Nine Turns of Nirvana

Chapter 1514 Countdown to the decisive battle

Lu Yu could feel that the mechanical arm of Ancestor Yunxiao was by no means an ordinary thing, but judging from his disassembly and fusion of the Tianfang flint, it was far more powerful than the Divine Wood King Cauldron.

But the Divine Wood King Cauldron was made by Tianjun. In the words of the old man Tianjian, it has a ray of supreme aura, but the mechanical arm of the Yunxiao Ancestor is far more powerful than the Divine Wood King Cauldron. What will this be like? Creation?

However, at this moment, he didn't have much time to think about this problem, and he immediately started thinking about how to deal with the Earth Seal God.

Galaxy Sword...

A group of powerful Tiangang warriors hidden in the Conch of Spring...

The sacred wooden king tripod has been unfolded into the shape of the Star Gathering Tower...

Old Man Tianjian, who is ready to come riding the starlight at any time...

Ancestor Wangchuan who can hijack the laws of the seventh heaven at any time...

All of these are ready.

The only aspect is Liu Hongxu's side. As she just mentioned, it seems that she can repair part of the attack array of the Ark on the Other Side.

Originally, what she was most interested in was the attack array with the giant halberd as its core, but now that all the flints from the heavens on the halberd have been dug out, it is definitely impossible to continue repairing this place...

I don’t know if there is any possibility of repairing other areas? If possible, how much time would it take?

Therefore, Lu Yu couldn't help but look at Liu Hongxu and asked for her opinion.

Liu Hongxu said: "Emperor Sainty mentioned a total of three attack arrays. After simple repairs, the dragon clan can be used for self-protection..."

"Originally this is the simplest place, but if it doesn't come in handy, you can only choose one of the other two places..."

"Judging from our current manpower, I think it will take at least an hour to repair it!"

Lu Yu turned to look at Ancestor Yunxiao and said, "One hour... I wonder if there is any problem?"

He is not worried about anything else. The only thing he is worried about is the mysterious strong man hidden in the chaotic clouds. At this time, the strong man has also been restricted by the space cracks in the sky and cannot get over for the time being. But who I don’t know what the situation will be like an hour later.

If the space cracks have disappeared by then and the mysterious strong men in the chaotic clouds can travel freely, it will undoubtedly bring many variables to their plans.

The ancestor of Yunxiao obviously knew what Lu Yu was asking, and said directly: "The space cracks outside will not disappear in a short time. I couldn't see through the mysterious figure in the chaotic clouds for a while. Reality, if it takes an hour to prepare, I may need to go over and make it a little more difficult for him..."

Lu Yu said in shock: "If you rush over now, won't there be any problems?"

Ancestor Yunxiao put his hand away.

Immediately, the entire mechanical arm changed rapidly. After a burst of flesh and blood, the metallic shiny mechanical arm disappeared and turned into a normal human arm, together with the Tianfang flint.

The ancestor of Yunxiao then smiled proudly and said: "At this time, the entire seventh heaven is completely my domain. I can use it to travel freely. As long as it is not the Earth Seal God himself, who can do anything to me? ?”

"It can be said that Diyin Shenzun has a cautious character. He is definitely a person who will never let go of the rabbit before he sees the rabbit. How can he take action easily without absolute certainty? Otherwise, when Yue Xishan was finished before, he should have shown up! "

Lu Yu suddenly felt something in his heart and said, "Since my ancestor is so powerful, I wonder if he can take me with him when he travels freely?"

Ancestor Yunxiao raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "Do you also want to meet that mysterious figure in the chaotic clouds?"

"No, I want to see the Saint of Heavenly Palace." Lu Yu said.

Seeing that the two people were obviously stunned, Lu Yu explained: "The Saint of Tiangong is an extremely key figure in Bixiao Shrine's execution of the world-destroying plan, and plays a decisive role in the new jade weapon they want to create..."

"And I happen to have a very close relationship with her. I can try to win her over. If he can stand on our side and strike back at the Emperor Flame God, then our entire plan will be It will be smoother!”

Liu Hongxu asked: "Isn't this too risky? After all... that is the Saint of Heavenly Palace!"

Lu Yu said: "Don't worry, I have my own sense of discretion. Besides, isn't there still an ancestor here?"

Ancestor Yunxiao took a deep look at Lu Yu and said: "I believe in your judgment. Since you feel that it is necessary to see the Saint of Heavenly Palace at this time, there should be nothing wrong... I can take you Go look for her, she should still be controlling the Tianshu star chart, I think it won’t be too difficult to find..."

Lu Yu said: "Then it will be useful."

Then, several people discussed a few more words.

It was agreed that one hour later, Ancestor Yunxiao would use the Tianfang flint to lure the Earth Seal God directly to Fuyun Palace.

Liu Hongxu, on his side, will also aim the repaired attack array directly at Ancestor Yunxiao's Fuyun Palace.

At that time, Fuyun Palace will be used as the center of the battlefield, and the final decisive battle will begin with the Earth Seal God.

After everything was discussed, Liu Hongxu did not hold back any more and directly spread out a red light and rushed towards the direction of the dragons, preparing to help them repair the attack array here.

Ancestor Yunxiao gave Lu Yu a weird smile and said, "Xiao Yu, are you ready?"

After saying that, without waiting for Lu Yu's response, a light suddenly filled his body.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yu felt that the scenery in front of him was rapidly distorting, and the whole thing seemed to have entered a strange and bizarre world.

Lu Yu knew that this was the scene in the space crack.

He had already had the experience of entering the Zulong Crypt and traveling thousands of miles away. Although the scene in front of him was strange, it was nothing to him and did not cause any discomfort to him.

Not long after, the distorted world began to recover. When Zhang Luyu's eyes became clear again, he had arrived at a brand new place.

This place is in mid-air. It was originally very vast, but due to the emergence of space cracks, the originally vast space became like a primeval forest, full of unknown dangers.

A huge disk appeared in Lu Yu's sight and was continuously circling in this "primitive forest".

"That should be the Saint of Tiangong!" Ancestor Yunxiao said, "Do you need me to accompany you to find her?"

Lu Yu shook his head and said: "Ancestor, let's solve the trouble of the mysterious strong man first. We must keep him trapped in the same place!"

Ancestor Yunxiao smiled and said, "Then be careful!"

After saying that, his figure fell into a space crack next to him and disappeared.

Lu Yu took a deep breath, used the Galaxy Sword as a driving force, and transformed into the sword light, leaning towards the Tianshu Star Disk not far away.

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