Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1463 A lot of doubts

This sword seemed to open up the world.

The roots of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom were cut off again.

But this time, there was no intermittent reconnection, because the power of Ye Weilan's sword was not just as simple as cutting off the connection between the two. Under the fierce impact of the sword, the power of the Earthly Evil moved along the A special passage was sent back to the ground, and there was no possibility of reconnecting the two.

You must know that the power of Earthly Evil is equivalent to the power of Tiangang. The two exist in light and darkness, maintaining the balance between heaven and earth.

And the power of Ye Weilan's sword actually forced back the Earthly Evil force, which shows how powerful it is.

There is no doubt that she and the Phoenix Feather Blade have been perfectly integrated at this time, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such an effect that transcends the power level.

Suddenly, the blood began to recede, and streams of water began to flow back.

The power of the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom is still there, and it is not disintegrating, but it has become a pool of stagnant water.

This is because the Xuanshui Kingdom of Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing can be said to be driven entirely by the power of the Earthly Evil. If the power of the Earthly Evil is cut off, it is equivalent to the wheel hub losing its bearings, making it difficult to continue driving.

It was precisely because of this weakness that Lu Yu could accurately kill him with one blow.

"It's great! I can finally see the sky again!"

Shenmu Wangding said with great emotion, with the decline of Xuanshui Kingdom, the sky became clear again.

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan sat back-to-back on the back of the sacred wooden king tripod, breathing heavily and having no energy to pay attention to it for the time being.

Suddenly, a strange voice sounded: "Is this the power of the magic weapon you created?"

A figure appeared next to the sacred wooden king tripod. It looked like a man but not a man, a woman but not a woman. The eye sockets were surrounded by two colors, one red and one white. It was the combination of Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing after they used the Three Illusions Technique. figure.

At this time, with the decline of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, many clones have disappeared, but their bodies are still not separated. Even when they speak, it is the sound of two people's voices combined into one.

Lu Yu and Ye Weilan were startled, but soon relaxed again.

Without the support of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, these aunt-nephews are just ordinary golden elixir powerhouses - perhaps it is not accurate to say that they are ordinary, at least they can also use the power of Earthly Evil, which is among the existing golden elixir powerhouses. Unparalleled - but even so, they will not pose much of a threat anymore. A divine tree king cauldron alone is not something they can deal with.

"How dare you come here!" Shenmu Wangding said angrily.

The fused figure chuckled: "Why don't we dare to come over? Do you think you can deal with us alone?"

"Ouch! What a loud tone!"

This time it really hit the pain of the Divine Tree King Cauldron.

Although it has a huge body and can be perfectly compatible with various magic weapons and can be used smoothly, it is not good at attacking.

The "唔" sound that restrained Phoenix Feather's split blade before was only aimed at weapons. For the human form, it is still a matter of two opinions whether it has a unique frequency.

However, the Shenmu Wang Ding did not lose the battle. Even though he was unsure, he still shook the Ding and forced himself towards the two of them.

"Master Ding, I'm going to let you guys experience how awesome you are today!"

At the same time, Ye Weilan also stood up from the tripod. With a slight wave of his hand, the Phoenix Feather Blade was divided into nine parts, and the divided blades like Phoenix Feathers surrounded the opponent.

After the sword that finally broke through the limit just now, she has connected with the Phoenix Feather Blade. Although her power is almost exhausted at this time, the Phoenix Feather Blade's power can still be relied on.

"What a magic weapon! Once this sword is released, it will be the most precious treasure in the world!"

The voice of the combined figure said that even if it was surrounded by nine layers of split blades, it did not feel nervous or scared at all.

"However, based on Miss Ye's current condition, how much more power can she exert on this sword?"

Ye Weilan said: "How much more can you achieve, you can try it!"

The fused figure smiled coldly and said nothing, but stared at Ye Weilan with its intertwined red and white eyes.

A moment later, the ground shook violently, and the Xuanshui that had fallen below suddenly stirred again, as if boiling.

Lu Yu, Ye Weilan, and Shenmu Wangding were suddenly shocked.

Is this... a sign of Xuan Shui's resurgence?

It could be that the root veins at the bottom of the entire Xuanshui Divine Kingdom had been completely cut off just now, how could it still be like this?

If the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom were to make a comeback, there would be no way they could replicate the offensive they had just now...

What should we do now?

Lu Yu frowned and couldn't help but feel his scalp numb.

At this time, the combined figure suddenly turned its head and looked to the west: "You are lucky, the ancestor is calling us..."

After saying that, he looked back at Lu Yu and said: "Do you think you have defeated the Xuanshui Kingdom? Stop dreaming... If we hadn't deliberately exposed our flaws, do you think you could cut off the roots of the Xuanshui Kingdom so easily? ?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being stunned.

Is all this a trap for the other party?

So what are they planning?

The combined figure continued: "If you hadn't cut off the roots here, how could the ancestors have connected them elsewhere and taken away this powerful kingdom of God?"

"This is actually what we were planning to do. Your last move reminded us, so we simply took advantage of your plan... I didn't expect you to actually be able to cut off this root system, and it was so neat and tidy. This saved us a lot of skills!"

"The only regret is that your actions were too fast, and we couldn't completely destroy the entire Dali Sword Sect... But it doesn't matter. The Dali Sword Sect is doomed to fail. Even if we escaped this time, it will be difficult to escape the next time!"

"Now, let's rush to another battlefield first! That's the truly important battlefield!"

After saying that, the combined figure gradually dissipated like water mist, with no signs to follow.

Even the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom below has completely disappeared and has completely disappeared.

The original Dali Sword Sect's western border has become a bottomless abyss, and at the end of the distant sky, the seawater from the Jiaohai is pouring in. It can be foreseen that this place will all become a vast ocean in the future.

Lu Yu and others looked at this weird scene and were so surprised that they couldn't speak.

However, what is more surprising is the information revealed by the aunt and nephew before they left...

"Where will the more important battlefield be..."

After a long time, Shenmu Wangding murmured.

Lu Yu suddenly raised his head and looked up at the sky.

I wonder how far the ethereal Floating Cloud Palace is in the sky now?

But it is obvious that the only person who can make Shanwen pay so much attention to them and urgently transfer a pair of aunt and nephew at this time should be the old ancestor Yunxiao.

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