Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1475 The stars tremble like poles

Lu Yu replied: "I am already familiar with it."

Yang Chudie took a deep look at him and hesitated to speak: "Although you have already had the last experience, this time's plan is actually more dangerous than the last time..."

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "I know all this, you don't need to persuade me anymore, I have made up my mind... Maybe this move is indeed dangerous, but it is my fate. Suppose I shrink back this time, what about next time? "

Yang Chudie sighed softly: "Okay... then you should be more careful!"

Lu Yu nodded, then smiled again: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much. Maybe this plan is not as dangerous as you think..."

Yang Chudie was slightly startled and looked at him in surprise.

Lu Yu continued: "Do you still remember the tenth secret of the stars that I told you before?"

"You mean... the tenth secret of the stars hidden in the extreme heat?" Yang Chudie said in astonishment.

"That's right." Lu Yu said, "As long as you can master this secret, it won't be that difficult to complete the planned plan..."

"Are you sure you can comprehend it?" Yang Chudie asked.

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "How can I say that such a profound secret can be understood easily? Even the last time, I only felt its existence... But this is at least a good opportunity, isn't it? "

"It's a good chance, but I'm afraid..."

Lu Yu gently held her hand and said, "Don't worry! Understanding the secrets of the stars is just incidental. I will give priority to completing the task. I will never be distracted this time!"

"That's good." Yang Chudie said.

At this time, Yudie came back and said, "Have you had enough? Didn't you just finish making out not long ago? Now you still want to be here with me?"

Yang Chudie broke away from Lu Yu's hand and said, "Have you checked everything? Are there any problems?"

"Everything has been checked and there is nothing wrong..." Yudie said, "Wait a minute, Yang Chudie! Why are you asking me? I'm obviously the one in charge of the overall situation!"

Yang Chudie was unmoved at all: "Since there are no problems, let's get ready to start! From now on, stop talking nonsense that has nothing to do with the forging plan!"

After saying that, she turned to Lin Zhengtie and waited, giving the order to start the furnace.

Yudie originally wanted to say it again, but seeing this situation, she had no choice but to return to the area she was responsible for angrily.

Next, everything went on step by step.

Soon a scorching high temperature erupted in the storm eye furnace, and the temperature in the entire area also skyrocketed.

"Open the door! Place the sword!"

Following Yang Chudie's order, the living door of the Wind Eye Furnace suddenly opened, revealing the cooking stove inside.

Immediately afterwards, the old man Tianjian stepped forward, holding the Feihong Sword in his hand.

Seeing him flicking the Feihong Sword quickly with his fingers, the sword suddenly erupted with circles of bright and gorgeous brilliance. However, the old man of Tianjian didn't even look at it, and threw the Feihong Sword into the furnace. Among them, it landed firmly on the building platform.

This is the only step that Old Man Tianjian needs to be responsible for in the entire recasting plan, activating all the original internal arrays in Feihong Sword.

Although he has been separated from Feihong Sword for many years, as a former sword spirit, there is a natural closeness between the old man Tianjian and Feihong Sword. Only he is capable of this step. Even Lu Yu has no idea how to start.

After completing this step, Old Man Tianjian had nothing to do. The next thing he wanted to do was watch the show, so he walked to the viewing platform and stood with Liu Hongxu.

In this way, he can not only better control the overall situation, but also guard against Liu Hongxu's sudden unethical behavior. Although the probability of this is very slim, he has to guard against it.

"Seal the door! Settlement!"

Yang Chudie issued the order again.

Immediately, the door of the Storm Eye Furnace slowly closed, with various formations reinforcing it without revealing any gaps.

At the same time, the entire meditation platform also sank into the interior of the furnace, followed by various hammer forging processes.

After entering this stage, the command was handed over to Yudie, who gave the orders, while Yang Chudie became a support.

After all, the Feihong Sword was reforged. This time, unlike the previous forging of the Phoenix Feather Blade, the properties of the material were not fully stimulated as soon as it was first used, so that it caused a huge phenomenon in the world.

This sword must be forged and hammered before the properties of the material become active again.

Therefore, this first round of forging and hammering is to reactivate the characteristics of the Feihong Sword.

Under Jade Die's instructions, the furnace continued to make rumbling sounds, and the dull hammers were like hammering on everyone's hearts.

With the continuous hammering, a piece of light finally slowly spread out and overflowed outside the furnace. It was an extremely gorgeous starlight.

Gradually, an extremely beautiful starry sky appeared above the furnace, and it continued to spread in all directions.

On the observation deck, Liu Hongxu couldn't help but marvel at this scene.

Although Haixi Land is rich in molten crystals and has great potential in elixir refining and weapon refining, in fact, the level of forging in Haixi Land is not outstanding. She had no idea that such a magical scene could be caused by forging. .

"Senior...are these all scenes hidden in that divine sword?"

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but ask the old man Tianjian beside him.

She had already seen that the brilliance spilling out of the furnace was actually the continuation of the light that Old Man Tianjian had inspired before.

The old man Tianjian looked at the scene in front of him with a look of endless nostalgia in his eyes. It seemed that many long-lasting and almost forgotten past events were slowly reappearing in front of his eyes bit by bit.

"This is the infinite galaxy of the universe... The original name of this sword seems to be... Shenshang." The voice of the old man from Tianjian sounded like a dream.

"Shenshang?" Liu Hongxu was slightly startled and whispered the name again.

But at this moment, the scene of overflowing from the furnace had already connected with the night sky.


Everyone seemed to hear a silent loud noise in their hearts.

In an instant, countless stars in the night sky were activated, intertwined with the scene overflowing from the furnace.

Liu Hongxu suddenly looked up and saw that the night sky was full of stars, but they were all trembling, like little tadpoles, swimming continuously.

She blinked hard, but nothing changed, and this incredible scene was still in front of her.

All this is not her imagination...

The stars in the real night sky are actually dancing with the scene overflowing from the furnace.

In other words, the weapon bred in the furnace at this time actually has the power to move the stars.

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