "The two Taoist brothers are too humble. I have always admired their methods... There is no result. This is actually a result!"

"Brother Zhaoyun, how do you say this?" Patriarch Xishi asked.

Ancestor Zhaoyun narrowed his eyes slightly and said: "We have all observed carefully, but none of us can estimate the specific situation. This can only mean one problem... that is, this scene is not within Jiutian. This scene is not within Jiutian. It’s a vision from heaven!”

"Although we have made great achievements in cultivation, we only have an understanding of the laws of heaven and earth within the nine heavens. How can we presume to speculate about the world outside the sky based on this?"

Everyone couldn't help but be confused for a while, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that what he said made sense.

"So, this giant dragon phenomenon is actually nine days away?" Ancestor Xishi frowned, "Bixiao Palace... what exactly do they want to do?"

At this time, everyone already knew that the Bixiao Shrine had a profound foundation. In addition to the huge power hidden in this world, there was also a transcendent Bixiao Shrine in the events above nine days away. The Bixiao Shrine located here is just a branch of it.

Therefore, when talking about the connection with the outer world, the first thing that everyone thinks of is the Bixiao Shrine.

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

At this time, even Ancestor Zhaoyun stopped talking. They couldn't see any clues about this vision in the sky, so he might not come here in a short time, but this Doesn't mean there aren't threats.

This strange scene in the sky was like a huge mountain pressing on the hearts of the Tiangang ancestors, making them feel extremely depressed.

None of them had any clue, so they began to analyze randomly. Some even mentioned the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom that invaded Jiutian back then, and compared them...

When Patriarch Zhaoyun heard these nonsensical analyses, his thoughts couldn't help but wander a little.

He couldn't help but think of the mysterious senior Tianjian...

That senior has a profound background and is well-informed. He has even met the founder of Daluo Holy Land. There should be very few secrets in the world that he does not know... If you ask him for advice, you might know what is going on. Something's happened...

It's a pity that Lu Yu asked that the identity and whereabouts of this senior be kept secret. Moreover, he didn't know how to contact this senior. Perhaps he could only tell Lu Yu about this matter and let him seek advice from this senior...

Ancestor Zhaoyun was silently calculating to himself, when Patriarch Tailing on the side suddenly spoke: "Brothers, please stop guessing!"

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