Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1479: Refining swords also refining people

Unknowingly, one day and one night passed.

During this period of time, Liu Hongxu struck several times in succession, forcing the snoopers in the void to retreat before they could clearly see the reality of the scene.

At this time, the visions in the sky were gradually gathered together, and everything seemed to be calm again. The area around the furnace was not peaceful, it was still a lively scene.

The entire forging process became surprisingly smooth, but there was still a trace of worry in everyone's hearts, not about the magic weapon itself, but about Lu Yu's situation in the furnace...

"It's been so long, haven't you come out yet?" Liu Hongxu couldn't help but ask.

Even with her ability, it was really unimaginable that someone could persist in the furnace for such a long time.

The old man of Tianjian said: "Don't forget that the name of the secret of the stars that he first understood is called Blazing Sun. I think he has already achieved integration with the extreme high temperature in the furnace."

Liu Hongxu was startled for a moment and couldn't help but be amazed.

She really couldn't imagine what it would be like to be one with the extreme heat... Perhaps this was the reason why Lu Yu could grasp the true meaning of the power of the stars, but she could not.

On the other side, sisters Yudie and Chudie were also talking about Lu Yu in the furnace.

"Is he still unwilling to come out?" Yudie said.

At this time, the most complicated stage of the entire forging process had been completed. When using the forging hammer, she deliberately left enough gaps to allow Lu Yu to escape calmly.

If Lu Yu wanted to leave the furnace, he would have had the chance to come out, but he was nowhere to be seen.

Yang Chudie shook his head and said, "Not yet..."

Yudie shrugged and said, "If that's the case, then I won't care about him. Everything will go according to plan!"

After saying that, he issued another command, and the rhythm of hammer forging suddenly accelerated again.

Yang Chudie looked at this scene. Although she was a little worried, there was nothing she could do about it.

Fortunately, she could still sense that Lu Yu was safe and sound in the furnace... Since he had persisted for so long, it meant that he had really mastered the secrets of the stars in extreme high temperatures. I guess high temperatures were no longer a problem for him. is a deadly threat.

Another seven days passed in this way.

Everyone around the furnace has taken shifts several times, and the two sisters have also taken turns taking turns taking turns.

Only Lu Yu stayed inside the furnace and never came out.

It has been quiet these past seven days. Apart from the step-by-step work around the furnace, nothing else happened.

Even the mysterious strong men hidden in the void no longer peeked out. It was not known whether they were frightened by Liu Hongxu's methods or because of other reasons.

"Shut down! Turn off the engine!"

Finally, on the morning of the ninth day, Yudie gave an order and announced that the entire forging process was over.

The forging process took eight days and eight nights, which was not a long time for casting a magic weapon, but if you take into account the manpower, material resources and scale used in the process, it was simply unprecedented.

Even so, the progress of the entire forging has been greatly advanced compared to the original plan. According to the original plan, the entire forging process will take a total of about thirteen days.

The reason why it was so far ahead of schedule was entirely because Lu Yu was assisting inside the furnace.

Although everything did not go as planned, everyone could foresee that the entire forging process was an unprecedented success. Because all the technical requirements met expectations and all difficulties and doubts were solved, it was unexpectedly smooth.

The only thing to worry about is Lu Yu in the furnace... Anyway, the sword has been trained, but I don't know what the person will become after being trained.

"Senior, please come and open the furnace!"

The two sisters hesitated again and again, and finally decided to hand over the important task of opening the furnace to the old man Tianjian.

With the last experience of forging the Phoenix Feather Blade, everyone knows that opening the furnace is actually a very dangerous thing. The person who was originally the most suitable for this important task was Lu Yu, but at this time Lu Yu was still in the furnace, so He had no choice but to hand over this important task to Old Man Tianjian.

The two sisters were not worried about the backlash from the reforged Feihong Sword, but they were worried that if they encountered a complicated situation, it would affect Lu Yu in the furnace.

But the old man Tianjian smiled faintly and said, "I think it's better to leave it to Your Majesty!"

Liu Hongxu couldn't help being stunned: "Shall I do it?"

The old man of Tianjian said: "With your Majesty's strength, it should be more than enough to deal with this matter... Isn't your Majesty curious about what the sword in the furnace looks like?"

Liu Hongxu raised his eyebrows: "If that's the case, then Hongxu would rather be respectful than obey orders!"

Although the Chudie and Yudie sisters had doubts about this, since it was the decision of Old Man Tianjian, they had no choice but to comply.

So Liu Hongxu strode to the furnace and followed the method explained by Yudie to unlock the formation that opened the door to life.

Suddenly, the door of the furnace slowly opened, and an astonishing wave of heat rushed in.

Everyone's expressions suddenly changed.

All the furnishings made of metal within a radius of ten feet softened. This shows how powerful this heat wave is.

However, Liu Hongxu, who was facing the furnace door, only blushed slightly, and a layer of fine scales floated around his body to resist the scorching air wave.

Only then did everyone understand that it really made sense for Old Man Tianjian to let Liu Hongxu be responsible for turning on the furnace. If it had been anyone else, they would have been scorched...

However, Liu Hongxu could only go so far. Inside the furnace, there was still the remnant of the tenth star secret - the power of the blazing sun. She did not dare to step into it easily, so she could only look outside.

The people behind him also widened their eyes, taking advantage of the open furnace door to look inside.

Although the scene in front of him was not as shocking as when the Phoenix Feather Blade was born, no one dared to take it lightly.

Whether it is the complexity of the forging, the manpower and material resources used, or the phenomena of heaven and earth it causes, the Feihong Sword far surpasses the Phoenix Feather Blade, and its power will naturally be far greater than the Phoenix Feather Blade.

At this time, it was only dormant temporarily. Everyone believed in their hearts that this sword must not sound, but when it does, it will be extremely shocking.

The quiet atmosphere only accentuated the tense mood.

Everyone's hearts couldn't help but raise their throats.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the furnace.

"Don't be nervous, everyone. After all, Feihong Sword is domesticated, not a wild magic weapon like Phoenix Feather Blade. It is very obedient now and will not go wild at will."

Who else could this voice be than Lu Yu?

Before he finished speaking, a figure appeared at the door of the furnace.

The churning air waves blurred his body, making it difficult for everyone to see his facial features temporarily. However, between his chest and abdomen, there were clearly flashes of dazzling brilliance. There were nine in total. There are so many light groups.

"Sir, you...have successfully formed the elixir?" Liu Hongxu said in astonishment.

"Pellet formation?"

Lu Yu laughed at himself: "How can it be that easy... These are actually just my golden elixir seeds, but I took this rare opportunity to practice them by the way..."

Liu Hongxu was immediately speechless.

It seems that she was really right. This extremely complicated forging process is not just about refining swords, but also involves refining people...

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