Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1511 Sky Flint

To be precise, the scene in front of you cannot be regarded as a city, it can only be regarded as the framework of a city.

Lu Yu, Liu Hongxu and all the dragon clans naturally knew the reason, because this was just the outer shell of the Ark on the Other Side, and the core part had been separated and turned into the current Wanlong Cave.

In addition, many traces of damage can be seen in the framework of this city. Some places are quite seriously damaged, which looks shocking. It must have been caused by Emperor Sainty when he was driving it to fight the enemy in the end.

But all this did not affect the magnificence of the scene in front of them, and the deep shock it brought to everyone.

Vaguely, everyone seemed to be able to imagine what a spectacular scene it would be when this invincible warship crossed the star field in the sky.

After a long time, Lu Yu came back to his senses and asked Liu Hongxu in a low voice: "Is there a way to drive it again?"

Liu Hongxu glanced at him and said, "The solution is actually in your hands, Master..."

Lu Yu was stunned for a moment, then realized: "Are you talking about the black tail of the dragon fish?"

Liu Hongxu nodded slightly and said: "Actually, it's not just the dragon fish's black tail, it also requires the unanimous cooperation of all dragons, but the dragon fish's black tail is the most critical part. Only after integrating it here can we find ways to adjust it." Operation... In short, this is a very complicated process and should not be completed in a short time!"

Lu Yu nodded clearly.

Since it couldn't be completed in the short term, it couldn't be used in the next battle against the Earth Seal God, so Lu Yu had no choice but to give up the idea.

In comparison, it would be more appropriate to continue to let Shenmu Wangding keep the Dragon Fish Black Tail to maneuver at any time.


Liu Hongxu continued: "Although the Ark cannot be driven temporarily, it does not mean that it does not have any combat power. It originally contained the most outstanding attack array of the entire Dragon God Clan. As long as part of it can be repaired, it can exert a huge The power is equivalent to having an invincible fort..."

"For example...huh?"

Liu Hongxu was about to give an example to Lu Yu, but when she turned around, she found that a figure with white beard and hair and an immortal spirit had appeared in the area where she originally planned to use the example. It was none other than the ancestor of Yunxiao.

" did he get there?" Liu Hongxu said in shock.

Lu Yu couldn't help but frown slightly.

This ancestor is not a simple person. He suddenly ran over without even saying hello. He must have made an important discovery.

"Let's go and take a look!" Lu Yu said in a deep voice.

Liu Hongxu raised his hand, and a red light suddenly swept out, which was similar to the passage he used to lead the dragons.

However, the entire casting process was smoother than before. It was obviously the laws of space here that had a special bonus for her method.

Liu Hongxu turned around again, stretched out his hand to Lu Yu and said, "Sir, may I take you?"

Lu Yu hesitated for a moment, then held her hand.

After all, this place is quite far away from the area where Ancestor Yunxiao is. Even though it won't take much time if he spreads his Light Escape and flies there, it will be enough for Ancestor Yunxiao to do many things in the process.

Suddenly, a ball of red light enveloped Lu Yu.

He felt his eyes blurred, and he didn't even have time to breathe before he and Liu Hongxu arrived in front of Patriarch Yunxiao.

"What is Ancestor Yunxiao doing here?" Liu Hongxu said.

Ancestor Yunxiao was slightly stunned, obviously he did not expect Liu Hongxu and Lu Yu to follow him so quickly.

"Her Majesty the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons is so amazing! She is becoming more and more mature and comfortable in using this dragon pulling technique!" Ancestor Yunxiao praised.

Liu Hongxu said lightly: "Ancestor Yunxiao has passed. I can only move freely in this small area, but you can make the entire seventh heaven like your own courtyard. Compared with you, But it’s still far away…”

While the two were talking, Lu Yu couldn't help but turn his head and look around.

They saw a very huge object placed around where they were standing. It looked like a halberd, but its size was enough to be the size of the Nantian Gate Pillar.

Around the giant halberd, there are array devices distributed one by one. These array devices are all dim and dull, and some are even damaged. However, from their distribution trend, it cannot be seen that these arrays are different from this one. There must be some connection between the giant halberds.

Relating to what Liu Hongxu said before, Lu Yu boldly guessed that this giant halberd and the surrounding magic arrays could form a large attack array, possessing extremely huge destructive power.

"Does the ancestor know the origin of this halberd?" Lu Yu said with a thought in his heart.

The ancestor of Yunxiao said: "I don't know how many years this halberd has been loaded here. Even the many heavenly kings in the heavens and the world are probably far less old than this halberd. I don't know how many years it has been here." How do you know its origin? But I do know part of its origin..."

As he spoke, he pointed to the top of the giant halberd.

At the top of the halberd is a bright spear head, flanked by two crescent-shaped blades. It is unknown what material it is made of. Even after endless years, it still shines with a cold light.

Under the wind blade, there is a circle of strange crystals inlaid. It is this circle of strange crystals that connects the blade to the long handle.

There seemed to be flames blooming in the crystals, keeping the same color as the cold light of the blade. If you looked into it carefully, it was probably because of the existence of these crystals that the blade always maintained a cold light.

"This is... Tianfang flint?" Lu Yu said in surprise.

Although I have never seen Tianfang flint before, the scene in front of me can only match the Tianfang flint mentioned by Patriarch Yunxiao.

Ancestor Yunxiao said with a smile: "Her Majesty the Queen of Ten Thousand Dragons has not had time to answer my question directly... I wonder if I can take away the heavenly flint on this halberd?"

Liu Hongxu said: "I wonder how many ancestors of Yunxiao want to take away?"

Ancestor Yunxiao said calmly: "Everything."

Liu Hongxu's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly: "I remember what you said before, that if you have some surplus, you will take some of it away..."

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled and said: "Isn't this a surplus? Compared with the Dragon Clan's lost and recovered treasure, this mere attack array should be nothing, right?"

Liu Hongxu snorted coldly and was about to have a seizure.

Ancestor Yunxiao continued: "Besides, if you want to attract the Earth Seal God to dispatch, you must disassemble this halberd. Unless you don't want to continue to deal with the Earth Seal God, otherwise, this halberd will The halberd can’t be saved in the first place!”

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