Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1482 The application of mysteries

After observing for a while, Lu Yu still raised his sword and went straight up.

As expected, with the power of the Galaxy Sword, he was still able to move freely even in such a chaotic Tiangang storm, but the pressure he suffered was several times that of before.

Liu Hongxu gathered the power of Tiangang and formed a huge vortex. He used this vortex-shaped Tiangang power to fight against the chaotic storm around him, which made him look more calm than Lu Yu.

It really looked like he was escorting Lu Yu.

However, Lu Yu only seemed a little flustered in the first half. After gradually adapting to this chaotic situation, he became more calm and faster in dealing with it. On the contrary, Liu Hongxu, who was following behind, gradually became a little strenuous.

Liu Hongxu watched this scene from behind and was immediately shocked.

Only then did she realize that Lu Yu had not yet reached his limit, and the frenzied Tiangang storm was constantly stimulating his potential.

Finally, after spending nearly an hour, they finally reached the dome of the third heaven.

At this time, Lu Yu's use of the Galaxy Sword had risen to a whole new level. Even though there was still a frenzied Tiangang storm around him, he was still able to handle it with ease.

The Tiangang barrier that appeared in front of them at this time had increased in thickness again, more than ten times that of the first heaven.

"Sir, how about...I do it?"

Without waiting for Liu Hongxu to finish his words, Lu Yu shook his head: "Not yet."

After saying that, he swung his sword.

In the bright sword light, dots of stars flickered.

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but stare at it.

Her eyesight was extraordinary at this time. She saw at a glance that although there were many stars flashing in Lu Yu's sword light, there were actually only six different types of light. In other words, Lu Yu's sword should have used the six star mysteries mentioned by the old man Tianjian.

Suddenly, the Tiangang barrier in front of her collapsed like a piece of gauze, and a huge gap was cut out again.

Liu Hongxu's heart was shocked.

As a strong man who also mastered three top mysteries, she knew that the relationship between mysteries and power was not just a simple accumulation of numbers. If the mysteries were properly coordinated, the power would increase exponentially.

Lu Yu has mastered ten star mysteries in total. Now he has only used six of them, but he has already exerted such a powerful force. She really can't imagine what kind of power Lu Yu will exert when he uses all ten star mysteries... However, the star mysteries are top mysteries after all. It is not so easy to use all ten of them and make them complement each other. If she remembered correctly, when she was in the second heaven, Lu Yu could only drive four star mysteries at most. Now this situation is obviously the result of his tempering just now. So, the two of them entered the fourth heaven before the gap closed. In this heaven, the situation is different from the third heaven. Wherever you look, there are endless flames. The term "flaming the sky" is really appropriate to describe this place. Lu Yu was slightly surprised and said, "Is this also because of the revenge of the Great Swamp Realm? What did that Great Swamp Heavenly Monarch do to this world?"

Liu Hongxu said, "The power of the Heavenly Monarch is beyond our imagination now..."

"However, in the star map of the other shore, there is also a record of the Great Swamp Realm. In short, it is a very powerful world. Even when the dragons passed by the Great Swamp Realm, they had to deliberately detour to avoid its edge. This shows their influence in the heavens and all worlds..."

"For a Heavenly Monarch who can dominate such a large world, it is not surprising that he has some means."

Lu Yu couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

At the beginning, in the ancient city of Woyun, after killing Ming Wang Fazun with a sword, Yao Ji used the Epochal Reincarnation Map to directly refine Ming Wang Fazun's Yuanshen, and also swore to herself that the position of the Heavenly Monarch of the Great Swamp Realm would not last long...

It can be seen that she does not get along with the Great Swamp Realm. It is very likely that after breaking the void, the next step to target is the Great Swamp Realm.

I don't know how her plan is going, and whether she has had a head-on confrontation with Da Ze Tian Jun...

"Fortunately, the fire here is just fierce. Although it is Tian Gang Hua Huo, which is far more powerful than ordinary fire in the secular world, it should not be a big deal for you, right?" Liu Hongxu said again.

After all, Lu Yu had just stayed in the furnace for eight days and eight nights. The flames there were derived from the power of the earthly evil, and they were no less powerful than the vast sky fire in front of him.

Since Lu Yu has the ability to be tempered by the earthly fire, it is naturally no problem to resist these sky fires.

Lu Yu smiled lightly: "That's right!"

As he spoke, he swung a sword.

The stars appeared again in the bright sword light, but this time the stars had only one type of color.

Suddenly, the fire in the air gathered towards this sword light and burned more fiercely, like a blazing sun.

Under the pressure of the fire, the surrounding sky fires retreated, and the sky became clear. There was no longer any Tiangang force running around, but it was even more peaceful and quiet than the first heaven.

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but marveled: "Is this... could it be the secret of the blazing sun that the young master realized in the furnace?"

Lu Yu turned around and glanced at him slightly: "Do you know Chiri?"

Liu Hongxu shrugged: "This is what the senior Tianjian told me..."

Lu Yu nodded and said: "It seems that Senior Tianjian is very optimistic about you, and he actually talked to you so much... Yes, this is the secret of the blazing sun. With this secret in hand, this level of heaven cannot treat us at all. Forming an obstacle, Daze Tianjun has helped us quite a bit..."

Liu Hongxu said: "I think the master's abilities don't stop there, right? If the master is willing, it doesn't seem to be that difficult to completely purify this layer of heaven..."

Lu Yu nodded again and admitted: "It is indeed not difficult, but it is too time-consuming... Besides, if this place is really fully evolved, the noise will definitely be difficult to cover up those old guys hiding in the dark. There is a risk of alerting the snake..."

After saying that, Lu Yu once again took off with his sword and flew straight to the top of the sky along the clear airspace with the Blazing Sun Secret clearing the way.

It didn't take long for the two of them to reach the dome of the fourth heaven again, which was much smoother than the time on the third heaven.

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