Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1510 Ancient Emperor

Liu Hongxu listened attentively, then turned around and said to everyone: "It seems that the Sky Crystal Dragon and the others discovered something in front..."

Lu Yu said: "Then let's go over and have a look!"

He knew that if it was an ordinary discovery, the Sky Crystal Dragon would definitely not make such a fuss. The dragons must have made a very shocking discovery in front of them, so they would use dragon language to report the news.

For a moment, he didn't care to continue testing Patriarch Yunxiao.

Anyway, the ancestors of Yunxiao are already here, and the secrets here must not be hidden from him. Before the Earth Seal God has officially consecrated his head and executed him, no matter how seemingly incompatible the two sides are, it is impossible for them to break up here.

The internal structure of Long Mystic Cang has many similarities with Wanlong Cave.

There are cold, hard and dark metal passages everywhere, but there are no structures full of holes like the Wanlong Cave. Perhaps this is the difference between the outer shell and the inner core.

Soon, Lu Yu and others caught up with the dragon clan.

Dozens of giant dragons were seen, all clustered in a very wide space. They had resumed their dragon form, with their heads lowered, and they were neighing in a low voice, looking very sad.

And in the middle of the space where they were surrounded, lying quietly was a very huge dragon skeleton, which was far larger than the ancestral dragon and was almost the same as the dragon skeleton that made up Liu Hongxu's Nianlong Palace.

The entire space was filled with an atmosphere of sadness, and the actions of Tianjing Dragon and other dragons seemed to be mourning this giant dragon skeleton.

"What's going on?" Lu Yu asked.

Liu Hongxu was silent for a while, as if she was quietly listening to the whispers of the dragons. After a while, she said:

"This is an ancient emperor of the Dragon Clan, named Emperor Shuntian. His deeds are also recorded in the Star Map of the Other Side..."

"When the disaster struck, it was he who steered the ark alone to lure away the enemy, and perished with the enemy, eventually falling here..."

"In this space, Emperor Sainty used his last strength to record his experiences at the end of his life... It was his sacrifice that allowed the dragon family to continue its inheritance to this day."

"They were impressed by the deeds of Emperor Sainty, so they commemorated him one after another and showed their belated respect..."

After speaking, Liu Hongxu stretched out his hand and fiddled lightly in the void.

Suddenly, strange characters appeared in the void. These characters were different from any kind of characters Lu Yu had ever seen before. They seemed to be the language of the ancient dragon clan. Their content was exactly what Liu Hongxu mentioned about Emperor Shuntian. The last record at the end of life.

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel awe in his heart.

Not only because of Suntian Dadi's bravery and self-sacrifice...but also because of his incomparable power!

I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, but the remaining power can still remain in the void, which shows how powerful his power was at that time.

Moreover, after the fall of the Ark on the other side, there was no trace of it for so many years. It was not until Patriarch Tailing accidentally discovered any clues that he discovered it. This must be all due to him.

"It seems that Emperor Sainty was fully prepared back then!"

Lu Yu said with emotion.

"However, since it explained its final fate so clearly, then I think it should have made arrangements for various matters here..."

Liu Hongxu nodded and said: "That's true...but before that, I still need to complete the last step!"

With that said, she strode towards the bones of Emperor Sainty.

Under the gaze of all the giant dragons, she walked straight to the head of Emperor Sainty.

She did not mourn like a group of giant dragons, but her face was solemn and solemn, as if two kings were negotiating from a distance.

"Emperor, your efforts have not been in vain. Now your descendants have successfully reproduced and finally found this place successfully!"

"We will continue to inherit your legacy and let the glory of the dragon clan shine in the heavens again! Now, please rest in peace, you can return to the embrace of the Dragon God!"

After speaking, Liu Hongxu stretched out his palm and lightly pressed the center of the dragon's skull.

The power of the Dragon God burst out.

In an instant, the strange words in the void turned into thousands of giant dragons flying wildly, roaring with all their strength!

Lu Yu couldn't help being shocked.

Only then did we know that the remaining power of Emperor Shuntian in the space was not just as simple as the text display. If someone who did not have the power of the Dragon God walked into it, he would be destroyed by these remaining powers in an instant.

"It seems that there is nothing wrong with making more friends..." Ancestor Yunxiao said, "Otherwise, just cleaning up the remaining Dragon Clan emperor would take an unknown amount of effort... Xiaoyu, are you right? "

Lu Yu couldn't help but feel a chill in his heart.

The words of Patriarch Yunxiao undoubtedly showed that even without Liu Hongxu's Dragon God power, he could still conquer the Ark on the Other Side.

This is actually a threat, showing his attitude towards Tianfang flint.

Lu Yu said: "That's your ability, ancestor. I don't have such ability... But the situation here is unknown, and we don't know what kind of dangers there are ahead. Besides, there is the Earth Seal God hiding in the dark, waiting for opportunities. And Dong, it would be better to have more friends at this time... Ancestor, what do you think?"

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled slightly: "Xiaoyu is indeed a very smart person. I think what you said makes sense!"

Under the pull of the power of the Dragon God, all the giant dragon shadows in the void flew into the bones of Emperor Sainty, gathered into a bright light, and then began to scatter in all directions, even directly penetrating the dragon. The mysterious hidden architectural structure floats into the distant deep space.

Lu Yu had seen this scene before. It was exactly the scene where the Dragon God's power dissipated on its own when he broke the Dragon God's seal in the Ten Thousand Dragons Cave.

With the situation before him, it is obvious that Liu Hongxu really sent the remnants of Emperor Shuntian's power to the realm of the Dark Dragon...

The dragons suddenly began to wail in unison, as if they were paying their final farewell to the ancient emperor.

After a while, everything fell silent.

The huge skeleton of Emperor Shuntian suddenly shattered into pieces and sank into the surrounding cold, hard metal ground, turning into part of the ark on the other side.

At this time, Liu Hongxu suddenly turned around and said to Lu Yu: "According to what Emperor Shuntian said, he has set up a total of three levels to hide his tracks in the square boat. One is the Thunder Vortex, and the second is the Dao Lock Maze. This third path is Emperor Shuntian himself..."

"Just now I sent Shuntian Earth back to the realm of the Dark Dragon, which is equivalent to eliminating the last hurdle here. Next, we can finally officially see the whole picture of this place!"

"Master, are you ready?"

Lu Yu nodded slightly.

Suddenly, Liu Hongxu spoke dragon language again, but this time it was not a single sentence, but a series of dragon language.

All the dragons around her started chanting along with her rhythm, as if they were casting some kind of powerful dragon spell.

The sound of roaring dragons was everywhere.

A mysterious force quietly spreads in the void.

The entire area was gradually lit up, and the secret was no longer in constant darkness.

In an instant, the surroundings of Lu Yu and others turned into a majestic and brightly lit city!

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