Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1488 You misunderstand me

After returning to the first level, Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu soon parted ways.

The location of that dragon roar was in the area of ​​Yexing City.

As Her Majesty the Queen of the Wanlong Kingdom, Liu Hongxu has been the hands-off shopkeeper for so long. Now it is the last moment of the impending war. Naturally, she cannot continue to ignore it and must go and make arrangements in person.

Lu Yu, on the other hand, wanted to return to the Dali Sword Sect to arrange various matters.

Therefore, the two finally discussed and agreed on some specific details for meeting again in the heavens, and then separated temporarily.

So, Lu Yu quickly landed in the direction of Jade Butterfly Peak alone.

At this time, he had the Galaxy Sword beside him, and he was flying with the sword. Although his speed had not reached the level of Dragon Fish Black Tail, it was already several times faster than before. Not long after, the mountain of Jade Butterfly Peak was already in sight.


There was a loud bang.

Lu Yu landed steadily on the top of Jade Butterfly Peak. The huge momentum hit the spot and shook the mountain. Fortunately, because of the placement of the Star Gathering Tower, there were many formations to reinforce it. Otherwise, half of the mountain would have been destroyed. It was blasted to pieces.

It was precisely because of this that he chose to come here.

"Brother Lu? Is that you?"

Amidst the flying sand and rocks, the uncertain voice of the Divine Wood King Cauldron came.

Obviously, even it couldn't help but be shocked by Lu Yu's appearance.

"Brother Ding, I haven't seen you for a few days, but everything is okay?"

As Lu Yu spoke, he walked through the dust and walked to the sacred wood king tripod.

"Ah...Brother Lu, it's really you! I was shocked...Why are you like this? Is this new sword disobedient? You haven't tamed it yet? Do you need my help? help……"

After calming down for a moment, the Divine Wood King Cauldron immediately started chattering.

Lu Yu ignored its questions.

It was naturally impossible for the Galaxy Sword to lose control. The reason why it came in this way was because he was trying his own ultimate speed.

In the past few days, despite the unreserved trials in all the heavens, there are still many characteristics of the Galaxy Sword that he has not fully mastered, and these characteristics may play a vital role in the next battle. It was important, so he naturally wanted to understand it as early as possible.

But soon, Lu Yu's eyes lit up, and his eyes were firmly attracted to the sacred wooden king tripod.

Because he saw that what the Divine Wood King Ding was playing with at this time was the black tail fins wrapped around the tripod... This meant that Ye Weilan had returned successfully, so he gave the black tail of the dragon fish to it again.

"Has Weilan returned? Where is she?" Lu Yu asked.

"You mean Miss Ye?" Shenmu Wangding was stunned for a moment: "She's back, she's back... Huh? She was here just now to share with me her experience in using the dragon fish's black tail. Why did she disappear all of a sudden?"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

From the looks of it, Brother Ding must have been in a trance before and had been playing around here alone for a long time, so much so that he didn't even know when Ye Weilan left.

If he hadn't suddenly arrived here, I'm afraid he would have continued to be immersed in his own world.

But this way, Lu Yu was completely relieved. This at least showed that Ye Weilan was safe and sound, and the trip went very smoothly.

"Brother Ding, what are you busy with? You haven't done anything yet?" Lu Yu asked.

Shenmu Wangding suddenly sighed and said: "It's not because of this big plan, I am thinking about how to adjust it so that I can maintain the most flexible state and give Brother Tianjian a fatal blow to his nemesis, but No matter how I adjust it, it still feels like it’s not enough…”

"Brother Lu, do you think I can give up the Star-Gathering Pearl and go into battle lightly with the Dragon Fish Black Tail? That way, I will definitely be as nimble as lightning."

In Lu Yu's original plan, the Divine Wood King Cauldron was also an extremely important combat force. As long as it carried the Star Gathering Pearl, the Starlight Formation could be activated at any time, turning any place into their home court in an instant. And this It is also the key to restricting the Earth Seal God.

It was for this reason that he asked Ye Weilan to return the Dragon Fish Black Tail to the Divine Wood King Cauldron once he returned successfully, because only with the help of this Dragon God treasure could it ensure its mobility.

But now, after having the black tail of the arowana, it actually wants to throw down the Star-Gathering Pearl...

In fact, if the Star-Gathering Bead can be removed, there will be no problem with this one.

But the problem is that no one can touch the Star Gathering Pearl for a long time except the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

Even when he was in Floating Cloud Palace, this Star Gathering Bead was embedded in a specific magic circle.

Under such circumstances, the Star-Gathering Pearl can naturally only be tightly tied to it.

So, Lu Yu looked at it sideways and said, "What do you think?"

Shenmu Wang Ding said: "Actually, brother Lu, I think you have always misunderstood me..."

"Even without the Star Gathering Pearl, I am still quite powerful. No ordinary Tiangang powerhouse can beat me..."

"For example, I completely ignored those old guys from Shenhuo Xuanzong..."

"Moreover, I have gained a new understanding recently. You should still remember the technique I used to deal with the Phoenix Feather Divine Weapon, right?"

"I'm not bragging, as long as you give me enough time, no matter what kind of magic weapon, I can easily defeat it!"

The Divine Wood King Cauldron began to chatter endlessly again.

Lu Yu suddenly smiled coldly: "Any kind of magic weapon can be surrendered? Really? Are you sure?"

As he spoke, he flicked the sword of the Galaxy Sword with his finger.

Suddenly there was a clear "buzz" sound, and a circle of rays of light spread around the sword. It seemed that a ferocious giant beast could be seen dormant in it.

This was the sword spirit hidden in the Feihong Sword before. After being recast, it became the weapon spirit in the Galaxy Sword.

It was precisely because Lu Yu understood the tenth secret - After the Blazing Sun, and put it into the sword body bit by bit, that the Galaxy Sword was so quiet and tame in his hands, like an arm.

The Shenmu King was shocked when he aspired to the throne, and his boastful words suddenly stopped.

"This, this...Brother Lu, what I just said may not be rigorous enough, but that's not all..."

"Brother Lu, I understand! How can we give up something as powerful as the Star Gathering Pearl so easily? I was just making a joke... Even if I climb to the seventh heaven, I will never give it up Don’t worry!”

Shenmu Wangding is full of assurances.

Lu Yu then nodded with satisfaction: "Brother Ding is indeed wise and knowledgeable. With brother Ding working so hard, why should I worry about something big happening? Then you can continue to think about it here, and I'll go down and see the situation first!"

"Don't worry, don't worry! I will get it done as soon as possible, and I will never miss your important event, Brother Lu!" Shenmu Wangding responded.

So, Lu Yu turned around and walked down the mountain.

But when he just reached the stairs, Shenmu Wangding suddenly said: "Ah! By the way, Brother Lu, Miss Ye brought back two people this time. They seemed to have been found by Brother Tianjian. They should be here now." Still at the eye of the storm furnace..."

Lu Yu nodded, suddenly knowing something in his mind.

The only people who could come back with Ye Weilan were just the few candidates he told him.

They will all be key figures in the next plan.

Brother Ding, it seems that I really have some misunderstandings about it. After all, it doesn't really care about anything...

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