Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1503 Road Lock Maze

Everyone couldn't help but look towards Liu Hongxu.

Liu Hongxu looked around and said, "Maybe I need Brother Ding's help..."

"Me?" Shenmu Wangding couldn't help but be stunned, "What help do you need from me?"

Liu Hongxu looked at the place where the seven-color strange flowers disappeared just now, and said: "Actually, there is no need to do anything special, just like just now, just pick a few things and eat them!"

"What!" Shenmu Wangding was shocked. "And I will continue to eat... Didn't you see the scene just now? The things here are not as beautiful as they look on the surface..."

Liu Hongxu said: "The scenes here are all transformed from other materials. Naturally, they are not as beautiful as they look. Only by restoring some of the materials here can I find clues in them and re-present the true appearance of this place." come out……"

"Are you serious?" Shenmu Wangding said in a trembling voice.

Liu Hongxu said: "I have tried various methods just now, but none of them can make the substances here directly manifest. On the contrary, Brother Ding, your 'appetite' is stronger, and you can make them manifest directly... Although I have the power of the Dragon God, I have strength, but if there is no breakthrough, there is nothing I can do, and Brother Ding, your help is extremely crucial for me to find out the context here..."

The sacred wood king tripod said again: "Brother Lu, then...will I really eat it?"

Lu Yu said: "Just do what he said! If there is really any problem with eating... enough rare materials!"

"That's what you said!"

With that said, the Divine Wood King Cauldron no longer hesitated and started "eating" again according to Liu Hongxu's instructions.

As expected, it soon began to cough again and again, and its body suddenly changed, looking extremely uncomfortable.

But the "delicious things" spit out by it, like the seven-colored exotic flowers before, turned into black things that were constantly twisting, and reintegrated into the ground...

Seeing this scene, Lu Yu couldn't help but sigh secretly in his heart. This sacred wooden king tripod was worthy of being a creation of a powerful person at the level of Tianjun, and its ability was indeed extremely powerful.

You must know that when the Phoenix Feather Blade was forged before, the remains of the Dragon God Clan were also used as materials. At that time, a great deal of effort was spent on refining the remains of the Dragon God Clan. Unexpectedly, the Divine Wood King Cauldron just swallowed it into his belly. Just "chew" it twice at will to reveal its original shape. If we had known earlier that it had such an ability, perhaps the process of forging the Phoenix Feather Blade would not have been so tortuous...


After seven or eight remains of the Dragon God Clan revealed their original forms, Liu Hongxu suddenly said loudly.

"Is it finally over?" Shenmu Wangding vomited bitterly, "If I continue to eat, I think I will vomit out all the things I swallowed thousands of years ago..."

"Brother, come on, come on! Give me something to eat so I can change my appetite quickly..."

Lu Yu did not break his promise, and indeed took out a large amount of rare materials and stuffed them into the body of the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

The Divine Wood King Cauldron suddenly stopped.

On the other side, Liu Hongxu suddenly activated his domain.

I saw a phantom of a giant red dragon appearing, crashing into the ground, and tumbling violently in a beautiful and peaceful scene, like a rake, turning the originally peaceful scene upside down. .

Originally, the churning of the red dragon only focused on the eyes, but gradually, the shock caused by the churning became more and more violent, continuously rippled out to the surroundings, as if it was responded to by the entire area.

"Ah!" Ancestor Tailing couldn't help but exclaimed, "That's it, the shock is about to start!"

Before he finished speaking, the ground cracked, and underground springs gushed out from the cracks.

These springs are not simple springs, but very viscous liquids, shining with gleaming luster and exuding a strange fragrance. They are exactly the paste-like colloidal crystals mentioned by Tailing Patriarch before, and they are still the ones he still mentions to this day. The real reason to maintain a youthful body and face.

However, unlike Tailing's previous description, the amount of paste-like colloidal crystals erupted this time seemed to be larger. Earth springs continued to surge wildly, just like the figure of a giant dragon.

Suddenly, everyone's eyes turned into a scene of thousands of dragons dancing.

Ancestor Tailing and Ancestor Wangchuan couldn't help but marvel.

Ancestor Tailing seemed to be greatly shocked, and kept muttering in his mouth: "How could it be like this... I have been here for hundreds of years, but I have never seen such a scene..."

However, for Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu, who had cracked the dragon god's seal in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, this scene was nothing more than child's play...

"Brother Ding, don't just eat! Hurry up and follow my instructions!" Lu Yu said loudly.

At this time, he could already determine that these paste-like colloidal crystals were related to the power of the Dragon God, just like the Dragon God's seal in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, it was just the same power presented in different forms.

The Xuanyang Dao Lock is hidden in these strange powers. They spurt out like underground springs, forming an extremely huge maze trap. Only by walking through the entire maze can one reach the real Dragon Mystery Hidden safely.

Fortunately, in the past few hundred years, Tailing Patriarch only reached the cliff in the shallow maze. If he had really penetrated into the depths of the maze, then this series of events might not happen again. .

However, although the maze at this time is completely different from the Dragon God Seal in Wanlong Cave before, their foundation is still the same, with Xuanyang Dao Lock as the underlying logic.

As a person who has successfully cracked the Dragon God's seal, Lu Yu naturally has no trouble in such a maze. All I need to do is to identify one by one among the endless changes and find the path to the end.

As he continued to advance, the scene in front of him became more and more complicated. Every time he reached a pass, Lu Yu spent more and more time thinking about it.

But even so, he did not make any mistakes. Every time he gave an order to the Divine Wood King Cauldron, the scene in front of him suddenly became clear again.

I don’t know how much time has passed, but the shock has already subsided.

But the scene around everyone never returned to the previous scene, because they had followed Lu Yu's instructions and had already penetrated deep into the maze.

At this time, there were ferocious dragons in front and behind them, and there was no way out for them. Lu Yu had been thinking for a long time in front of this pass, but he had not yet issued a new order.

"Why don't you, sir, take a rest first?" Liu Hongxu said, "I can handle it here. You can rest assured, sir, and rest for a while first..."

She knew it very well. She remembered that Lu Yu had been thinking about it sleeplessly for several days when he cracked the Dragon God's seal before. Relatively speaking, this time it was much smoother.

Lu Yu shook his head, stood up suddenly, and was about to issue new instructions to the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly jumped out of the surroundings strangely.

Everyone couldn't help being stunned.

This person turned out to be the senior brother Li Fuyun mentioned by Lu Yu.

Unexpectedly, he had never been found before, and now he had reached this far on his own.

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