Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1466 A sudden opportunity

Lu Yu described in detail the entire process of the battle with Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, as well as what Yue Xiujun's aunt and nephew said when they left.

The scene fell into a brief silence.

After a while, Yang Chudie said: "As you said, Yue Xishan is really scheming. The other party obviously still has the power to spare, and is even very likely to destroy the Dali Sword Sect in one fell swoop, but he suddenly left at this time. From this, It can be seen that they must have a big plan..."

"In the eyes of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect, the only one who can be more important than the DaLi Sword Sect is Yunxiao Ancestor! After all, it is under his protection that the current DaLi Sword Sect can continue to exist. "

Lu Yu said: "I agree with your point of view, I also think the same...

"However, I have interacted with Patriarch Yunxiao several times. In my opinion, Patriarch Yunxiao is also a scheming person, and as far as I know, he has also been planning another very important thing. Before that matter is completed, he should not easily reveal his whereabouts..."

"Now, Yue Xishan has summoned Yue Xiujun, Yue Zi Jing's aunt and nephew, and has made it clear that he wants to join forces for the final decisive battle of the Three Illusions. This shows that they must have the exact whereabouts of the Yunxiao Ancestor... "

"And what will happen that will make Ancestor Yunxiao reveal his exact whereabouts?"

Yudie said: "After such a long analysis, I think you have come to a conclusion. What do you think it will be?"

Lu Yu sighed softly: "I just thought of what happened not long ago and made some guesses in my mind. How can I dare to say that there is a conclusion?"

"When we and Liu Hongxu went deep into the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave and broke the Dragon God's seal, the dispersion of the Dragon God's power once caused a very huge celestial phenomenon. Although we did not see it at the time, according to what you said, in this part of the world at that time From every corner you can see a scene of a dragon coiling in the sky..."

"And this is the most sensational thing in recent times. I'm wondering if the sudden appearance of Ancestor Yunxiao is related to this matter?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the old man Tianjian suddenly said: "Dragon Secret Hidden!"

Everyone couldn't help but be stunned and repeated: "Dragon Mystery Hidden?"

Old Man Tianjian said: "When I first arrived here that day, I saw you using Dragon Fish Black Tail, so I wanted her to mention it..."

"I have carefully observed the scene of the dragon coiling in the sky that day, but after all, what I saw was from the Nine Netherworld, so it was not very realistic, so I did not draw any conclusions..."

"Now that you've said it, I guess it was the scene of the dragon coiling in the sky that exposed the location of the dragon's mysterious hideout!"

Yudie blinked and said, "Senior, it seems you haven't said anything about the secret of Long Mi Zang yet?"

The old man Tianjian said: "In fact, there have been legends about the Dragon Mysterious Treasures circulating in the world. The Dragon Clan has always liked to collect treasures, and the Dragon Mysterious Treasures is the Dragon Clan's largest treasure house. The Giant Dragon Clan will collect all the most precious and powerful treasures. It is stored in this treasure house, and the disappearance of the giant dragon clan is also closely related to this treasure house. But if someone opens this treasure house, they will even get the entire inheritance of the entire giant dragon clan..."

"Now that we have the news Xiaoyu brought back from Haixi, we naturally know that all this is just nonsense. The Dragon Clan's greatest treasure is the Ark on the Other Side."

"But the Ark on the other side is now divided into two parts. After the core part has been transformed by the five-color nerves, it is still firmly embedded in the gap between the outer land and the big world, and has not been discovered by the world..."

"But the shell part has long fallen into this big world. Although it has not appeared in the world for thousands of years, this time the Coiling Dragon celestial phenomenon has exposed its position..."

"This is also consistent with what Xiaoyu described. The power of the Dragon God does not form celestial phenomena due to opposition and dispersion for no reason. It is very likely that it was pulled by the outer shell of the Ark on the other side, which formed in the outer world. An incredibly majestic sight.”

After listening to his explanation, everyone finally understood.

I have to say that this is indeed reasonable.

"So Ancestor Yunxiao and Ancestor Shanwen are going to fight for the outer shell of the Ark on the other side? And there will be an unprecedented battle there?" Yang Chudie said in astonishment.

Yudie said: "I'm afraid that the Earth Seal God won't be willing to be lonely, right?"

This means that Patriarch Yunxiao will be alone, facing the combination of Patriarch Shanwen and Lord Diyin, and his situation will be precarious...

If he died, it would bring huge changes to the situation. Secondly, he was afraid that the outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side would also fall into the hands of Bixiao Shrine.

The five-color god-lord evolved an extremely huge Ten Thousand Dragons Cave based on the core part alone, and was extremely powerful.

The outer shell part can span across the star fields in the sky and resist the impact of the power of the laws of the world, so it should be more powerful than the core part.

If this treasure really falls into the hands of Bixiao Shrine, it will mean the end of everyone.

However, there are also opportunities.

If the Earth Seal God really shows up to take action, then he himself will be exposed, and this will be an excellent opportunity for everyone to intercept and kill him!

All the conspiracies and plans in the Bixiao Shrine are caused by the Earth Seal God. If we can take this opportunity to ambush him, then naturally all problems will be solved.

For a moment, several people couldn't help but look towards Lu Yu.

This is the moment that determines the fate of the entire world.

Lu Yu breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "It seems that I have to find a chance to have a good chat with Patriarch Tailing in advance..."

Ancestor Tailing knew the secret of the Xuanyang Dao Lock, and the Xuanyang Dao Lock and the Dragon God's seal were inseparable.

Moreover, Ancestor Tailin is one or two thousand years old, but he looks like a young man in his twenties. Could this be caused by him getting some kind of life-extending treasure from the mysterious dragon treasure?

Looking back now, there is something fishy about Tailing Patriarch, and he is probably the only person in the world who knows the exact location of the Dragon Mystery Cang.

Therefore, Lu Yu had to get in touch with him first. He didn't dare to make a final decision on how to do it. He had to find out where Long Xinxin was hiding first...

"It seems we need to speed up the progress here too!"

The old man Tianjian said.

"As Xiaoyu said, the ancestor of Yunxiao is a very wise man, and he had known about the existence of the Earth Seal God, so he would not be easily plotted by others. I hope he can stay around longer to win more for us. opportunity!"

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