Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1467 Regardless of life or death

The secret meeting of several people came to an abrupt end.

Whether it is recasting the Feihong Sword, contacting Tailing Ancestor, or contacting the Wanlong Kingdom in Haixi, they all need to have enough energy.

But they had just experienced a big battle. No matter Lu Yu, Ye Weilan, Chudie, or Yudie, they were all at the end of their strength at this time. Even the Divine Tree King Cauldron was covered with bruises and needed time to recover.

Intercepting and killing the Earth Seal God is an unprecedented and huge plan. They must have the fullest mental state to promote the implementation of this plan.

As a result, the secret meeting stopped, and Lu Yu returned to the Mirror Garden with the Chudie Yudie sisters, preparing to adjust their breathing and recover.

As for the old man Tianjian, he stayed in the Star-Gathering Tower and chatted about life with Shenmu Wangding. Anyway, both of them were magic weapon spirits, so there was no need to think about rest at all, and the Star-Gathering Tower's starlight enchantment , is undoubtedly the best place for Old Man Tianjian to hide his whereabouts.

"Why did you come back with me?"

After entering the Mirror Garden, Yudie suddenly turned around and glared at Lu Yu and Yang Chudie.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be slightly shocked.

Originally, he thought that Yudie's anger had subsided, but looking at the current situation, it seemed that she had not completely subsided...

This woman's thoughts are so difficult to guess.

As the ancients said, a woman's heart is as deep as the bottom of the sea, and she really did not deceive me.

"Who is following you? This garden doesn't belong to you alone. Aren't we allowed to come back too?" Yang Chudie said lightly.

"This is called Yudie Peak, not Chudie Peak. Even if you contributed to the construction of this garden, this is my territory!" Yudie said angrily, "Chudie Peak is your territory!"

Yang Chudie still said in a calm tone: "I'm too tired today and don't want to go that far. If you are not willing to stay with me, you can go to Chudie Peak by yourself. I am your sister. Shouldn't you let me go?" Focus on me?"

After saying that, he walked straight into the Mirror Garden, completely ignoring Yudie's indignant eyes.

"Yang Chudie, don't go too far! You know what this is about! Do you think I dare not fight you here!" Yudie shouted at Yang Chudie's back.

Yang Chudie suddenly turned around and looked at her with sharp eyes: "Am I going too far? Or are you unable to distinguish the priorities of things! Today's matter must be like this, and you can't help but say no!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

I can't understand why the conflict between the two sisters suddenly became so intense.

Isn’t it just living in a garden? Is such a big reaction necessary? Where are you following?

Yudie stared at her almond-shaped eyes and her face was filled with anger, but she seemed to be shocked by Yang Chudie's aura and didn't say anything to refute.

Yang Chudie didn't pay much attention to him and turned around to leave.

It has to be said that this is the first time that Lu Yu has seen Yang Chudie's aura completely suppressing Yudie. It seems that her sister is a sister after all, and she can still suppress her sister if she is serious.

"Actually, everyone is so grumpy because they are tired. Wait..."

Before Lu Yu could finish his sentence, Yu Die suddenly came over with dagger-like eyes and said angrily: "Get out!"

At the same time, there was a soft sound in his ears, and Die Shuangfei pointed out diagonally, already aiming at him.

Lu Yu quickly stepped away and trotted away.

This woman is so angry, as if she has offended him...

"What on earth is going on? What happened to you and Yudie today? Weren't you fine before?"

Lu Yu quickly caught up with Yang Chudie and said confused.

Yang Chudie turned around, suddenly hugged him tightly, rested her head on his chest, and said quietly: "Let's not talk about her today, okay?"

"Uh... Okay!" Lu Yu replied subconsciously, but he couldn't help but become more confused in his heart. What on earth is going on?

Yang Chudie raised her head slightly, their eyes met, and a blush gradually appeared on their flawless faces.

"Today... let me help you regain your strength, okay?"

Lu Yu was instantly ecstatic.

In the past, he had tried his best and tried his best to get the other party to reluctantly agree... But the last time he was here, she rejected him outright.

Unexpectedly, she actually took the initiative this time. This is really rare!

At this moment, Lu Yu couldn't care less about the conflict between the two sisters. He was overwhelmed by the hot feeling.

"Okay! That's great! You don't know how long I've been thinking about this moment..."

As he spoke, his hands became restless, carefully appreciating the graceful and graceful mountains and rivers.

Yang Chudie finally summoned up the courage, but she took it off again, and said shyly: "Oh, what are you in a hurry... Let's go to the Spring Conch with Sister Xiaolan... Didn't you mean the three of us together? The best result?"

As he spoke, Yang Chudie had already pulled him into the cave space of the Spring Conch.

Ye Weilan was still adjusting his breath at this time, but soon he could no longer continue because the two of them fell directly beside her.

I don't know who stretched out the hand and dragged her to join.

The three of them spent a passionate time in this isolated and confined space.

After the storm subsided, Lu Yu's spirit had returned to its best condition.

He opened his eyes and felt the two bodies of body heat clinging tightly to his side. What was still repeating in his mind were the blood-swelling scenes.

This time, the master's aunt was too proactive, allowing him to experience the ultimate feeling that he had never experienced before.

As for the unreal feeling that made him feel, was this really his shy sister-in-law? Why did she act so boldly this time?

"What are you thinking about?"

Yang Qiudi also woke up, with hazy sleepy eyes and breath like blue.

"I'm thinking of you, you're so kind..." Lu Yu said truthfully.

Yang Chudie lowered her head and said, "Do you like it?"

"I like it, but... I'm a little confused."

"There is nothing to be confused about. I just suddenly felt that I was too harsh before. In fact, the world is already on the verge of collapse. There is no need for us to be too harsh on ourselves..." Yang Chudie replied softly.

Lu Yu was slightly startled and said, "Are you worried? Is it because of the plan to intercept the Earth Seal God?"

"There may be some reasons for this..." Yang Chudie said lazily, "But it's mainly because of Yudie. This girl is a little crazy now. In order to verify her forging theories, she actually doesn't care about your life or death. ...If that’s the case, then I don’t care about her life or death!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but froze immediately.

Why does it sound a bit like taking revenge on Yudie?

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