Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1480 Sword Named Galaxy

Everyone couldn't help but feel stunned.

In fact, each of the nine balls of light between Lu Yu's chest and abdomen has a strength comparable to that of a first-grade golden elixir. However, these are just his golden elixir seeds... This is really incredible. !

Just the golden elixir seed has already reached such a scale. So what will it be like when he officially forms the elixir?

Now, everyone finally understood why Lu Yu was able to do so many unbelievable things even though he was still in the cultivation stage of Jindan...

"Where's the Feihong Sword?"

At this time, the surrounding heat wave had subsided a lot, and Jade Butterfly also came forward and asked.

After being reminded like this by her, everyone suddenly woke up from a dream.

Yes, the most important thing is the magic weapon in the furnace. It took eight days and eight nights and used such a huge amount of manpower, material and financial resources. Everyone wants to know what the final magic weapon looks like...

"The sword... is here." Lu Yu said, "It's just that I don't know if it is still the Feihong Sword..."

Before he finished speaking, there was a sudden buzzing sound, and a sharp sword suddenly flew out from the inside of the furnace and landed firmly in Lu Yu's hand.

There was a circle of indescribable strange brilliance floating above the sword body. For a moment, everyone seemed to see countless stars in the brilliance. It seemed that as long as it shook slightly, stars would fall all over the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but lose their minds.

The sword did not move, but just this sight filled everyone's hearts with shock.

"It is really a sword passed down from generation to generation... This sword will definitely be famous all over the world once it is released!" Master Changchun said with infinite emotion.

"The power of this sword should be higher than that of the Litian Sword Canon!" Mr. Zhu Ge also said in shock.

He has been in charge of the Tiangong treasury. The Litian Sword Code has been placed in front of him for hundreds of years. He has a deep understanding of the power of the Litian Sword Code. It is extremely convincing for him to say such words.

"It's not like our hard work is in vain. The sweat is worth it!" Master Zifu said with excitement.

In this forging process, although they, a group of real-person experts, were only responsible for the starting point, they did not dare to relax for a moment during this process. Undoubtedly, they also put their efforts into this reforged magic weapon.

"It's worth it. The Xianhua Divine Iron we use in Zixia Peak is also worth it!" Master Ju Qing was also extremely excited and murmured to himself.

Previously, he was very dissatisfied with Lu Yu because Lu Yu wanted to forcibly requisition materials, but now he no longer felt any dissatisfaction.

"How about... try its power?" Yudie said.

She was also happy to see Hunter Xin at this time. If she wasn't afraid of the powerful power surging from fitness, she would have couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

It's a pity that this sword is Lu Yu's exclusive magic weapon. Only those who master the secrets of the stars are qualified to use it, so she can only encourage Lu Yu.

"it's here?"

Lu Yu shook his head, "Let's forget it. Not to mention that it can't be used here at all, even if there is a place where it can be used, this sword should not be used at this time..."

A sharp look suddenly flashed in his eyes, and he continued: "I decided to keep this surprise for the Earth Seal God! What do you think he will do when he suddenly receives this surprise?"

Yudie couldn't help but be startled, and a picture appeared in her mind...

When the Earth Seal God who had secretly ruled the world for 200,000 years finally revealed his true form from the depths of darkness, he was met with countless falling stars... Just thinking about this makes people feel extremely excited.

Lu Yu held the magic weapon in his hand, stepped forward, walked to the old man Tianjian, and said: "Senior, this sword was named Feihong. It has been with my father for many years. Although this name has extraordinary meaning to me... But Feihong One word is not enough to convey the magnificence of this sword. Please give it a new name, senior!"

The old man of Tianjian pondered for a long time before he said: "During the process of recasting this sword just now, I thought of many past events... This sword was originally called Shenshang, but at this time it has been completely changed from the inside to the outside. It originally belonged to God. The era of mourning has completely ended, and now it’s time for you to use it to write a new chapter, so it’s up to you to decide what name it should be called!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but was slightly stunned: "Should I name it myself?"

"Of course." Old Man Tianjian replied: "At best, I can only be considered a part of its original form, and you are its real master now!"

Lu Yu suddenly fell silent.

He stretched out his hand and gently touched the blade of the divine weapon, and felt a strange touch coming from his fingertips, causing him to feel a surge of blood.

"How about... let's call you Xinghe from now on!" Lu Yu said softly.

However, this sentence seemed to have magic power. As soon as he finished speaking, the sword suddenly shook, and the sky suddenly opened and closed with clouds and mist, revealing countless brilliant stars, as if he was responding to Lu Yu from a distance.

Everyone couldn't help but be shocked.

"Galaxy Sword... uses the power of one sword to cause the galaxy to respond, what a name!" Master Changchun praised.

The rest of the people also congratulated Lu Yu.

Jade Die looked at the brilliant starry sky above her head in broad daylight and sighed softly: "Are you sure that the Earth Seal God will not notice such a big movement? Can this surprise be kept until then?"

Lu Yu also looked up at the stars and said: "After all, this is just a strange phenomenon. Even if he notices it, he is only suspicious at most and cannot really be sure of anything..."

"But your worries are not unreasonable. In order to avoid long nights and nightmares, we'd better take action as soon as possible to avoid putting the old guy on guard!"

"Now?" Yang Chudie frowned slightly, "Are you leaving in such a hurry?"

Lu Yu said: "In fact, we have been delayed a lot of time. These days, no one knows what is going on in the sky. Whether there is an official fight between Yunxiao Ancestor and Yue Xishan... If they The battle between them is over, then we have missed the best opportunity!"

At this time, Liu Hongxu said: "Actually, you don't have to worry too much... At least, I can guarantee that the Dragon Mystery Hidden has not been opened yet, otherwise I should have some sense."

Lu Yu shrugged and said: "No matter what, there is no harm in getting in position as soon as possible... How about this, you guys take a rest as soon as possible, I will go up to explore the way first, I think in front of the Galaxy Sword, the Tiangang Barrier is for me It should no longer be a hindrance!”

After saying that, Lu Yuyun used the Xinghe Sword, and the sword and the human sword flew straight into the sky, and disappeared into the vast starry sky in the blink of an eye.

Everyone couldn't help but look at each other for a while, surprised by the power of the Galaxy Sword, but also confused by Lu Yu's attitude of just leaving.

Liu Hongxu rolled his eyes and said, "I'll cover him!"

After saying that, phantoms of giant dragons surged up on the enchanting body, and followed them straight up into the sky.

This posture is somewhat similar to that of the black tail of the dragon fish.

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