Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1476 On the verge of losing control

"It's your turn!"

In the field, Yang Chudie turned around and said to Lu Yu.


Lu Yu nodded lightly and gave her a reassuring look: "Don't worry! Everything will be fine!"

After saying that, he strode towards the injury door on the side, entering through the exhaust port just like the last time he forged the Phoenix Feather Blade.

Yang Chudie watched Lu Yu's figure pass through the wound door and disappear into the flames. Everything went smoothly as last time, but she knew in her heart that this time was completely different from last time.

When forging the Phoenix Feather Blade, it was, after all, an exclusive magic weapon dominated by Ye Weilan. The power to suppress the properties of the material mainly relied on Ye Weilan. Lu Yu was only performing the final finishing step.

But now the reforged Feihong Sword is Lu Yu's own exclusive magic weapon. In addition to the final finishing steps, he also has to suppress the original material properties of the Feihong Sword. Both of these are time-consuming. It's not of the same magnitude.

There is extremely high temperature in the furnace, and every second you stay there is more danger. In this process, just resisting the high temperature of the furnace is already a very dangerous thing.

But soon Yang Chudie put away her worries and returned to a focused state.

In any case, this is Lu Yu's own choice after all. At this moment, she has nothing else to do except go all out to assist...

On the observation deck, Liu Hongxu was shocked when he saw this scene.

"Master...what is he doing?"

Although she didn't have much forging experience, she also knew that the inside of the furnace was definitely an extremely dangerous place, especially the furnace in front of her. It was obviously very different from ordinary furnaces, and the degree of danger was incalculable...

How come Lu Yu suddenly penetrated into the furnace despite everything going well? She had never heard that people had to enter the furnace together during forging... What kind of forging technique was this?

"This sword is extraordinary. Only Xiaoyu's power can suppress the original material properties. Therefore, he must enter the furnace to guide it. Only in this way can the new mystical array be imprinted on it..." the old man of Tianjian explained.

Liu Hongxu was immediately stunned.

Daqing really entered the furnace for forging... But in this case, is this forging a person or a sword?

"Isn't this... a problem?" Liu Hongxu said.

The old man of Tianjian added: "This move does have a certain degree of danger, but using human power to guide it in person undoubtedly has greater advantages than simple hammer forging. The imprint marks formed by the two are completely different... "

"In order to make this sword have a better appearance and stronger power after being reforged, it is a helpless move to choose to return to danger... However, Xiaoyu has already had the experience of entering the furnace once before, so it should be There's no real danger."

As soon as he finished speaking, a violent roar suddenly sounded in the furnace, like the roar of a giant beast.

The scene was shaken for a moment, tongues of flames spurted out from various vents of the furnace, and the flame tails shot straight into the sky, as if the sky was on fire.

"Senior...are you sure there is really no danger in this?" Liu Hongxu said with a slightly changed expression.

Old Man Tianjian's eyes were deep, and his gaze seemed to penetrate the furnace in front of him, directly seeing the scene inside the furnace, and he said lightly:

"From this moment on, the most difficult step begins. This is indeed a huge test for Xiao Yu... Whether the recasting of God's Shang can proceed smoothly depends entirely on his subsequent performance! "

The ground outside the furnace was shaking, and the inside of the furnace was also shaking.

At this time, what appeared around Lu Yu, in addition to the huge forging hammer formed by endless flames and laws, was also the phantom of an extremely huge beast.

This giant beast is the weapon spirit reborn from the Feihong Sword.

Ever since it devoured the Star-Moon Holy Emblem of the Bixiao Palace, it has been in a state of slumber. At this time, the Feihong Sword was continuously being forged in the flames, and it finally woke up from its slumber... Not only He just woke up, it could even be said that he became violent.

This brand-new weapon spirit was originally an extremely huge beast totem, and it only lit up part of the area.

But at this time, as it exploded, its entire body was lit up, erupting with extremely astonishing power.

At this time, Lu Yu had to fight against its power under the extreme high temperature, while using various forging hammers to press new mystical arrays into the sword body again.

This is undoubtedly an extremely difficult job.

For this giant beast totem, the original sword body is equivalent to his lair. The size and style of the lair can perfectly accommodate its body, allowing it to curl up very comfortably inside.

But recasting it at this time is equivalent to tearing down its original nest, and then building a brand new house using the original materials despite its noise. You can imagine the difficulty of this.

At this moment, Lu Yu felt as if he had knocked over a bottle of ink into a rushing stream, and then had to collect all the ink in the stream... This not only made him feel rushed and stretched.

After just holding on for a few rounds, Lu Yu felt tremendous pressure.

Although he has not made any mistakes so far, it is foreseeable that his strength and spirit will inevitably be unable to sustain such long-term consumption. As time goes by, mistakes will be made sooner or later...

And if something goes wrong, not only will the entire recasting plan fall short, but the entire Chudie Peak may even be completely destroyed...

Because Lu Yu felt a very violent force in the giant beast weapon spirit. This force is based on the sword body and connected to the power of the stars in the sky. If it loses control, it will cause great damage. The power will be devastating.

At this time, Lu Yu deeply realized what it means to have a plan that cannot keep up with changes.

Before that, even he himself had not thought that the Feihong Sword, which had lost its divine status for many years and was completely broken, still had such a huge power hidden inside it...

How can I do?

At this critical moment, Lu Yu not only didn't panic at all, but felt extremely calm inside.

He set his sights on the core of the furnace, which was surrounded by numerous formations and had an extreme temperature no less than that of a star.

Last time, it was there that he sensed the location of the tenth star secret.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, stopped thinking about anything, and pushed the building table towards the core of the furnace...

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