Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1487 Breaking through the Heavens

After possessing the means of the incarnation secret, Lu Yu no longer suffered any harm, which meant that he was advancing in the airspace without any harm.

The only thing to worry about was that he needed time to recover his breath, and Liu Hongxu was responsible for providing him with cover during this process.

In this way, not only did the speed of the two people's advancement increase greatly, but they no longer needed to bear the damage of the chaotic blades. Not long after, the injuries on their bodies gradually recovered.

At this time, Lu Yu also explained to Liu Hongxu what the means of the incarnation secret were.

First of all, it must be a secret that is strong enough to have the possibility of containing itself, such as the top secret like the star secret.

Secondly, it needs to be in a specific force field to be exerted, and the force field used by Lu Yu at this time was provided by the Galaxy Sword that activated the eight star secrets.

"So, the Shenlong secret that I use may also achieve such an effect?" Liu Hongxu asked in surprise.

Lu Yu said: "That's the theory, but the premise is that you must find a force field that can cooperate with the Divine Dragon Secret... Frankly speaking, this is quite difficult." After speaking, Lu Yu slashed out with a sword again, and his body merged into the sword light. With the continuous repetition, he has become more and more proficient in using this sword. Not only is there no lag, but there is a natural sense of fluency. Liu Hongxu hurriedly followed the sword light. Although she still didn't think of what kind of force field to use to cooperate with her own Divine Dragon Secret, Lu Yu's words were like a magical key that opened a door to a new world for her. The two of them moved forward alternately, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Not long after, they finally reached the dome of the sixth heaven. So far, since the attempt to move forward, it has taken a total of nearly six or seven hours. However, most of this time was spent in the first half. After Lu Yu mastered the eight stars' secrets and drove them at the same time, the time spent was actually less than half an hour. This means that if Lu Yu wanted to reach the dome directly from the ground of the sixth heaven in his current state, it would take at most one hour.

Looking back at the chaos and complexity in the sixth heaven, this is simply an incredible thing.

At this moment, the only thing blocking them from continuing to the seventh heaven is the last Tiangang barrier.

This Tiangang barrier is also extremely thick. Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu cannot sense how thick it is, but according to previous experience, it must be the thickness of the fifth heaven, and it is not surprising that it is several times thicker.

However, Liu Hongxu is not worried about this.

Before, Lu Yu was only able to drive seven star mysteries at the same time, and he easily broke through the Tiangong barrier of the fifth heaven.

Now that he can drive eight star mysteries at the same time, it stands to reason that the power of the Star Sword Art should be greatly increased again. I think the Tiangang barrier in front of him will also be difficult to form an obstacle.

However, this time Lu Yu did not continue to swing his sword. After silently observing the Tiangang barrier in front of him for a while, he suddenly put away the Galaxy Sword.

"Sir, are you not going forward?" Liu Hongxu asked.

She really wanted to see what kind of power the Galaxy Sword and the Star Sword Art that simultaneously drove the eight mysteries had...

Lu Yu shook his head and said, "It's enough to get here this time. Our goal has been achieved..."

Liu Hongxu was slightly startled, and then he reacted. The implication of Lu Yu's words was that he had the confidence to break the Tiangang barrier in front of him in one fell swoop?

"Sir... are you sure?" Lu Yu smiled faintly and said, "We haven't tried it yet, so how can I say I'm sure?" "But none of us know what the situation is up there. If we rashly swing our swords, we might end up making things worse... So let's just wait for those experienced ancestors to come over and decide together how to break through here." "More importantly, I'm almost exhausted after a whole day, and I really don't have the energy to deal with the chaotic situation in the seventh heaven... So, let's stop here this time!" Liu Hongxu couldn't help but be stunned. Lu Yu's performance along the way was terrifying, especially after he mastered the method of transforming his body into the mystery, he was just like a god. She almost forgot Lu Yu's true cultivation, which was actually just the great success of the Return to the Sea Realm. "Then... are we just going back like this?" Liu Hongxu said. "Go back!" Lu Yu nodded and looked down: "I think" After saying that, he began to fly straight down. The process of falling back is naturally easier than the process of going up against the sky.

Except when in the sixth heaven, Lu Yu needed Liu Hongxu's cooperation. In the other heavens, Lu Yu was alone with a sword, slashing from beginning to end.

Therefore, it only took a few hours for the two of them to return directly from the sixth heaven, which was full of chaotic blades.

After the baptism of Zhucong Tianyu, now looking back at this heaven where countless residual souls and evil thoughts are rampant, I can't help but feel that my eyebrows and eyes are a little handsome.

Compared with the chaos and terror of the heavens above, this place can indeed be regarded as a peaceful place.

However, this also aroused more and more doubts in Lu Yu's heart.

Among all the heavens, apart from the main world of the first heaven, this is the only place that is almost unaffected by the influence of Lord Osawa.

Lu Yu didn't think this was a coincidence.

This is most likely related to the fact that Bixiao Shrine once replaced certain functions here and Jiuyou Underground.

All the evil thoughts of the remnant souls are concentrated here, causing the properties of this layer of heaven to be completely changed. This change cannot be detected by Osawa Tianjun who is far away in the sky, so this place has become the revenge and threat to Osawa Tianjun. The final pure land below.

Somehow, Lu Yu felt that all this might be related to the 200,000-year conspiracy plan planned by the Bixiao Palace in the Jiuyou underground...

But what kind of connection there is between the two, with his current level of strength, he still cannot see through it.

"Sir, what are you thinking about?"

Liu Hongxu's voice suddenly reminded, "We are about to enter the first heaven. Didn't you say that we should hurry up and rush back as soon as possible to mobilize everyone?"

Only then did Lu Yu come back to his senses and looked away from the densely packed light clusters around him that contained the evil thoughts of remnants of souls.

"Nothing, I was just thinking about how much time we spent on this journey..."

"Four days? Or five days?"

Liu Hongxu frowned and thought for a moment, then finally shook his head.

"I can't remember exactly...but one thing I can be sure of is that after the great changes in the heavens, no one has ever broken through the heavens as quickly and continuously as we do!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel speechless.

After the great changes in the heavens, most of the Tiangang ancestors from the major sects have returned. Except for a few limited people such as the Yunxiao ancestor, basically no one is breaking through the heavens. There is no such comparison. significance.

"However, next time we come back, we have to go faster!"

As he spoke, Lu Yu gently waved his sword and drew towards the last Tiangang barrier in front of him.

At this time, the Tiangang barrier was no different from a thin cicada wing in front of Lu Yu's Galaxy Sword, and it broke immediately.

A cool breeze unique to the first heaven blew in my face.

At the same time, a high-pitched dragon roar accompanied by the breeze reached their ears.

Obviously, many old dragons from the Ten Thousand Dragons Kingdom are already in place, and they have sensed the presence of the Ten Thousand Dragons Queen and are responding from afar.

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