Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1452: Drawing fire from the bottom of the cauldron

"Brother Lu, have you made a mistake? Do you really want to fight like this?"

Although Shenmu Wang Ding was questioning, the giant dragon's tail fin around the body of the tripod had already stretched out and rushed towards the interior of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom at a very high speed.

"How can we have a chance if we don't fight hard? Can we find a way to deal with them if we escape from here now?" Lu Yu said.

"But... what are we going to do with it?" Shenmu Wangding sighed.

Indeed, this can be said to be the most unfavorable situation for them.

At this time, Lu Yu had no other powerful treasures except the Divine Wood King Cauldron and Dragon Fish Black Tail. Even the Feihong Sword was left at Chudie Peak for everyone to study. Without the blessing of divine weapons, his The Star Sword Technique was also unable to exert its maximum effectiveness.

Conjuration is not restricted by weapons, but it is okay to use it to deal with a single enemy. Facing the aunt and nephew who have a steady stream of transformed clones, it does not have much effect.

Even if he couldn't pinpoint their true identities, how could he cast a spell on them?

In addition to these, he also has Domain Star Track, which can restrain the power of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom to a certain extent, but the total scope of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom is too large. Even if he activates the domain to the limit, he can only It's just a drop in the bucket.

In the end, only the combined system composed of the Divine Wood King Cauldron and the Star-Gathering Pearl is left. If the Divine Wood King Cauldron is allowed to expand the formation and open the Starlight Formation, it is indeed possible to compete with the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

But the problem is that the deployment of the battle requires a lot of preparation time, and it is impossible for the aunt and nephew to give them such time at the moment.

Therefore, even if Lu Yu had all kinds of martial arts skills, he could only restrain his hands in this situation.

His biggest advantage at this time is that the black tail of the dragon fish is flexible enough, and the control ability of the sacred wooden king tripod is at its peak. With these two points, he may not be able to defeat the enemy for the time being, but he can deal with Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing more time.

The best result is that he can see the flaws of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom in the process. If he cannot do this, he can at least delay it for a while and win more opportunities for Chudie Peak.

After all, there is still Old Man Tianjian sitting in Chudie Peak. He can't guarantee that Old Man Tianjian will have a way to restrain Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, but the more information he can collect here, the more information he can get from Old Man Tianjian. There are definitely more ways that can be thought of.

Therefore, Lu Yu's purpose in this battle was not to defeat his opponent, but to learn more about Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron swung the tail fin of the giant dragon and quickly rushed into the interior of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

Xuanshui Divine Kingdom itself is of water nature, so there is no need to worry about water sources here, so Arowana Blacktail has always maintained top speed.

Hundreds of pairs of red eyes sparkled at the same time, launching a fierce attack on Lu Yu and Shenmu Wangding.

Hundreds of sword techniques surged up at the same time, forming a world filled with sword energy inside Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, completely blocking everyone's way out.

The Shenmu Wangding suddenly stopped and swung its tail, gliding sideways, and then avoided the fierce attack of the sword tactics.

However, hundreds of sword techniques were unleashed at the same time, covering an extremely large area. Some of them still did not dodge and hit the body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron. Fortunately, the Divine Wood King Cauldron had rough skin and thick flesh, so it could not bear the blows at all. What kind of.

However, it is obviously not a long-term solution to continue like this. No matter how rough the sacred wood king tripod is, if it is worn bit by bit, it will eventually be worn to the point where it can no longer bear it...

In the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing are equal to possessing infinite power, and there is no such thing as being tireless.

At this time, the two of them had just escaped the range of the sword bombardment, and then hundreds of water waves in the form of giant dragons bombarded them from behind. This was Yue Zijing's handiwork!

At this time, there was no way to avoid it. Shenmu Wang Ding suddenly roared: "His grandma! Lord Ding, I have even dealt with real dragons, so why am I still afraid of your fake tricks?"

After saying that, it rushed straight towards the water in the form of giant dragons, and faced them head-on.

In fact, how has it ever dealt with a real dragon? However, in the past two days, in addition to discussing the method of alchemy with Lu Yu, it also pestered Lu Yu to tell him many details about dealing with the dragon in Haixi, so it regarded this as its own experience.

The two sides collided head-on, and there was a loud bang. The lines on Ding's body floated, but in the end it withstood the terrifying impact and escaped from the pinching attack of the aunt and nephew.

"Brother Lu, please think of a solution quickly. It won't work if this continues. If it happens again, I will probably fall apart..." Shenmu Wangding said.

In fact, Lu Yu didn't help it just now. At the moment of the head-on collision with the hundreds of water dragons, he had already activated the field in advance and used star rails to shield the impact of the water dragons from outside the field.

However, the power of hundreds of water dragons gathered together is too huge. After all, Lu Yu's domain is not the real golden elixir domain, it is only generated by the golden elixir seeds, and there are some shortcomings in the foundation.

Therefore, the star track only removed part of the impact, and a large amount of the impact was still borne by the Divine Wood King Cauldron itself.

At this time, when he heard Shenmu Wangding's request for help, Lu Yu also knew that the most critical moment had come and there was not much time left for them.

He slowly closed his eyes and said, "Brother Ding, follow my instructions and move forward!"

Shenmu Wangding suddenly became energetic: "Okay! I'm on standby at any time!"

Lu Yu immediately reached out and pointed downwards. Although he closed his eyes, the distribution of water potential within the entire Xuexuan Water Divine Kingdom had been clearly engraved in his mind.

After closing his eyes at this time, the entire internal structure of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was newly constructed in another completely different way in his mind.

In the Xuanshui Kingdom in his mind, there is no longer the terrifying Xuanshui offensive, but only lines of light and shadow, and the rules shown in the book of light and shadow connections are exactly the composition of the Xuanshui Kingdom. law.

The sacred wooden king tripod immediately followed Lu Yu's gesture and flew down.

It is strange to say that the structure of the base inside the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was extremely complicated. The Xuanshui connections were like ever-changing spider webs, and there was no possibility of passing through them.

But at this time, following Lu Yu's command with a few gestures, the Divine Wood King Cauldron broke through the network structures one after another without any hindrance, and penetrated deep into the inner base of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom without any danger.

"Brother Lu, you are so awesome!" Shenmu Wangding couldn't help but praise.

Although it didn't know what the purpose of going deep into the bottom of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom was, the aunt and nephew's total of thousands of figures could not effectively intercept them. Such performance could not help but make it admire Lu Yu incomparably. .

However, at this time, thousands of transformed clones of the aunt and nephew were chasing after them.

Lu Yu suddenly opened his eyes again at this moment, and there was a bright glimmer in his eyes.

"It's now!"

he growled.

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