Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1400 A false alarm

Everyone couldn't help but be startled, and turned to look at him.

"Brother Tailing, how do you say this?" Patriarch Xishi asked.

Among the people on the battlefield, only the Hunyuan Qi Sect side was forced into this battle, so they had been impressed by Lu Yu's previous performance, but that was based on Lu Yu letting them see hope. If the power of the outer world is involved, then this will be completely different.

Although they may not necessarily change their minds about this, it is inevitable to feel hesitant in their hearts for a while.

Ancestor Tailing smiled slightly: "I just got in touch with the sect and got a very definite news... Lu Yu is not currently in the Dali Sword Sect, he has gone to the land of Haixi."

"The land of Haixi?" Patriarch Xishi couldn't help but be stunned, "What is he doing there?"

"I don't know what he went to do, but the key thing is that Haixi is a gathering place for dragons. I heard that a country controlled by giant dragons has recently been established there, called the Kingdom of Ten Thousand Dragons. There are at least dozens of them in the country. The dragon appears..."

Tailing Patriarch replied.

"Moreover, what's even more coincidental is that Her Majesty the Queen of the Ten Thousand Dragon Kingdom happened to be acquainted with Lu Yu. Everyone must have seen his Arowana Black Tail. It is said that it was given to her by Her Majesty the Queen. For him..."

Patriarch Xishi was astonished: "You mean to say that this extraterrestrial impression was actually created by Mr. Lu Yu?"

Ancestor Tailing said: "You have been watching here for so long. This scene in the sky is clearly closely related to the giant dragon clan. Maybe it is the legendary image of the Dragon God..."

"I don't remember that the relationship between Bixiao Shrine and the Dragon Clan is so good... Apart from Haixi, I can't think of any other place that can trigger such a magnificent scene!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

Although they already knew that Lu Yu's abilities were extraordinary, they never imagined that he could actually influence the outer world...

This is really incredible!

You must know that all the powerful people present here have a lifelong wish to be able to set foot outside the Nine Heavens, but they have never been able to cross the last gap.

As their cultivation becomes more advanced and their understanding of the laws of heaven becomes deeper, they will be able to truly understand how difficult it is to make the final gap...

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu was only at the Return to the Sea Realm, and he could achieve this before he even successfully completed the Golden Pill... Everyone was really thinking about it, and they couldn't figure out how all this was done. …

"Is the news accurate?"

Ancestor Yi Chao said cautiously.

"Master Lu just returned to Dali Sword Sect a few days ago. He was delayed for a long time in Luoguang Strait on the way, but the land of Haixi is in a completely different direction. How did he manage to return to Dali Sword Sect in such a short time? Arrive in Haixi within a few days?”

Ancestor Tailing said: "This news has been verified by Taoist Brother Hongyi of our sect, and there is no way it can be wrong..."

"I actually don't know how he went to Haixi, but he carried the sect's most precious Lingxi Pot with him. Not long ago, the Lingxi Pot was widely used, causing huge fluctuations..."

"Based on this, Taoist Brother Hongyi deduced that the location of the Lingxi Pot is exactly the land west of Haixi, and then determined his whereabouts!"

Everyone was immediately speechless.

A sect treasure like the Lingxi Pot will inevitably carry the sect's special mark. It is not difficult to understand that ancestor Hongyi can use secret methods to lock its location.

In this way, it was verified that Lu Yu was indeed in Haixi...

With so many coincidences added together, there would be no chance of another coincidence.

Although they couldn't figure out what the reason was, it seemed that all of this had something to do with Lu Yu...

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but feel relaxed.

Ancestor Qi Ling smiled happily and said: "No matter what, as long as all this is not a conspiracy of Bixiao Palace! It seems that Mr. Lu is not just going back for a retreat. When he returns again, he will definitely give We have a big surprise! ”

“This way we’ll be right!”

Ancestor Huitang also exhaled a long breath: "I told you why the reaction on the other side was so strange before. They also shrunk their front line, as if they were facing a formidable enemy..."

"I thought they were afraid of leaking the news, so they deliberately reduced their front line, but it turned out to be a mistake. It turns out that all this was Mr. Lu's handiwork! No wonder it's like this..."

After everyone confirmed each other, they all felt that the credibility of this matter was getting higher and higher.

As a result, everyone looked to the north in unison, where a faint spot of light was the Xuanji Star City guarding the southern coastline of the Bixiao Palace.

"If we are just a false alarm, then it is not true for Bixiao Palace..."

Ancestor Gunlong suddenly laughed and said eagerly.

"Brothers, guess what is going on on the other side now? Should we take this opportunity to catch them off guard?"

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