Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1506 The Secret Appears


After only a moment's hesitation, Lu Yu immediately agreed.

He quickly figured out all the problems. In any case, the Earth Seal God was their primary target this time. After the mysterious war started, no matter what the Yunxiao Ancestor did was secondary.

To take a step back, even if he doesn't have confidence in himself, there is still God Earth Seal. How can an old sinner who has been lurking for 200,000 years be an easy person? He will definitely not sit back and watch the Yunxiao Patriarch sweep away the mysterious dragon...

What's more, even the ancestor of Yunxiao doesn't know what kind of trump card he has in his hand...

For example, the powerful Tiangang warriors hidden in the Spring Conch...

For example, the Galaxy Sword in my hand...

For example, the hidden super dragon...

There is also the starlight cage of the sacred wooden king tripod, and the old man Tianjian who can come by starlight at any time...

These may become countermeasures.

Therefore, from this point of view, it is a good thing to wait and see what happens. If the ancestor of Yunxiao really sweeps away Long Minzang directly, he may be able to attract the Earth Seal God even more quickly.

"Then, please be prepared..."

Lu Yu took a deep breath.

"Next, we are about to witness what this treasure, which has been sealed in dust for at least hundreds of thousands of years, looks like!"

After saying that, Lu Yu immediately reached out and pointed forward.

Shenmu Wangding understood this and immediately flew away according to Lu Yu's gesture.

However, the target location this time is a place where a giant dragon is coiled. Countless paste-like colloidal crystals accumulate like hills, constantly swallowing up giant dragons, and then giving birth to brand new dragons. , looks extremely ferocious and terrifying.

But the Divine Wood King Cauldron didn't hesitate at all and rammed directly into it.

There was a loud bang, large strands of gelatinous gel crystals fell down, and the entire maze began to disintegrate and fall apart.

The entire Xuanyang Dao Lock was completely broken.

But their eyes were empty. Apart from the maze that was constantly collapsing and disintegrating, they did not see any new scenes.

"Huh? Where's the promised dragon treasure? Why is there nothing?" Shenmu Wangding said in confusion, "Brother Lu, could it be that you made a mistake?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the ground where the paste-like colloidal crystals were disappearing suddenly shook violently, and an extremely huge object slowly rose from the ground.

As it continues to climb, the huge object gradually reveals its full appearance. It is composed of smooth lines. It looks a bit like a palace in appearance, but it is not a palace in the true sense.

Lu Yu and Liu Hongxu looked at each other and immediately knew that this was the shell of the legendary Ark on the Other Side.

The climbing process lasted for more than a quarter of an hour, but it still didn't stop.

At this time, the Dragon Mystery Hidden has lost all disguises. There is no illusion of the other side, no thunder whirlpool, and it is so unabashedly displayed in front of the world. Almost the entire seventh heaven can no longer accommodate its huge size. The size just stretches between the sky and the sky.

The position of Lu Yu and others also followed. The mystery of the dragon kept rising, and they were almost reaching the seventh level of the dome, and the Tiangang barrier above their heads was already looming.

As for the black crystal quicksand that swept across the seventh level of the sky, it had long been swept away by an inexplicable divine power. The entire sky had returned to clarity, and there was no longer any chaos and darkness...

Everyone, including Patriarch Yunxiao, couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

But Lu Yu knew the details of this mysterious dragon. As the outer shell of the Ark on the other side, it could resist the pull of the laws of various big worlds. Now it only purifies the chaos of the seventh heaven. This is not considered at all. What...

As for its huge size, after seeing the scale of Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, it is not surprising.

If it weren't for such a huge volume, how could it be possible to fit the Ten Thousand Dragon Cave as the core into it?

What's more, the Ark on the Other Side was originally designed by the Dragon God Clan. What they originally planned to load was probably giant dragons. It is not surprising that it is so large.

At this time, after the sky became clear, like the tide of the sea receding, the powerful men who were originally hidden in the void were completely without cover.

The chaotic clouds, Tianshu Star Plate, and some other powerful figures were all exposed, and the battle between Xuanshui Divine Kingdom and Fuyun Palace also stopped.

It can be imagined that the eyes of these people at this time must be all focused on this newly born treasure.

The only regret that Lu Yu felt was that the body of the super dragon was exposed, but at this time, no one should pay attention to them...

Thinking that Lu Yu had just had such an idea, Ancestor Yunxiao raised his hand and pointed at the super dragon and said: "Is that the ambush you arranged?"

Lu Yu replied: "Not bad."

Ancestor Yunxiao asked again: "What about other than that?"

Lu Yu said helplessly: "Ancestor, how many useful people do you think we can have on hand?"

Ancestor Yunxiao thought thoughtfully and said: "In that case, you must watch your own manpower to avoid being accidentally injured later!"

After saying that, brilliance suddenly surged from his body.

The scenes of Floating Cloud Palace continued to appear around him, and illusion and reality kept changing. With one step, he stepped into the illusion around him, and then his whole person disappeared along with the illusion.

The next moment, a burst of bright light suddenly erupted from the Fuyun Palace in the distance.

At the same time, the roaring voice of Patriarch Yunxiao resounded throughout the world:

"Yue Xishan, your death has come!"

Originally, the Xuanshui Kingdom was already heading towards the mysterious battle between dragons, but after the roar of Patriarch Yunxiao, the entire Xuanshui Kingdom came to an abrupt halt.

Bursts of dull sounds came from afar, and the shock caused was no less than the shock caused by Long Minzang's birth just now.

Although everyone could not see the scene, just from this shock, they could tell how fierce the battle was in the distance.

For a moment, everyone couldn't help but be stunned.

You must know that after the promotion of Long Minzang, their position has completely changed. They are at least thousands of miles away from Fuyun Palace. Unexpectedly, the ancestor of Yunxiao can still return there in an instant.

Even Lu Yu didn't expect Ancestor Yunxiao to react like this.

At this time, the Dragon Mystery Cang has been fully opened, and the entrance gate is right in front of them.

But Patriarch Yunxiao didn't take another look inside, and teleported directly back to Fuyun Palace, launching a shocking offensive against Yue Xishan's Xuanshui Kingdom.

I have to say that this was beyond Lu Yu's expectations.

"Young Master..." Liu Hongxu's eyes were complicated and he called Lu Yu in a low voice.

Obviously, she couldn't see through Patriarch Yunxiao's behavior.

"It doesn't matter..."

Lu Yu waved his hand lightly.

"Now that Ancestor Yunxiao has started taking action, we can't delay any longer... Let's proceed according to the second plan!"

The second set of plans is an alternative plan adopted when the original plan cannot be implemented.

At this time, Patriarch Yunxiao's sudden attack left them no more time to make leisurely arrangements, so everything had to start to speed up.

In an instant, the Divine Wood King Cauldron began to stretch its body and take a posture, forming the appearance of a Star Gathering Tower.

And Liu Hongxu also uttered a dragon language in a low voice, directing the super dragon in the distance to quickly move closer here.

It can be foreseen that this place will soon become the center of the battlefield where many powerful people will strangle each other.

At that time, Lu Yu will directly activate the starlight array, turning the entire area into a huge cage of starlight.

However, there is still a prerequisite for all this, which is to see when the Earth Seal God will appear...

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