Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1507 The Great Battle


While everyone was busy preparing, loud noises in the distance could be heard.

The dull sound was like knocking on everyone's hearts.

When everyone turned around to look, cracks appeared in the sky, as if it was about to burst.

Between the cracks, Xuanshui Divine Kingdom seemed to feel a huge crisis. The dark black Xuanshui kept twisting and twisting crazily, as if it was making a final struggle.

Vaguely, Lu Yu seemed to see the figures of Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing.

Sure enough, everything was as expected. The so-called "more important battlefield" they called was the battle with Ancestor Yunxiao.

Yue Xiujun revealed a pair of red eyes.

Yue Zijing showed a pair of white eyes.

Yue Xishan showed a pair of dazzling eyes.

Even though they are thousands of miles apart, the eyes of the three are still shining brightly.

The eyes of the three gradually converged.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel something in his heart.

He has always been curious about what the final form of the Three Illusions will be, and now it will finally be revealed in its entirety!

As their eyes became unified, the bodies of the three also successfully completed the fusion.

Below the bottom of Xuanshui Divine Kingdom, it suddenly became ethereal, and what appeared in Lu Yu's eyes was a perfect and harmonious unity of laws.

"Ah! That's it!"

Lu Yu couldn't help but let out a soft sigh, and suddenly realized something in his heart.

Originally, when Yue Xishan used mystical clones, he could reach hundreds or even thousands, but there were still many limitations.

The ultimate goal of the Three Illusion Techniques is to fill these gaps and restrictions. With Yue Xiujun and Yue Zijing's complement, Yue Xishan is equivalent to filling in his last shortcoming, allowing him to no longer have any restrictions. Cast a mysterious clone.

It can be said that this moment is Yue Xishan's strongest state.

Sure enough, just after Lu Yu sighed, the Xuanshui Divine Kingdom in the void shattered and disappeared without a trace.

The power of the mysterious water all gathered into a series of mysterious clones of Yue Xishan. In an instant, Yue Xishan's merged figure was everywhere in the sky.

Some figures were even distributed only a few miles away from Lu Yu and others.

Everyone couldn't help but stare.

This scene is like a hornet's nest that was suddenly overturned... No, it should be an extremely huge hornet's nest that suddenly exploded. There were densely packed black spots everywhere in the world. The number may have exceeded one hundred thousand, until Everyone felt their scalps numb.

"Is this Yue Xishan of the Jade Sea Immortal Sect?" Liu Hongxu said in astonishment.

Having devoured nearly one-third of the dragon god's power in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave, and successfully promoted to the Tiangang realm, Liu Hongxu was already very confident in her own strength, but at this moment she had to admit that this Shanwen Patriarch's The power is not something she can match at this time.

"Is this the opponent that Patriarch Yunxiao said just now that he can eliminate in a snap of his fingers?"

Everyone couldn't help but fell silent for a while.

Including Lu Yu, several people knew it well.

One hundred thousand mysterious clones are equivalent to a hundred thousand times the superposition of power. This kind of power may have already exceeded the limit that the seventh heaven can bear, and is enough to destroy the heaven and the earth!

Even if it is used to directly annihilate the seventh heaven, it is no longer a problem.

Everyone didn't want to believe that Patriarch Yunxiao was someone who would brag about Haikou, but they really couldn't imagine such power. What method should he use to resolve it?

"Yue Xishan! Today your death has come!"

One hundred thousand mysterious clones let out a roar at the same time. Our voices could no longer tell which one of the three it was, but their movements were uniform and they pointed in the direction of Fuyun Palace.

Suddenly, cracks seemed to appear in the void, and they continued to spread. Eventually, more than 100,000 cracks ended up in one place, which was where the Floating Cloud Palace was.

With such power, even Lu Yu, who had seen the power of stars many times, couldn't help but feel a chill on his back.

The Floating Cloud Palace burst into pieces and turned into dust.

Although all this was within reason, everyone still couldn't help but feel a sense of astonishment.

Could it be that the ancestor of Yunxiao was finished like this?

Everyone is thinking this.

But at this moment, they suddenly discovered that after the attack of one hundred thousand mysterious clones was completed and the Floating Cloud Palace was destroyed, the cracks in the void did not recover. Instead, they continued to spread and became more and more intense...

Yue Xishan's combined body obviously also discovered this, but the expansion of the cracks in the void was not dependent on his will, and they were unable to stop it at all.

"Yue Xishan, has no one ever told you that your biggest problem is that you tend to use too much force and cannot finish at all?"

Everyone was shocked.

Ancestor Yunxiao, who should have been wiped out in ashes long ago, didn't expect that his voice actually sounded in the void again!

Along with this sound, the cracks reached into the deep space, and a dark hole that didn't know where to go appeared.

At the same time, the fragmented light and shadow reorganized in the void, and the majestic image of Fuyun Palace appeared again.

Everyone's eyes widened, feeling incredible, but the image of Floating Cloud Palace became increasingly clear in the void.

"What the hell is going on?" Liu Hongxu asked in astonishment.

Everyone was silent for a while, and couldn't help but cast their eyes on Lu Yu.

In their minds, they all thought that only Lu Yu could explain all this...

Lu Yu couldn't help but be silent.

In fact, he could sense that the end of this empty hole was actually connected to a certain extraterritorial starry sky...

All this was somewhat similar to the connection between the ancestral dragon caves, but it was far more advanced, more complex, and more powerful than the connection between the main dragon caves!

In the dark, Lu Yu could sense that in fact, the ancestor Yunxiao used this extraterritorial starry sky to resolve Yue Xishan's attack that was enough to destroy the world.

However, this is not the most important thing. What really determines the success or failure is the ancestor Yunxiao's exquisite control of details and the precise conversion between reality and illusion, so that Yue Xishan completely fell into his preset trap.

It seems that although Yue Xishan has cultivated the three illusions of illusion, illusion and destruction, he is still not as proficient as the ancestor Yunxiao in playing this set of changes between reality and illusion.

In a duel of this magnitude, a single mistake is enough to ruin everything.

Finally, Lu Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "It seems that the Yunxiao Patriarch also has a very deep background. Perhaps his background is not weaker than that of the Diyin God..."

Accompanied by his ambiguous explanation.

A huge force suddenly erupted in the void, as if responding to the attack of the 100,000 mysterious clones before, and the densely packed mysterious clones in the sky turned into debris.

Including the original body of the Shanwen Patriarch, all of them disappeared.

The top powerhouse of the Yuhai Immortal Sect completely perished in this unprecedented battle.

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