Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1462 The final sword

As the two people merged, the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom also changed. The water pillars were like the red and white colors in the eye sockets of the two people after they merged. They continued to rotate and entangled each other into a spiral shape.

The entire vast Xuanshui Kingdom turned into a huge bottomless spiral structure.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel his heart sink.

Let's not talk about the power of the moves performed by these two people after they merged, but their ability to control the entire Xuanshui Kingdom has been significantly increased.

After annexing the entire Western Territory, the size of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom has become extremely astonishing. Originally, the aunt and nephew could only drive a part of it.

For example, just now Yue Zijing only used extremely limited power.

But after the combination, the situation became completely different.

It's like they originally accumulated tens of thousands of dollars, but because they were only three-year-old children, they didn't know how to use this wealth. After being combined, they suddenly grew up and had the ability to use this wealth.

At this time, the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, covering thousands of miles from the Western Territory to the Corner Sea, was already at their disposal, and every corner was responding to the power of the two of them.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu knew that they had no room for detours.

Although Ye Weilan did not fully control the Phoenix Feather Blade, he had no choice but to fight. As for who will win in the end, everyone can only accept their destiny.

"Brother Ding! Charge!"

Lu Yu shouted and pointed diagonally to the left.

Shenmu Wangding also knew that this was the critical moment of life and death, so he did not say any more fancy words and silently flew towards Lu Yu's direction.

The thousands of merged phantom clones raised their hands at the same time, and suddenly streams of red liquid spurted out, and a pungent smell of blood filled the air... This was no longer just water, but surging. Bloodline!

In an instant, the color of the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom changed dramatically, from dark black chaos to red viscosity, and the original water body became extremely viscous.

Lu Yu clearly saw that a large shark wanted to jump out of the original body of water, but ended up being stuck in mid-air, as if it was captured by a spider web.

It was foreseeable that if they were contaminated by the surrounding water at this time, they would end up with the same fate.

However, this is not the most troublesome thing.

What's even more terrible is that the surging blood veins emitted by the thousands of combined clones seem to have an extremely powerful force. They follow behind the Divine Tree King Cauldron, and even if they detonate themselves, anyone contaminated by them will The water bodies all exploded on their own.

Yin water explodes!

In the original Jade Sea Immortal Sect, there was such a technique, but the number of explosions was limited to a few times.

However, the explosion after transforming into the scarlet state at this time has an endless transmission ability, and the explosion is continuously transmitted.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom had turned into an extremely huge gunpowder barrel, and the gunpowder contained in it was endless red explosions.

"Holy shit!"

Shenmu Wangding couldn't help but uttered a curse word, and he didn't know where he learned it from.

Seeing that they were about to be engulfed by the scarlet color, Ye Weilan swung his sword in time and cut a gap in the scarlet.

Lu Yu commanded the Divine Wood King Cauldron with one hand to drill into the direction of the gap, and pulled out a star track with the other hand. The angles of the two matched just right, blocking all the red mucus from the outside. Only then was he temporarily able to get rid of the coverage of the scarlet explosion. scope.

"Lan'er, how sure are you that you can control this Phoenix Feather Blade now?" Lu Yu asked immediately before he could take a breath.

"Sixty percent... seventy percent at most!" Ye Weilan replied.

"There is no time to continue playing slowly... You try to control the Phoenix Feather Blade to the maximum extent and launch attacks according to my instructions!"

Lu Yu said.

"Next, we have to go all the way to the bottom of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, and then launch a fatal blow to its weakest link. Before we get there, you must perfectly integrate the power of the Phoenix Feather Blade with you!"

"Yeah...I know!"

Before Ye Weilan could finish speaking, Lu Yu pointed his finger downwards. This not only commanded Ye Weilan to launch an attack downward, but also commanded the divine tree king tripod to move downward.

At this time, there was no room for them to move freely in the Xuanshui Kingdom. They could only use the Phoenix Feather Blade to slash and cut a path to the bottom of the Xuanshui Kingdom.

Thousands of combined clones also fell straight down, chasing after them one after another.

Of course, just relying on Ye Weilan to slash all the way, it is still a bit difficult to find a direct path to the bottom of the Spring Water Divine Kingdom under the pursuit of thousands of combined clones.

At this time, Lu Yu's star track played an extremely crucial role, always making the right correction, allowing the huge body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron to break through dangerous situations again and again.

"Brother Lu, have you found the location?"

After entering the interior of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom dozens of times, Shenmu Wangding finally couldn't help but ask.

At this time, its body was already covered with "blood stains". Even though Ye Weilan appeared extremely quickly and the Phoenix Feather Blade was extremely powerful, due to its huge size, it was still unable to survive many consecutive high-speed turns. It was inevitable that the edge of the scarlet explosion would be splashed a lot.

In addition to being extremely sticky, these scarlet-exploding blood stains are also extremely corrosive. At this time, the lines on the body of the divine tree king Dingding have been corroded to a blur, and it can't help but look like it is riddled with holes. Feeling of brokenness.

Lu Yu turned to look at Ye Weilan and asked, "How do you feel?"

In fact, he had already found the location of the weak link, and the reason why he had not pushed forward was to wait for Ye Weilan so that she could maximize the power of the Phoenix Feather Blade.

There was a look of perseverance in Ye Weilan's shining eyes, and she said, "Although I haven't reached the best condition yet,... I think I can give it a try!"

Lu Yu immediately understood that she was ready.

This preparation does not mean that she has perfectly integrated with the power of Phoenix Feather Blade, but that she is ready to break through her own limits.

In fact, how can everything be perfect? ​​It is very difficult for Ye Weilan to achieve the best integration under such circumstances.

Limits often come with pressure.

Pressure is motivation.

Only when people are chased by pressure can they maximize their potential.

And the pressure of this final blow will be the strongest driving force for Ye Weilan to unleash his potential.

"Okay! Then let's go!"

After saying that, Lu Yu closed his eyes again and waved his gestures repeatedly.

Suddenly, the sacred tree king tripod made several strange changes, and then they came to an extremely dark place.

Just like last time, Lu Yu activated the domain again, pulling out the star orbit and directly cutting off the connection point between Xuanshui Divine Kingdom and the power of Earthly Evil.

Suddenly, there were several huge earthquakes in the void!

Even though Lu Yu was spitting out a mouthful of blood, he still clenched his teeth and managed to maintain the domain.

The last blow was not only Ye Weilan's, it was also his last blow.

Suddenly, the Xuanshui fell back, forming an extremely huge whirlpool, where the Xuanshui root veins were cut off by his star path. He circled around his domain and merged with the Xueshui Divine Kingdom again.

Sure enough, everything was just as Lu Yu expected. Xuanshui Divine Kingdom would not collapse because of this, but would reconnect intermittently and continue to prosper.

However, in fact, this intermittent reconnection process is exactly when its weaknesses are completely exposed.

No need for Lu Yu to remind him, Ye Weilan's deep eyes had already firmly locked onto the location of that weak point.

There seemed to be two loud phoenix calls, roaring in the void.

A sound originated from the depths of Ye Weilan's blood.

The other sound came from inside the Phoenix Feather Blade.

Two phoenix calls merged into one.

Ye Weilan's body also merged with the Phoenix Feather Blade, and she flew out with an indomitable momentum.

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