Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1461 Red and White Combination

The sacred wooden king tripod carried Lu Yu and Ye Weilan along the way.

The dragon dances wildly, the fire phoenix flutters, and the intentions generated along the way can be said to overwhelm the power of heaven and earth.

For a time, there was chaos in the west and dragons and phoenixes in the south, as if the whole world had disappeared.

This momentum naturally alarmed Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing, who were driving Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

At this time, the entire Western Territory, where the spiritual veins had exploded, had been completely engulfed by the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom. The aunt and nephew were regrouping and mobilizing the water power.

Their next step was to prepare to push forward continuously along the marking silk thread until they killed Lu Yu or destroyed the magic weapon mentioned in Bixiao Shrine. Unexpectedly, Lu Yu would appear at this moment. I took the initiative to find him.

"Lu Yu! Great! I didn't expect you to dare to come back and die!"

Yue Zijing said with a sneer.

As his voice rang out, the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom began to whimper, like ghosts crying and wolves howling, as if there were thousands of troops galloping wantonly in that chaotic world.

Before letting Lu Yu run away in front of him, he had long been holding a breath in his heart. With the rapid expansion of the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, his power has increased by several levels. Instead of being discouraged, this breath has become more and more intense. , Lu Yu's appearance at this time can be said to have hit the muzzle of the gun.

Lu Yu stood on the sacred wooden king tripod and laughed loudly: "Yue Zijing! Who among us will die, but we are not sure yet!"

After saying that, he suddenly shrank, moved Ye Weilan behind him to the front, and gently touched her shoulder: "Okay, now you don't need to suppress your power anymore, just release it to your heart's content!"

Ye Weilan remained silent, clenched his teeth, and swung out his sword.

Suddenly, thousands of miles of golden light shone, cutting a gap into the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom that was originally dark and chaotic.

In this sword, there is actually the power of reopening the chaos of heaven and earth.

Yue Zijing's expression suddenly changed: "Is this the magic weapon you secretly forged while hiding in the Dali Sword Sect!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart. It seemed that the other party was really coming for the magic weapon.

"Yue Zijing! If you turn around and run away now, you might still have a chance of survival!"

Yue Zijing couldn't help but sneered again: "With this level alone, do you want to defeat our Xuanshui Kingdom? Lu Yu! You know nothing about the power of Xuanshui Kingdom!"

"Today is not only your death day, but also the day when the entire Dali Sword Sect, which has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, comes to an end! You will all be buried by Xuanshui Divine Kingdom!"

As he spoke, countless clones appeared, each with white eyes. The number was far more than before, even dozens of times more than before.

Looking at the entire sky, there is Yue Zi Jingde's figure, all of them are looking at the divine tree king tripod with their pale eyes.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel shocked.

The last time he faced Ancestor Shanwen using the Mysterious Water Divine Kingdom, he had an idea in his mind. At that time, Ancestor Shanwen did not seem to have exhausted all his strength. The number of mysterious clones of the Three Illusions Dafa should not be more than eight hundred and eighty. Just eighteen ways...

Now this guess has finally been confirmed. Not to mention Patriarch Shanwen, even Yue Zijing in front of him can transform into thousands of mysterious clones.

The key to this may lie mainly in the scale of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.



Without waiting for Lu Yu to respond, Ye Weilan swung out two swords again, and suddenly the two sword lights dragged long tail flames and blasted into the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom again.

But this time, it no longer had the same effect as before. Yue Zijing's thousands of phantom clones were also fighting back against them. With the attacks of both sides colliding with each other, the sword power of the Phoenix Feather Blade could no longer penetrate as directly as before. Xuanshui Divine Kingdom has left cracks in the void.

"Oh my god! This is simply a fight between gods!"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron couldn't help but say something, because he saw that the cracks that stayed in the void for a short time were the traces of the broken space.

This means that the fierce offensives from both sides were so violent that even the space was shattered.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly.

It was not that he was frightened by the sight before him, but according to the original plan, they would eventually need to go deep into the bottom of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom and carry out a fatal blow that would draw fuel from the bottom of the cauldron.

It is already extremely difficult to travel through the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom where water potentials crisscross. Now, with the emergence of these space cracks, this will further limit their scope of activities. Undoubtedly, it adds more trouble to the strategy of going deep into the bottom of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom.

However, at this time, there is not much that can be done.

The top priority is to let Ye Weilan and the Phoenix Feather Blade complete the power combination first. As for the final fatal blow, that also needs to wait until Ye Weilan can fully control the Phoenix Feather Blade and accurately control it.

So, Lu Yu simply landed behind Ye Weilan and slowly closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the entire world around him disappeared in an instant, replaced by simple lines. Through the subtle changes in these lines, Lu Yu grasped the entire world clearly and with extreme sensitivity.

So the three of them simply cooperated.

Lu Yu is responsible for guiding the Shenmu King Cauldron, and the Shenmu Network is responsible for executing it accurately. As for Ye Weilan, she doesn't have to be responsible for anything. She can just stand on the cauldron and wield her sword wantonly.

It has to be said that among the three people's cooperation, Ye Weilan played the greatest role.

Because even she herself didn’t know where her next sword would strike, let alone Yue Zijing opposite her.

After several rounds of confrontation, Ye Weilan's offensive, which was like a nerve knife, brought great psychological pressure to Yue Zijing, making Yue Zijing unable to use his hands and feet for a while, allowing them to achieve a strategic level. The advantage has always maintained the initiative in the situation.

However, this advantage did not last long.

Soon, Xuanshui Divine Kingdom rolled up extremely huge water pillars again, and pairs of eyes shining with scarlet light appeared in the water pillars. It was Yue Xiujun's figure!

She didn't say anything harsh, nor did she charge directly to attack. After silently observing the situation, she suddenly closed her eyes.

Suddenly, thousands of Yue Xiujun's figures disappeared in an instant.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Instead of making him feel relaxed, this change gave him a feeling that something was terribly wrong.

Sure enough, in the next moment, red light appeared in Yue Zijing's white eyes, and two lights, one red and one white, kept intertwining in the eye sockets, eventually forming the shape of a whirlpool.

The aunt and nephew actually merged into one body in this strange state...

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