Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1451 Fighting in Water

"What is this?" Shenmu Wangding said in great shock.

"Xuanshui Divine Kingdom..." Lu Yu replied softly, and at the same time he couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Why would Xuanshui God appear here again? Did Yue Xishan come to kill him again?

And looking at the scene in front of us, it is obvious that the Xuanshui Kingdom is swallowing up the entire Western Jin Dynasty. At this time, the Xuanshui Kingdom is obviously more powerful and more changeable than the one on Jiaohai Sea...

"Xuanshui Divine Kingdom? Have you seen this thing before?"

"Have you forgotten the last battle with the Jade Sea Immortal Sect in Jiaohai? Yuexi Shanbian used this trick at that time..."

"Last time? Jiaohai?" Shenmu Wangding said with sudden realization, "Oh, I remembered that you just brought me out of Huoshen Mountain. I was groggy all the time. It seemed that I was still practicing in seclusion. I don’t know what happened, but I didn’t wake up until I got to heaven..."

It changed its tone and continued: "Then what should we do with it? This thing is so terrifying. If we don't find a way to stop it in time, I'm afraid that your entire Dali Sword Sect may be swallowed by it! "

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a headache.

In fact, he was thinking about this issue as well.

The last time Xuanshui Divine Kingdom appeared in Jiaohai Sea, it relied on Ancestor Yunxiao's Fuyun Palace to defeat it. However, this time, Xuanshui Divine Kingdom is even more powerful than last time...

What should we do this time? Can we still rely on Ancestor Yunxiao again?

"Then how did you get rid of him last time?" Shenmu Wangding asked.

Lu Yu smiled bitterly and said: "I don't have such great ability to fight against the Xuanshui Kingdom... Didn't you just mention the palace in the sky? It was the one that solved it last time..."

"Then what are you waiting for? Call it back quickly to help..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said nothing.

Although he couldn't explain why, Lu Yu always felt that he couldn't count on Ancestor Yunxiao this time...

After all, many major emergencies have occurred recently, and Patriarch Yunxiao has also failed to show up.

Shenmu Wangding sighed and said: "We use the Star Gathering Pearl to activate the Starlight Formation, which may be able to block the invasion of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom to a certain extent, but in the end, this is just treating the symptoms rather than the root cause...

"The starlight array has been turned on for one or two hours continuously, which is already our limit. In such a short period of time, it is impossible to solve such a huge Xuanshui Kingdom. As soon as the starlight array is closed, it will immediately start again. Comeback..."

Lu Yu still didn't speak, his eyes flashed with sharp light, as if he was thinking.

"How about... while we still have time, let's just move and run away!" Shenmu Wangding came up with another bad idea.

Lu Yu said: "Brother Ding, if you can move forward a little further, I want to go to the front to see."

"What!" Shenmu Wangding was shocked, "Brother Lu, did you make a mistake and continue to move forward?"

"Didn't you say before that the ability to travel through the void has been restored? You just need to be prepared at any time. When the situation goes wrong, you can directly activate the ability to travel through the void to escape." Lu Yu said.

"That's true, but just looking at this thing makes people feel panicked...Okay, okay! I will risk my life to accompany you once!"

As he spoke, the huge tripod began to twist and continued to move forward.

As the distance from Xuanshui Divine Kingdom gets closer and closer, the sound of the earth cracking becomes louder and louder.

Under the exquisite control of the Divine Wood King Cauldron, the position of the Dragon Fish Black Tail changed from high to low, and now it was flying in the cracked canyons.

The size of the Divine Wood King Cauldron is too large, and this is the only way to avoid being discovered by the opponent.

Lu Yu was lying low on Ding, observing the surrounding situation while guiding the Divine Wood King Ding. On his chest, the thread extending from the red cross mark was always connected. While the other party locked his position, he Also locked onto the other party.

Gradually, Lu Yu noticed something was wrong. As the position of the silk thread on his chest changed, he finally confirmed that Yue Xiujun at the other end of the silk thread was at the core of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

In other words, Yue Xiujun is the core of this Xuanshui Kingdom.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned. Could it be said that this Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was actually driven by Yue Xiujun?

She actually already has the ability to control Xuanshui Divine Kingdom?

Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly felt a sudden shock in his chest.

Suddenly, the light of the red cross mark on the chest became brighter, and there was a severe burning sensation. At the same time, the thread connecting the mark suddenly split into hundreds.

Lu Yu couldn't help being startled. He raised his head and looked along the thread. He saw that at the end of the thread, in an extremely dark country, pairs of eyes suddenly lit up. There were hundreds of them, and each pair of eyes was twinkling. glowing red.

"Lu Yu, you are here after all!" Hundreds of voices said at the same time.

At the same time, the owner of the pair of red eyes also walked out of the shadows, and it was Yue Xiujun.

At this moment, Lu Yu could finally confirm that this Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was indeed the work of Yue Xiujun.

Although he didn't know what kind of magical encounter she had during this period of time, the scene before him was already a definite fact.

This time, Lu Yu calmed down instantly.

It was as if when facing the unknown, my heart was always uncertain, but once the answer to the mystery was finally revealed, I suddenly settled down.

Because he has determined the opponent he will face next.

"Mrs. Zhong, are you okay?"

Lu Yu smiled and said, "Actually, I think it's me who should say this. This red mark has appeared twice before, but you didn't show up in the end, but this time you finally showed up!"

Yue Xiujun sneered: "You did have the upper hand those two times before, but your luck has ended. You can't run away again this time!"

Before he finished speaking, water pillars suddenly rolled up into the sky and crossed over Lu Yu and the Divine Wood King Cauldron, locking them in like an extremely huge cage.

Pairs of white eyes appeared from those water pillars, and there were hundreds of them. It was Yue Zijing's figure.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

One with white eyes and one with red eyes, both appeared in the form of hundreds of figures in Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

When Yue Xiujun was her prisoner, she once said that Yue Zijing practiced the same three illusion techniques as she did. There were many complementarities between their techniques, but she didn't expect that they would be used in this way now. Come into the kingdom of Xuanshui.

But then again, the Three Illusions Dafa is divided into three parts. The aunt and nephew each get one, and the remaining part is controlled by Yue Xishan. Perhaps it is for this reason that the two aunts and nephews Only talents can drive this Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

"Auntie, why are you talking so much nonsense to him? This man's hands are stained with the blood of my Jade Sea Immortal Sect disciples, just kill him!"

As Yue Zijing spoke, he raised his arms again. Suddenly, several figures repeated the same actions as him, and streams of water rose into the sky, completely covering the entire sky.

Judging from this posture, he was preparing to completely crush Lu Yu under the entire Xuanshui Kingdom.

Shenmu Wangding said fearfully: "Brother, is it time to run away now?"

Yue Zijing sneered: "Run? Do you think you can still run?"

As the words fell, giant dragon shapes emerged from the water, roaring with fangs and claws at Lu Yu and the Divine Wood King Ding, who were about to crawl into the soil.

Lu Yu's expression remained unchanged, he patted Ding gently and said, "Brother Ding, please stop running and fight in the water. We have never been afraid of anyone..."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed forward, pointing at Yue Xiujun, who was at the core of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

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