Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1484 The combination of sword and sword art

Soon, Lu Yu entered the green color.

Everything was just as he expected, with the power of the red lotus clearing the way, the Tiangang toxin in the sky could not do anything to him. All the toxins that came close were resolved by the power of the red lotus.

However, traveling forward in this way undoubtedly consumes a lot of real energy. Not long after flying, all the real energy in Lu Yu's body was consumed.

Fortunately, he carried the Lingxi Pot with him. At this time, there was still half a bottle of spiritual liquid left in the pot. Although it was not in the best condition, it was more than enough to fight against these Tiangang toxins.

Liu Hongxu followed closely behind, looking at this scene, he couldn't help but be amazed.

She didn't expect that Lu Yu could be even more powerful than the Dragon Clan's talent based on the characteristics of his skills. This was really beyond her expectation.

Originally, after seeing Lu Yu's Ten Star Mysteries, she thought she had a considerable understanding of Lu Yu's power, but now it seems that what she has learned is only the tip of the iceberg.

This is an unfathomable man, and there are more secrets hidden under the surface in him.

With Lu Yu clearing the way, Liu Hongxu could move forward more easily.

In the end, the two of them reached the dome of the fifth heaven again at the cost of consuming half a bottle of Lingxi Pot.

Since the Divine Wood King Cauldron can cooperate with the Star-Gathering Pearl, replenishing the divine power of the Lingxi Pot is no longer a troublesome matter. Therefore, even if half of the bottle is used, Lu Yu doesn't feel too distressed. Anyway, the remaining part is still enough for him. A smooth return is enough.

At this time, the Tiangang barrier that appeared in front of them was extremely thick.

Even the two of them couldn't sense the thickness of this Tiangang barrier at all. Even the combined thickness of the previous Tiangang barriers was far less than this one.

"The Tiangang Barrier here is actually so thick..."

Liu Hongxu said in great surprise, after all, it was her first time here.

She frowned slightly: "Do we... still need to continue going up?"

"Of course." Lu Yu replied, "I said before that I would come up to explore the way. I can't give up halfway before I see the shadow of the seventh heaven..."

Liu Hongxu muttered: "If that's the case, then let me mobilize the power of Tiangang first, and then you will wait for the opportunity to take action according to the situation, how about it?"

Facing such a strong Tiangang barrier, she was not confident that she could break through it in one fell swoop. The only way to successfully pass through it was for her and Lu Yu to work together.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yu smiled faintly: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome..."

Liu Hongxu couldn't help being stunned and said, "Sir, what does this mean?"

"It means, it's the same as before, just watch the right moment and follow me in!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu raised the Galaxy Sword in his hand, gently held a sword flower in his hand, and assumed a posture of about to slash with all his strength.

"Is the Young Master still trying to break through the Tiangang Barrier by himself?" Liu Hongxu was extremely shocked. "With all due respect, the Tiangang Barrier here is not as good as before. I'm afraid that Young Master's move will be unsustainable..."

Lu Yu chuckled and said, "Do you know what my most powerful move is?"

Liu Hongxu was stunned for a moment, then thought for a while and said: "Young master has so many powerful methods, including alchemy, medical skills, deduction of all kinds of methods...all of them are excellent. I wonder which one you want to talk about?"

Lu Yu said: "Alchemy, medical skills, deduction...these are actually things that happened later. Before I became famous, the most powerful method was a Taoist sword technique called the Star Sword Technique."

"Star Sword Technique..."

Liu Hongxu murmured softly, "I've heard about this... This sword technique was originally inherited from the Dali Sword Sect, but was unexpectedly lost for thousands of years. Later, with the master's enlightenment, not only was it completed, Moreover, the power is even greater than before, and it has become the thirty-seventh secret of the Great Li Sword... This is indeed the beginning of making the young master famous all over the world!"

Lu Yu said: "The original Star Sword Technique of the Dali Sword Sect was indeed just an ordinary sword technique, and it was not enough to be selected as the thirty-six wonderful magic techniques. The reason why it became more powerful later was because I injected stars into it. Because of the secrets of the stars, and when it is truly completed, it is the combination of the seven secrets of the stars..."

At this point, he paused slightly: "But not long ago, I also used the Galaxy Sword to drive the seven secrets of the stars. Do you know what this means?"

"What does it mean?" Liu Hongxu asked subconsciously.

"This means that I can also use the Galaxy Sword to perform the Star Sword Technique!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Yu had already finished gathering his strength and swung out his sword.

Suddenly, huge star spheres appeared, arranged in a mysterious and strange combination, and violently bombarded the Tiangang Barrier ahead with the force of a river of stars.

The Galaxy Sword is worthy of being a divine weapon forged with the secrets of the stars as its parent source. Only it can bring out the power of the Star Sword Technique to its limit.

The power of the sword was like a river of stars.

Liu Hongxu had never seen Lu Yu perform a famous sword technique before, and when he saw this scene, his mind suddenly stopped shaking.

However, even in this state, it is still not the ultimate power of the Galaxy Sword and the Star Sword Art.

After all, this is only the Galaxy Sword and the Star Sword Art in the state of seven star mysteries, and Lu Yu has mastered ten star mysteries at this time. In theory, there is still more room for improvement in both of them.

Now, Liu Hongxu finally had some understanding of the specific origin of Lu Yu's so-called 15% chance...

Under the constant impact of the galaxy-like sword force, the Tiangang Barrier fluctuated rapidly, and eventually the gap became wider and wider until it was completely penetrated by the fierce sword force.

Only then did Liu Hongxu finally sense the specific thickness of this Tiangang Barrier—it was at least a thousand times as thick as the first Tiangang Barrier.

However, even such a strong Tiangang barrier was broken through with just one sword without any adjustment at all. This not only brought an unprecedented shock to Liu Hongxu.

"Let's go!"

Lu Yu put away his sword and called out softly, which immediately brought Liu Hongxu back to reality from the huge shock.

The two of them followed the long and narrow gap and entered the sixth heaven.

From the seventh heaven to the final goal, there is only the last heaven left.

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