Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1460 Practice Field

"Hey! Where can the little cutie run?"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron chased behind a golden light and roared loudly.

But after all, he was still a step too slow, and the Phoenix Feather Blade in front of him suddenly changed its direction in a spiral, and missed them again.

Immediately, Lu Yu had to stop activating the field.

This is exactly his strategy, using the domain to pull out the star orbit, thereby achieving the effect of restricting the split blades of these phoenix feathers.

But the scope of the domain is limited after all, so the Divine Wood King Cauldron needs to keep up with these divided blades and keep them within a fixed distance. Once he completes the star trajectory, he can temporarily trap these divided blades.

As a result, the Divine Wood King Cauldron could not persist for such a long time, so in the end it could only fall short.

"Brother Ding, I think it's better to forget it. It's the same if we use your body to oppress them!" Lu Yu sighed.

"Brother, don't be anxious. As the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

Shenmu Wangding said without any discouragement.

"Don't worry! I have gradually found the feeling, and I will definitely not miss it next time!"

Lu Yu simply couldn't complain. He had heard similar words said so many times.

But there is no better way for now... It is just a joke to let the Divine Wood King Ding use his body to suppress the Phoenix Feather Blade.

Lu Yu was not sure that the divine wood king tripod would be able to withstand the attack of Huang Yu's split blade. After all, this divine weapon was unprecedented in terms of material selection and forging process. A divine weapon of this level could no longer be treated with common sense. calculate.

To take a step back, even if Shenmu Wangding was willing to take the risk, Lu Yu would not agree.

Because we will soon face the Xuanshui Kingdom again, and we will definitely have to go deep into the Xuanshui Kingdom again. Naturally, the outstanding performance of the Divine Wood King and the Cauldron will be indispensable in this process.

Even if the Divine Wood King Cauldron is only slightly injured at this time, it may bring unpredictable risks to the subsequent battle.

Therefore, Lu Yu had no choice but to let Shenmu Wang Ding continue to try first, and at the same time, he himself began to rethink whether there were other better ways.




For a while, the roar of the Divine Wood King Cauldron was endless, and every time it separated its blade from Huang Yu, it would roar.

When it was repeated for the tenth time, Lu Yu was about to complain about it.

But at this moment, he suddenly found that the speed of Huang Yu's blade seemed to have slowed down.

Lu Yu's heart suddenly moved, he quickly gathered his mind and quickly completed the traction connection of the star track.

Unexpectedly, it succeeded this time, trapping the Phoenix Feather Blade in circles of star orbits.

After dozens of attempts, this was the first time it was successful.

"Brother Ding! Well done!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but cheer.

Shenmu Wangding laughed loudly and was not modest at all: "I told you, I have slowly found the feeling! Look! Isn't this feeling coming?"

Lu Yu smiled and said nothing.

In fact, the Shenmu King Cauldron did not really keep up with the Phoenix Feather Blade in terms of speed and reaction just now, but the "唔" roar from his mouth contained a strange shock wave. Huang Yu's split blade was greatly affected, so much so that its speed slowed down, allowing the two of them to successfully cooperate this time.

Vaguely, Lu Yu could sense that this seemed to be the shock wave of the sound emitted by the sacred wooden king tripod, which coincided with the inherent frequency of the Phoenix Feather Blade itself, thus creating a resonance, which resulted in such an effect.

Lu Yu suddenly realized at this moment that what he meant by "finding the feeling" was sensing the unique frequency of Huang Yu's split blade...

Lu Yu could only marvel at this. It turned out that Brother Ding actually had such a talent. No wonder he was able to master the Star-Gathering Pearl and Dragon Fish Black Tail in a very short period of time.

After the first success, the next step will be easier.

Every time when he approached the Phoenix Feather Blade, the Divine Wood King Ding opened his mouth and let out a "唔", helping Lu Yu successfully complete the star track traction connection and wrap the Phoenix Feather Blade in circles.

After controlling these phoenix feather blades, Lu Yu would immediately shout: "Wei Lan!"

So Ye Weilan, who was in the air, immediately understood and took the initiative to meet him. He took away the controlled Phoenix Feather Blades and suppressed them uniformly with her power.

In a short time, all nine divided blades were gathered up.

But the vision in the sky did not end there, but intensified.

Images that resembled phoenixes were fluttering in the sky, and their scale far exceeded Ye Weilan's own fire phoenix shadow, indicating that this was not just the pure power of the Yehuang clan's bloodline, but also the power of the phoenix. The powerful power of the Feather Blade.

Ye Weilan tried hard to control the Phoenix Feather Blade, but the Phoenix Feather Blade didn't seem to buy it. Although she had successfully reassembled the nine divided blades, the combined Phoenix Feather Blade was It exploded with even more powerful power, and the blade kept trembling like a wild horse running wild.

Finally, the sword edge suddenly trembled, and Ye Weilan swung out the sword uncontrollably, and a hilltop among the mountains below was immediately flattened.

Everyone was shocked.

Although Lu Yu once had the amazing feat of flattening a mountain with one sword, he was able to achieve this effect only after careful calculation, exhaustion of all his strength, and the exquisite cooperation of the Xuanling Divine Armament.

But now, Ye Weilan's move was just a casual sword strike. This shows how powerful this Phoenix Feather Blade is.

Uh-huh! Uh-huh!

Two swords swung out again!

One of the swords went straight through the sky, cutting a big hole in the sky.

The other sword rushed to the ground, and there was a loud roar, and another mountain peak was flattened, and this mountain peak was not far from Chudie Peak, which suddenly shocked everyone into a cold sweat.

"Yu Lang... I... can't control myself!"

Ye Weilan was very anxious and shouted to Lu Yu.

Lu Yu knew that this was the critical period for Ye Weilan to combine with the power of Phoenix Yu Blade. There was no shortcut in this process. Only through constant practice could the two be perfectly integrated.

In other words, Ye Weilan needs to keep swinging his sword and slashing rapidly, constantly driving the Phoenix Feather Blade, so that the power of the Phoenix Feather Blade continues to flow out, in order to achieve the final effect of taming it.

But right now, this is obviously not a suitable place for "practice".

Lu Yu looked at the sky, then at the ground, and after looking around in all directions, he finally fixed his gaze on the location of the Western Territory.

"Come to me first!" Lu Yu shouted loudly, and at the same time gently patted the sacred wooden king tripod under him, signaling it to go over to meet Ye Weilan.

Soon, Ye Weilan came to Lu Yu's side and tried hard to control the Phoenix Yu Blade in her hand.

Shenmu Wangding said fearfully: "Brother Lu, I feel that what you are doing now is very dangerous!"

Lu Yu smiled faintly and pointed his finger in the direction of the Western Territory. At this time, the boundary between heaven and earth was no longer distinguishable there, and it was already a chaotic and dark black color.

"Brother Ding, now is the time to truly show off your extraordinary skills!"

At this moment, there is no place more suitable than Xuanshui Divine Kingdom to serve as Ye Weilan's "training ground".

"Brother, are you sure you want to play this big? We don't have the ability to travel through the void to save our lives this time!" Shenmu Wangding said in a trembling voice.

"Although we no longer have space shuttle, we already have the Phoenix Feather Blade."

There was determination in Lu Yu's eyes.

"It's time to end this!"

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