Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1504 It’s hard to tell the truth from the truth

Seeing Li Fuyun appear here, even Lu Yu couldn't help being startled.

You must know that the essence of this maze is actually the Xuanyang Dao Lock. If you cannot unlock the Xuanyang Dao Lock, you will not be able to go deep into the maze. There is absolutely no chance of accidental collision.

In other words, the fact that Li Fuyun can appear here means that he also has the ability to unlock the Xuanyang Dao Lock, and his cracking efficiency is not much slower than Lu Yu...

The reason why Lu Yu was able to crack the Xuanyang Dao Lock so efficiently was because of the foundation laid by the Tailing Patriarch for four hundred years, the experience of the Dragon God's seal in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, and the numerous applications of the flagship's playing techniques. As a result, he has a deep understanding of Xianyang.

And how did Li Fuyun do all this?

"Lu Yu!"

When Li Fuyun on the opposite side saw Lu Yu appearing here, he was also very surprised: "Why are you here?"

Lu Yu's eyes were sharp and he said slowly: "Brother Fuyun, you're fine... Actually, I was about to ask you the same question!"

Li Fuyun did not answer, but looked at the people around Lu Yu and said: "Tailing, Wangchuan, the remaining one should be the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons who was ranked in Tiangang not long ago..."

The three of them couldn't help but be slightly startled.

They had never met Li Fuyun before, but they didn't expect that he could directly reveal the identities of the three of them. This really surprised the three of them.

Li Fuyuan, who was opposite him, couldn't help but laugh: "Lu Yu, we originally just wanted you to attract attention, but we didn't expect that your performance far exceeded our expectations!"

Lu Yu said: "Really? However, Brother Fuyun, your performance also surprised me..."

At this time, Patriarch Wangchuan on the side suddenly became thoughtful, raised his hand to pinch a magic formula, and kept counting with his index fingers, as if he was calculating something...

After a moment, he suddenly opened his eyes again, and his face seemed to be a little older. He breathed a long sigh of relief and said: "Little friend Lu Yu, I'm afraid you have mistaken the person in front of you. This person in front of you is... It’s not your real brother Fuyun!”

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Li Fuyun, who was opposite him, had a stiff expression, and sighed longly and said: "Brother Wangchuan's way of forgetting love is truly impeccable. I can deceive many peerless beings, but I can't deceive you alone... …”

Along with the voice, there was a burst of light and shadow on his body, floating and swaying, but his appearance changed drastically in an instant, turning into a vicissitudes of life old man with white beard and white hair, and an immortal spirit.

"Ancestor Yunxiao!"

Ancestor Tailing cried out.

Lu Yu couldn't help but be shocked. He had no idea that the Li Fuyun in front of him was actually the ancestor Yunxiao pretending to be!

But after thinking about it, all this seems to be reasonable.

Since Li Fuyun can pretend to be Patriarch Yunxiao, then Patriarch Yunxiao can naturally pretend to be his disciple...

But I have to say that this pair of master and apprentice really took this imaginary and real strategy to the extreme.

Ancestor Yunxiao's acting skills are really good. With his strength, when he fought against the Holy Maiden of Tiangong before, he should be able to win with just a few moves.

But he insisted on fighting back and forth with the opponent. After a lot of trouble, he forced the opponent to retreat. Even though Lu Yu and others were watching the battle with their own eyes, they could not see any flaws.

"Disciple Lu Yu, pay homage to Patriarch Yunxiao!" Lu Yu saluted respectfully.

Although he was quite critical of the Yunxiao Ancestor's practices of using him as a pawn, passively confronting the Bixiao Shrine, and intending to get his hands on the Dragon Mystery, the other party had given him great help after all. Regardless of emotions or reasons, he It is impossible to break up with each other at this time.

It's just that in his mind, the image of this ancestor with a lifespan of three thousand years is no longer as glorious and tall as in the past.

"Since you are here, ancestor, is it Senior Brother Fuyun who is in charge of Fuyun Palace?" Lu Yu asked.

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled and said: "Yes, what I am most gratified about is that I selected you and him from the vast sea of ​​people as my successors. Now you two are enough to stand up to each other!"

Heir to the mantle?

Lu Yu couldn't help but cursed. He was obviously just a cover to attract firepower. In fact, until this moment, the two of them had officially met for the first time. Could they be considered heirs to the mantle?

He knew very well in his heart, and it could be seen from the matter of Long Minzang alone that only Li Fuyun was his true successor...

And judging from previous contacts, Li Fuyun seems to have a mysterious background of extraterrestrial forces.

Lu Yu said calmly, "Brother Fuyun, wouldn't it be very dangerous to deal with it alone outside?"

"It doesn't matter, he can handle it."

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled faintly, paused and then said: "However, even if he delays it outside, I'm afraid I won't be able to hide what I'm doing here for long, so there's not much time left for us..."

"Since you are here, I can more or less guess your purpose... Lu Yu, you are indeed very bold. The Earth Seal God is trying every possible means to plot against you. For this reason, he even came here to try to make a deal with me... …”

"I didn't expect you to turn around and try to trip him up in one fell swoop. I have to say that your move is really bold. Even I didn't expect you to take this step..."

Lu Yu said humbly: "My ancestors praised me, my disciple can take this step only because of the strong support of my seniors and close friends..."

As he spoke, Lu Yu suddenly turned his eyes and said tentatively: "Actually, we have no choice but to take this risky move. If not, the whole world may be destroyed soon... The ancestor can't take this situation seriously. Got some idea?”

Ancestor Yunxiao looked at Ancestor Wangchuan aside and said: "I think it was Brother Wangchuan who told you all this... It is true that Bixiao Shrine is trying to invade Tianji Avenue. If it is allowed to develop, maybe this world It will eventually be destroyed, but I only became aware of this recently, and the reason why I sought the Dragon Secret Treasure this time is to prevent this from happening!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but be stunned.

Unexpectedly, the purpose of Patriarch Yunxiao was also to stop the conspiracy plan of Bixiao Palace.

But at this moment, he no longer dared to fully believe what Ancestor Yunxiao said.

Perhaps, Patriarch Yunxiao just said this when things came to a close. Judging from his previous performances, it was not obvious that he had any intention of stopping Bixiao Palace.

Otherwise, he should be more or less like the Forefather of Wangchuan, secretly contacting all forces and plotting to jointly fight against the threat of annihilation in the Bixiao Palace.

Moreover, on the other hand, Patriarch Yunxiao so swore that he could use the Dragon Mystery Hidden to stop the conspiracy plan of Bixiao Palace, which meant that he must have a considerable understanding of both.

But, how is this possible?

Needless to say, the conspiracy plan of Bixiao Palace is the top secret among top secrets.

And the Dragon Mystery Cang doesn’t know how many thousands of years it has been buried here. Even the giant dragon clan that once owned them only knows that this is the outer shell of the Ark on the other side. Even they themselves don’t know what is inside. Come on, how could Patriarch Yunxiao know this?

It can be seen from this that what Ancestor Yunxiao said is not entirely true, at least it shows that his purpose is not simple...

These thoughts flashed across Lu Yu's mind like lightning and flint.

Ancestor Yunxiao continued to say: "Originally, I planned to rely on my own and Fuyun's abilities to solve this matter in one fell swoop, but now that you are here too, this matter will become even simpler..."

"I am willing to cooperate with you to bring out the Earth Seal God. With our combined efforts, it can be said that his death has come!"

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