Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1485 Be Harder on Yourself

In the blink of an eye, the two passed through the narrow crack in the barrier.

Before I had time to take a closer look at the specific situation of the sixth level, there was a clanking sound of metal being exchanged in my ears.

At the same time, several sharp sounds broke through the air and hit the body. Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu had just stood firm on the spot, and there was no way to avoid them.

There was a clear sound of chi chi chi, and dozens of sharp blades were inserted into the two people's bodies.

Liu Hongxu was a little better, with circles of fine scales floating on her body, covering all the main vital parts, leaving only some less critical parts. Although they looked ferocious and terrifying, in fact they were all It's just some skin injuries.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, was much more miserable. Both his vital and non-vital parts were covered with sharp blades, making him look like a hedgehog.

Fortunately, his golden elixir seeds were gradually taking shape at this time, and the small world system in his body had begun to take shape, and he could maintain independent operation. Otherwise, just such an injury would be enough to completely make him lose his combat effectiveness.

"Fuck me!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but curse.

Then he immediately drives the golden elixir seeds in his body to form a circle of stars around him, guiding the sharp blades inserted into his body to force them out of his body.

Then, red lotuses floated on his body, sealing and suppressing all the injuries in his body. Finally, he took out the most advanced healing elixir from the Qiankun Bag and swallowed it in one gulp.

After doing all this, Lu Yu finally let out a long breath, and then had the opportunity to observe the surrounding situation.

Everywhere he looked, there were sharp blades flying in all directions.

Even where they stood, there were originally sharp blades standing there. However, the violent shock caused by the break of the Tiangang Barrier broke all the sharp blades on the ground, which gave them a little hope. A place to stand.

These sharp blades are also transformed by the power of Tiangang.

According to the original rumors, it was said that Tiangang turned into gold and stone in the fifth heaven. The original fifth heaven was filled with gold and iron objects, making it an excellent place to find various forging materials.

However, the situation in front of him is obviously not consistent with the rumors... Needless to say, this is naturally the credit of Osawa Tianjun.

"Are you OK?"

At this time, Liu Hongxu also took care of his injuries and turned to Lu Yu with concern.

Lu Yu bared his teeth and said, "It's okay..."

"I didn't expect that the sixth heaven would turn out like this..." Liu Hongxu said with lingering fear.

As she spoke, she mobilized the power of Tiangang and prepared to clean up all the sharp blades in the surrounding area so that the two of them could be temporarily safer.

During this cleaning process, we can see the dangers involved. The Tiangang power that has turned into fine iron blades is not honest, and is far less gentle and peaceful than the Tiangang power of the first level of Tianyu.

Even with Liu Hongxu's ability, she was still able to control it very reluctantly, and there were even some sharp blades waiting for an opportunity to bite back, and she was swept towards her. Fortunately, her whole body was covered with a layer of fine scales, and these sharp blades did not cause much damage. harm.

Looking at the layer of fine scales on her body, Lu Yu couldn't help but feel hot in his eyes.

He couldn't help but think of that set of Starry Divine Armor again. The power of that armor was indeed unparalleled, but he only owned it for a few days before it was destroyed in the battle with Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor. , I don’t know if it is possible to repair it in the future, but after all, it is too late to use it this time...

"Sir, what are you looking at?"

After finally completing the cleaning process, Liu Hongxu turned around and saw Lu Yu looking directly at him, and he suddenly couldn't help but feel a little shy.

"I was thinking that this scale armor of your dragon people is really a treasure!" Lu Yu said bluntly.

Liu Hongxu giggled: "My scale armor is not something that all dragon people can have. This is closely related to the awakening of the talent of the dragon bloodline. Looking at the entire Haixi land, I am afraid that only I and I can have such an award. Your new precious apprentice..."

"But if the young master wants it, how about I take it off and give it to you?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned: "Can you take it off?"

"If you think of a way, it may not be impossible... Young Master, you can even change the body structure of the giant dragon clan. How difficult is it to change Hongxu's body structure?"

Liu Hongxu suddenly became as charming as silk: "Why don't you take a chance to study Hongxu's body structure?"

Lu Yu felt that he couldn't bear it anymore, and his blood was so violent that all the wounds, big and small, could not help but throb in pain.

He coughed quickly and said: "Let's forget about this kind of thing. You only have this kind of scale armor. I have already felt your thoughts. Don't mention this matter again in the future..."

"Let's get down to business first... See if there is any way to cross this chaos of gold and stone and find a path to the seventh heaven!"

When Liu Hongxu heard this, he couldn't help but raise his head again and looked at Lu Yu with bright eyes: "What good idea do you have, Master?"

Lu Yu sighed softly: "I don't have any good ideas. For now, I can only try to see if the two of us can cooperate with each other and fight all the way up!"

Liu Hongxu was stunned: "Kill him?"

Lu Yu nodded and confirmed: "Yes, let's kill him!"

The golden and stone blades in the sixth heaven were far more chaotic than those in the previous heavens. The scene in front of them was like a huge and chaotic strangulation battlefield.

Even Liu Hongxu is struggling to mobilize the power of Tiangang, let alone Lu Yu's star track field. Naturally, it is difficult to deal with such a chaotic situation. Only the two of them, back to back and cooperating with each other, may be able to fight a bloody path...

"Okay, let's give it a try!" Liu Hongxu gritted his teeth.

The two adjusted their breathing slightly and got ready again.

Just before he was about to take action, Lu Yu thought for a moment and suddenly took out three more healing pills from the Qiankun bag and handed them all to Liu Hongxu's hands.

"Take it! With these three pills and the scales on your body, I think you should be able to handle it no matter what kind of situation you encounter!"

Liu Hongxu couldn't help being stunned.

These three pills are extremely powerful, and each pill has powerful spiritual power fluctuations.

The moment Lu Yu took out the elixirs, she had already sensed that these three elixirs were all in Lu Yu's Qiankun bag.

"You gave all three pills to me? What about yourself?"

Lu Yu said: "I want to be cruel to myself and test where my limit is... If I can drive the eighth star secret here, then I think I should be able to avoid the damage of these sharp blades! "

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but look stunned and looked at him in disbelief.

To actually push myself to the limit in this way... This is undoubtedly crazy!

However, just when she couldn't help but want to dissuade her, Lu Yu suddenly grinned again:

"Besides, even if something unexpected happens to me, can't you feed me the taste of these pills?"

Liu Hongxu was completely speechless and swallowed the words stuck in his throat.

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