Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1478 The Tenth Mystery—The Blazing Sun

Next, the forging process returned to normal.

Just like when the Phoenix Feather Blade was forged before, with the continuous impact of the forging hammer, the scene in the night sky was slowly gathered bit by bit.

Everything was carried out step by step and in an orderly manner.

It was even smoother than the original plan. The progress that was delayed because Lu Yu didn't play according to common sense was quickly caught up again.

"Hey, what's going on? Could it be that he used Feihong Sword to open up Ren and Du's two meridians inside?"

The process was so smooth that even Yudie couldn't help but feel incredible, and couldn't help but sigh, but in fact, how can Feihong Sword have Ren and Du's second lineage?

"It seems that he really did it..." Yang Chudie couldn't help but sigh softly.

"What did you do?" Yudie asked.

Yang Chudie glanced at her and said, "I don't know whether Feihong Sword's Ren Du Second Meridian has been opened, but his own Ren Du Second Meridian has definitely been opened... If my guess is not wrong, he should have just opened it. It’s the tenth secret of the stars that has been comprehended!”

"The tenth secret of the stars?"

Jade Die couldn't help but be slightly startled.

It was natural that she didn't know Lu Yu's secrets of the stars. When he fought against the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor before, he had comprehended the ninth secret of the stars - Ming Dong, which played an extremely crucial role in the battle. When Old Man Tianjian followed the starlight, he finally killed the Jiuxuan Earth Ancestor in one fell swoop...

In her opinion, Lu Yu, who has mastered the secrets of nine stars, is already incredibly powerful. Now he has comprehended the tenth secret. This is really incredible... Lu Yu, who has mastered the secrets of ten stars, will be powerful. To what extent?

"What is the tenth secret of the stars... called?" Yudie murmured.

Yang Chudie said: "I don't know what it's called, but Yulang once said before that the tenth star secret is hidden in the extreme high temperature. I guess its characteristics should be related to this...don't you notice? , is the temperature of the furnace different at this time than before? "

Yudie secretly thought, this is not only different, it is simply a world of difference...

At this time, the entire furnace was shining with dazzling light, like a rising sun. If it were not blocked by numerous formations, even she might not be able to stand here anymore.

"Extremely high temperature? I see..." Yudie nodded slowly and thoughtfully.

On the observation deck on the other side, Old Man Tianjian has also returned here.

"Senior, what was that force that pushed you away just now?" Liu Hongxu couldn't help but ask.

"If I guessed correctly, it should be Xiaoyu who comprehended the tenth secret of the stars."

Although he didn't know that Lu Yu had already noticed the existence of the tenth star secret when he entered the furnace in the last round, the old man of Tianjian still gave the same judgment.

"The secret of the stars?" Liu Hongxu asked in surprise.

The old man of Tianjian turned around, glanced at him lightly, and said: "There are many top secrets in the heavens and the world. They are not only a collection of powerful forces, but also one of the foundations of the entire universe. Once mastered, They are equivalent to mastering the true meaning of a certain power... For example, the three dragon secrets you master are also one of the top secrets."

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but feel his heart skip a beat.

Originally, she had only touched the threshold of the Divine Dragon Mystery. It was not until she was promoted to the Tiangang Realm that she was able to completely distinguish the specious concepts, classify them into categories, and master three Divine Dragon Mysteries at once...

She originally thought that the power she had mastered had reached an extraordinary and unparalleled level, but she didn't expect that the other party could see through her at a glance, which couldn't help but stir up a storm in her heart.

"The Mysteries of the Stars are also such top secrets. Originally, Xiaoyu had mastered nine of them, but now he has comprehended one more. In total, he has mastered ten of the Mysteries of the Stars, and he is getting closer and closer to the realm of Dacheng!"

"Ten Paths?"

Liu Hongxu couldn't help being stunned.

As the inheritor of the dragon god's power, she clearly knows how powerful the dragon secret is, and Lu Yu has mastered ten similar secrets. No wonder he can do so many impossible things.

It seems that even after reaching the Tiangang realm, she dare not say that she can stabilize Lu Yu. At least in terms of understanding of the true meaning of power, there is still a big gap between her and Lu Yu.

The old man of Tianjian continued: "In fact, in this world, there are a total of twelve secrets of stars, namely longitude and latitude, broken stars, annihilation, convergence, flying tail, participation, metamorphosis, microscopic, bright movement, and blazing. Sun, crown ring, and chisel, if I guessed correctly, the one Xiaoyu just comprehended should be the blazing sun."

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but be slightly startled.

Looking at the dazzling furnace in front of her, as hot as the sun, she seemed to be able to somewhat appreciate its power and magnanimity.

"What if he comprehends all the secrets of the twelve stars in this world? What will happen then?" Liu Hongxu asked.

"If he can really master the secrets of the twelve stars..."

The old man Tianjian paused for a moment, as if he was thinking, and after a moment he continued to answer: "Then...he will go to heaven and earth, and he will be omnipotent, and all the power in the world can be used by him!"

"If he really gets to that point, the ancestor of Earth Evil and the God of Earth Seal will not be able to hinder him..."

Liu Hongxu was shocked and filled with excitement.

However, the old man of Tianjian changed his tone and sighed: "Unfortunately, it is not easy to fully understand the secrets of the Twelve to the Stars, and we don't have that much time..."

Liu Hongxu was about to speak, but at this moment, he suddenly felt something in his heart.

She suddenly raised her head and pointed towards the furnace in the eye of the storm ahead.

Suddenly, a red dragon phantom rolled out wildly, and the movement caused also had a world-shaking momentum, making the entire Wind Eye Furnace shake uncontrollably.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked, thinking that she wanted to destroy the furnace, but they saw that the red dragon shadow just circled around the huge furnace body, then twisted up and flew straight into the sky.

In an instant, the sky was filled with brilliance, and something seemed to shatter.

Liu Hongxu had already completed a space fight with a certain mysterious being hidden in the void.

In the midst of stunned eyes, Liu Hongxu slowly took back his hand and said thoughtfully: "It seems that someone is peeping from a distance, but I have temporarily driven him away..."

The old man Tianjian smiled lightly and said: "With His Majesty sitting here, it seems that I will be much more relaxed next time!"

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