Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1481 There is a sky outside the sky

The top of the first heaven.

The sharp edge flicked lightly.

Suddenly, the Tiangang air current was cut open like tender skin. Lu Yu, holding the Galaxy Sword in his hand, easily broke through with the sword-human posture, and successfully boarded the second level of the sky.

Although he has had the experience of going deep into the sky several times before, they were all passive entries. Now this is the first time that he has climbed to the sky on his own strength.

The most terrifying thing in the sky is the ubiquitous power of Tiangang. Sometimes these Tiangang are like a ray of breeze, but they have extremely powerful destructive power and will be torn into pieces if they are not careful.

If it were any other cultivator below the Tiangang realm, they would not dare to go deep into such a dangerous place, but Lu Yu naturally had no such worries.

At this time, he can not only drive the Galaxy Sword to fight against the power of Tiangang, but also the star track inspired by himself can also isolate the power of Tiangang. Therefore, he actually has two methods to let it fly in the sky. It has surpassed ordinary Tiangang powerhouses.

And this was exactly the reason why Lu Yu wanted to fly his sword straight into the sky. Testing the power of the Galaxy Sword was only part of the reason.

More importantly, he must be familiar with the environment above the sky.

There are two completely different worlds above the sky and on the ground, and the way of fighting will be greatly affected. However, Lu Yu has no experience in fighting people above the sky before, so it is very useful to familiarize himself with the environment above the sky in advance. necessary.

Therefore, after entering the second level of heaven, Lu Yu did not rush to the third level of heaven, but slowly began to swim in the second level of heaven.

This is also the first time that he has observed the second level of heaven in such detail.

Back then, when we went deep into the fourth area to deal with the King of Heaven in the Tianyu battlefield, that was actually the place bordering the second level of heaven.

At that time, there were many remnant soul evil thoughts in the fourth area, and now there are just as few here, but they can no longer have a serious impact on Lu Yu like they did before. Just like a swarm of mosquitoes, Lu Yu only needs to wave his hand. Drive them away.

Seeing the clusters of residual souls and evil thoughts mixed in the Tiangang air flow, with no idea where they were flowing, Lu Yu suddenly had a very strange idea in his heart...

Remember that in many ancient myths and legends, ghosts and ghosts are hidden in the underworld. Since it has been proven that the Storm Clan is the source of many myths and legends, then the legend about the many ghosts and ghosts imprisoned in the underworld also has There should be a certain degree of authenticity.

This shows that the final destination of the remnant souls of the past should be gathered in the Jiuyou underground.

But now, the Jiuyou Underground is empty - at least in the first and second towers of the Jiuyou Underground, there are no ghosts gathering at all. On the contrary, the second sky above the sky is filled with a large number of injured souls.

I don’t know when this change started...

Could all this be related to the secret plan carried out by Bixiao Shrine in the Jiuyou underground?

"Sir, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Hongxu's voice suddenly appeared next to him.

As a strong person in the Tiangang realm, although the method of controlling the power of Tiangang is single, it is extremely effective. All the power of Tiangang can be used for her, and it has become her motivation. Therefore, it does not take much time to catch up with the horse watching all the way. Lu Yu of flowers.

"Why did you come with me?" Lu Yu came back to his senses and said with a slight start.

Liu Hongxu said: "After all, this is your first time to go deep into the sky, and it is also a transcendent realm. Hongxu is a little worried, so he came here to protect you."

Lu Yu said: "You are mistaken about this. I have crossed the Tiangang Barrier more than once... Besides, what danger could there be here?"

As he spoke, Lu Yu waved his sword lightly.

Immediately, a breeze blowing over automatically deflected away, and the seven or eight groups of residual souls and evil thoughts contained in it were instantly shaken into a line of blue smoke, and then completely dissipated.

Liu Hongxu covered his mouth and chuckled: "Young master, it's better not to say too much. The dangers in the ninth heaven are increasing step by step, but not all places are as quiet and peaceful as the second heaven. …”

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

This second heaven can't be called quiet and peaceful in any way... Liu Hongxu's words only aroused his curiosity even more.

"Really? Then I want to see how dangerous these heavens are!"

After saying that, he activated the Galaxy Sword again, no longer lingering on the surrounding scenery, and took off straight towards the third heaven above.

But Liu Hongxu just stretched out her hand and tapped it a few times, and suddenly the power of Heaven gathered at her feet, turning into a ball of breeze and carrying her straight up.

This hand may seem ordinary, but it shows her extremely superb control ability.

A strong person in the Tiangang Realm can use the power of Tiangang to gather it on a large scale, which is certainly a manifestation of strength, but it is not bad to be able to make the power of Tiangang produce infinite changes in subtle details, just like peeling off a cocoon and threading a needle. It is not a manifestation of strength in another way.

Therefore, even Lu Yu couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw that Liu Hongxu was able to pull off this trick.

You must know that Liu Hongxu has just been promoted to the Tiangang realm not long ago, but she is able to show such exquisite and meticulous methods in the process of calling Tiangang. It can only be said that she is indeed gifted and worthy of being chosen as the successor by the Dragon God. .

The second sky does not seem to have much scope, but this is because it is too empty. In fact, its height is nearly twice that of the first sky. Lu Yu also flew for a full quarter of an hour before he finally reached the sky. Finally reached the dome of the second heaven.

At this time, the thickness of the dome's Tiangang barrier was more than twice that of the first level of Tianyu.

"Are you coming?" Liu Hongxu said.

Lu Yu said nothing, just waved his sword.

Suddenly, a big gap appeared in the Tiangang Barrier.

Liu Hongxu's eyes lit up and he couldn't help but praise: "What a sword!"

Then, the two of them rubbed their bodies and got in through the gap.

The third level of heaven is different from the illusory second level of heaven. There is already some substance in it. Lu Yu stepped on the thick "ground" with his feet, and there was a rustling sound under his feet.

He immediately understood that the "ground" here was actually made of a layer of ice crystals.

However, Lu Yu did not pay too much attention to the ice crystal ground under his feet. Soon his eyes were firmly attracted by the scene above.

I saw an extremely violent Tiangang storm above. It seemed that there were thousands of Dao spells, which were constantly bombarding each other. The entire airspace was in chaos. Not to mention the dome of this sky, which was hundreds of feet away. The sight range is difficult to reach.

"What's going on?" Lu Yu couldn't help but said in astonishment.

Although he has never entered this level of heaven, when he was promoted to the sea-returning realm on Red Flame Island and his mind and consciousness reached the nine heavens, he had a quick glance at this place and vaguely remembered that it was not like this.

But at this time...

It is no exaggeration to say that even if the two Litian Sword Codes were clashing with each other, they would not be as intense as the scene in front of them.

"what happened?"

Liu Hongxu suddenly couldn't help showing a strange expression.

"Sir, have you forgotten all the good things you did back then? Why do you think the Tiangang Patriarchs came back in the first place?"

Lu Yu couldn't help being completely stunned.

Could it be...that all this happened because of myself?

Is this the revenge from the Great Ze Realm...the real reason why all the Tiangang Patriarchs had to come back?

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