Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1486 Invincible Body

The two of them flew straight up towards the sky.

Countless densely packed chaotic blades swept toward the two of them like a storm.

The two of them cooperated with each other and blocked each other, as if they were strangulating among thousands of troops, and they continued to advance at a slow speed.

Although it seems that there is no danger for the time being, at this speed, it may take several days and nights to reach the dome. Even if no accidents occur, they will all be exhausted to death.

"This won't work..." Lu Yu suddenly said, "We must speed up!"

Liu Hongxu responded loudly: "Okay! You mention it first! I will keep up with your pace!"

Lu Yu didn't say anything, and then slashed out with his sword. In the posture of merging man and sword, he completely ignored the chaos of blades around him, and his body followed the sword's movement and flew out.

He had no better way to increase the speed. He just risked injury and collided head-on with the chaotic blades in the sky, at the expense of forcing the rhythm to increase.

After the sword was struck, in the blink of an eye, Lu Yu followed the sword's momentum and rushed a hundred feet away.

Although most of the chaotic blades were swept away by his sword along the way, he still inevitably suffered a lot of skin injuries. It looked like there were gaps everywhere, and the skin and flesh were ripped open all over his body.

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but his eyelids twitched wildly, but he didn't have time to think too much and immediately chased after Lu Yu along the passage opened by his body.

And when she arrived at Lu Yu's side again, back to back with him, she saw the gaps in Lu Yu's body, his flesh and blood twisted crazily, and they were rapidly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Liu Hongxu couldn't help but burst into laughter.

Although Lu Yu's physical body is indeed not as strong as the dragon clan, his terrifying recovery ability makes him look like a monster.

"Go ahead! Don't worry about me!" Lu Yu said.

Hearing what he said, Liu Hongxu immediately concentrated his mind, no longer paying attention to Lu Yu's injuries, summoned the power of Heaven, and imitated Lu Yu's appearance just now, rushing upwards without hesitation.

All of a sudden, the sound of clanging could be heard all of a sudden.

Countless blades struck her scales continuously.

After being promoted to the Tiangang realm, her scales have been reinforced again, and their strength is far stronger than that of ordinary dragons. Only the scales of a few old dragons whose bodies have been crystallized can be slightly better than hers.

But even so, she still suffered a lot of injuries. After all, even the scale armor with the power of the Dragon God has its limit. When the blades fall continuously on the same part, even if she The scales are also difficult to resist.

However, her situation looks much better than Lu Yu's.

With their level of cultivation, they naturally know how to avoid their own vital points, so that most of the attacks of these chaotic blades fall on non-vital parts that are relatively non-fatal.

Liu Hongxu took out a pill that Lu Yu had just given to him and swallowed it in one gulp.

Suddenly, he felt a heat melting in his belly, and his limbs and limbs erupted with unprecedented astonishing vitality. Not only did the injuries all over his body heal quickly, but even the scales that had been broken by the blades were also slowly repaired.

Liu Hongxu couldn't help being surprised. Only then did she realize how overbearing the healing pills Lu Yu gave her were.

She felt that with the blessing of such elixirs, her combat power could be increased at least five times... No wonder Lu Yu dared to use such a method to charge head-on. At least after she had these elixirs close to her, she would not do it no matter what. Died here.

At this time, Lu Yu also followed behind her, and he slashed out with another move and a sword...

The two of them continued to move forward alternately in this way, and their speed was several times faster than before.

However, as it continues to advance, the surrounding metal and stone blades become more and more violent, and it seems endless. I don't know when it will reach the end of the dome.

I don't know how much time passed, but Liu Hongxu felt that her body was gradually becoming numb, and the potency of the pill she had taken before had gradually disappeared. As a last resort, she took a second pill.

On the other hand, Lu Yu was covered in blood, and there was no intact place on his body.

But even so, he still held up the Galaxy Sword in his hand, ready to attack next time.


Liu Hongxu just opened her mouth, wanting to dissuade Lu Yu from stopping this time, but before she could say anything, the sword in Lu Yu's hand swung out again.

This time, eight different types of star brilliance were seen in Lu Yu's sword light.

Liu Hongxu couldn't help being surprised.

The Secret of the Eight Stars!

I didn’t expect it to actually happen!

In his ultimate state, Lu Yu finally improved again, and was able to use the Galaxy Sword to simultaneously drive the secrets of eight stars.

However, such a price is a bit too harsh...

Even if he activates the eight secrets of the stars at the same time, it cannot change the fact that Lu Yu is at the end of his strength. It is still unknown whether he can survive the storm of blades in front of him.

Liu Hongxu secretly took precautions and was ready to respond to Lu Yu at any time.

In her opinion, the goal this time has been successfully achieved, and it is time to retreat.

However, at this moment, Lu Yu's body suddenly dissipated and merged into the sword light.

Liu Hongxu was immediately horrified.

Faintly, she could still sense Lu Yu's presence, as if his body had merged into a certain star secret and merged with it... is this possible?

Liu Hongxu was so stunned that she even forgot to follow him. In her eyes, such a technique was like a miracle. She really didn't know how Lu Yu did it...

Finally, Lu Yu's body reappeared at the end of the sword.

When he saw that Liu Hongxu was still parked where he was in a daze and had not caught up in time, he turned around and slashed back with his sword.

This time Liu Hongxu saw it more clearly. Lu Yu's body had indeed melted into the sword light and merged with the secret.

In this state, he was completely invincible. No matter how many blades danced in the sky, they could not hurt him in the slightest.

"What's wrong? Follow me quickly!" Lu Yu urged.

" did you do this?" Liu Hongxu said in great astonishment.

"Are you talking about the invisible sword move just now?"

Lu Yu smiled faintly: "Didn't I say it before? As long as I can drive the secret of the stars to the eighth path, I will have a way to avoid the damage of these random blades..."

"Actually, this is not a new trick. I had already figured it out before when I fought against the Jiu Xuan Earth Ancestor of Bixiao Shrine, but the conditions for its use were more stringent..."

"At that time, it could only be used in a specific starlight array. Now that the star secrets have been driven to the eighth path, the Galaxy Sword seems to be able to achieve the same effect... In this way, it saves a lot of trouble! "

Liu Hongxu was so surprised that he was completely speechless.

She expected that Lu Yu's strength would become stronger and stronger as the number of stars' secret drives continued to increase, but she did not expect that he would become so strong.

And this is only the eighth secret of the stars.

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